

Shoot the messenger...miss the ENTIRE fuck outta the message....Read the bio..

'Tis what niggas do. Skim through shit....Crack jokes uninformed and ride off on their high horse to cackle and wax philosophical about some more shit they half assed read or looked at. Ninjas..Gotta love em! Over 4500 posts here and you skim over the first page (the first 20) , miss the KEY FACTS OVER THERE ON THE SIDE, make your deductions and sniggle in some comments. Stupid smart mofos....smh

I don't care WHAT YOU CALL YOURSELF. All that pseudo feminist, militant, and all that other 'if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything' bullshit that some of you hide behind matters not to me when it comes to the message that I may pass on. I won't even say that I 'give out' 'cause I don't lay claim to knowing it all. Some of it comes to me and pass it along. That's it.

You see, I don't have to make a 'separate' blog to 'hide behind' when I want to post up about what is right or wrong. I don't have to hide behind 'whatever my cause is' and act like I don't have 'feelings' or thoughts that are 'improper' (to you anyway) only to have them exposed later (like they ALWAYS DO FOR THOSE WHO RIDE SO HARD FOR A CAUSE..). Nope. I am human and I ACCEPT THAT. If you can't, then FUCK YOU. Period. Have fun with that shit you are hiding behind and your secret lives and secret blogs. Secret Tumblrs and shit. This is me nigga. Take it or leave it. If I help ONE PERSON by speaking my mind in the midst of ALL THIS TITTY AND ASS then it is one more person helped. Period. Unfortunately, I KNOW MY AUDIENCE AND I KNOW THEY DON'T RESPOND WELL TO BEING PREACHED TO ALL THE TIME. That shit doesn't work. So I give them what they want and then hit 'em with a message or two in between. And guess what? It works Mr./Mrs. Feminist, Militant, for the people, Trill, or whatever fucking fake ass moniker you are hiding behind.

The irony is I have made SEVERAL posts to the subject. I actually don't like that the top subjects here are what they are and I have ADDRESSED that several times. I like the subjects and am not ashamed of them but I would much rather the bullying post to be the top topic (See the side). Or the interviews. (See the side. I change the links all the time). Why do you think I put that section there? For fun? No dumb ass, it was so that people WOULD SEE IT AND READ 'EM AND THEY WOULD BECOME 'POPULAR'. They are too but when you post up ESPN PICTURES OF SERENA FIRST, that shit is gonna be on top. Sorry. When you post up pics of a 205 pound woman who is dispelling the myths of what a 205 pound woman should look like FIRST, you are gonna get hits. When you are dispelling the rumors that the people only look good with photoshop, you will GET HITS.  I will continue to do that. Not ashamed of that. Fuck you for trying to make me feel that way too but it doesn't mean I am any LESS PROUD of the other stuff here. There is OTHER STUFF HERE though. You have to look through the blog. If you can't see that, I don't know what else to tell you...

So chuckle it up my nig and niggets. Keep missing the messages and stoning the fuck outta the messenger. (And keep on supporting WSHH and that other bullshit you chuckle it up about..) FINE FUCKING JOB YOU ARE DOING worrying about that shit. Just remember, the person you are stoning is ON YOUR SIDE.Probably working right along side of you. Only this person doesn't 'hide' who they are as a whole. Unlike you....

Furthermore.....Everyone up here either ASKED TO BE HERE or puts their stuff out there TO GET EXPOSURE TO MAKE MONEY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE. You might not agree with it but that is NOT YOUR CALL so you can get off your horse with that shit. They are MORE THAN OKAY WITH THE EXPOSURE. It is done in a way that isn't classless. Nobody is here talking about wanting to fuck 'em or none of that shit. Pics or videos go up, respect is paid, their name gets out and everyone goes along their merry little way. Nobody is up here posing in front of Barack Obama and MLK in the club and it being 'accepted' or anything like that. Nobody in any of the videos that I am posting up ARE KILLING PEOPLE, talking about some wack ass Intruder Song or any of that other coonery you negroes eat up. I post up woman. @ the 'bad thing I do'....Ooooooooooooohh...Heaven forbid. Yet, there on that horse you stand....GTFOHWTS....Miss me all the way with that.

Like I said on the Tumblr....Just so we are CLEAR THAT I AM TALKING TO YOU. (Or anyone who feels that way...)

The post that I made that 'started' all of this lil sniggling...'cause God forbid I post up pictures of attractive people and then speak on something of 'substance'. Fuck you and your box bitch you are trying to put me in. You get in your box but leave me out of it. I won't wax on about ages and growing up but I will say hopefully one day you will learn that liking one things a lot doesn't mean one doesn't ENJOY and believe in something else. Or that right isn't right. Regardless as to where it 'comes from'. You can't pick and choose right. If it is right, it is right. One day. Hopefully.

"Which makes the post all the more important. I post ‘important’, War and Peace posts there all the time. Needless to see, a Google search and keywords tell you what really rule the Internet. My blog is not that big fam. I don’t have ANY marketing. Yet people find the things you pointed out and not the things ‘important’ things. That’s how it goes though. Glad you had a laugh. Get at me next time though…I’ll respond…"

That's all you gotta do..What I wrote up there...The blog is right here. The Tumblr is RIGHT HERE. That is unless that fake ass cause you got going on is just a facade like I called it. If you REALLY want to help and you think what I am doing is a problem, come talk to me.....

(Goes back to posting more things I like...)

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