

To all the 'your Moms', 'your daughters', 'your (insert a female you care about here)' sites, rousle rabblers...


Every woman in the World is someone's Mom, daughter,niece and the like. Not really sure if you think you are 'hipping' us to something new here or what it is you are compensating for with the titles fam. You sound A LITTLE like a ninja that doesn't get any pussy. I am just gonna be blunt about that.

Now I think it is no secret I have little girls and THE BLOG & TUMBLR are both CHOCKED full of pictures of WOMEN. However, there is no part of me that takes the CLEAR SATISFACTION that some of you derive from stating what is FUCKING OBVIOUS in regards to the relationship that the females that you are posting up have with the various people in their lives.

I mean I suppose I could start a tumblr or a blog entitled, "Stupid Male Chauvinistic Neanderthal Sons Who Get No Pussy' Or 'Above It All Closest Freaks Who Are Mad 'Cause They Either Have No Swag Or Lost That Shit Ten Years Ago' but I digress. I just wanted to let you know how lame you are for the underlying 'dissing' you are doing by naming your shit such names and the open clowning you do in regards to the pictures. As if we didn't know that SOMEBODY gave birth to her or that someone with some sperm had to assist in some fashion......

Furthermore, you SUPER GENIUSES who are running around labeling things 'Your Daughter', you sound like the 15 year old who HONESTLY THINKS THEIR girlfriend/person they are dating/whatever you wanna call it Dad DOESN'T HAVE ANY CLUE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON. Like he doesn't know she might have a penchant for giving head. HELLO, HER MOTHER GAVE HIM HEAD IN THE WHIP NINJA! He knows what it is. He doesn't 'dwell on it' and he does what he can to STOP IT but you aren't bringing NOTHING to the AVERAGE PARENTS attention that they didn't already know. I don't care WHAT THEY SAY. If you made that child YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GAVE 'EM. @ the genes and tendencies. So I am not trying to hear that or buy into you 'exposing' something under the guise of one not knowing. It is like telling me the Sun is hot or water is wet you dipshit. No shit.

I had MANY A DAD TELL ME STRAIGHT UP 'Look here lil nigga, I KNOW what the fuck is going on. Don't fuck up though...' at the BEHEST OF MY FATHER TELLING HIM TO TELL ME. So if this was happening twenty some years ago fuck makes you think you are INVENTING THE WHEEL with the lil captions and shit? Guess you never heard of the 'shotgun wedding'...'cause back then that is how it went down. 'CAUSE THEY KNEW THEIR DAUGHTER WAS FUCKING' and they set out to prove it. Once they did, you got that message with the shotgun in hand. Marry or be gone my man...So folks have BEEN KNOWING what was going on. Mighta turned a DEAF EAR TO IT but by and large it is common knowledge.

Oh and you "Mom In the Club/exposed/Mom's doing things they have no business doing' niggas? ('Cause it is more than one) what did you think your Moms was doing with the 'Mr. Larrys, Mr. Bills, Uncle Joes' when you were 'spending time with your Aunt in Queens/down the road or where ever the fuck she lived at? You thought they were going to play Bingo? Oh they just went to the movies and shit huh? You never noticed you got dropped off REAL EARLY so she could come back and change into those clothes WAY BACK IN HER CLOSET did you? Or maybe you DID SEE IT 'cause Moms just straight left your ass at home and you had to endure all those 'noises in the night' and shit. A nigga Ving Rhames in the kitchen in the morning cooking up some links and shit huh? No wonder some of you despise Baby Boy and hate Tyrese. That was you....

Something happened for you to derive all this 'PLEASURE' of exposing women. I am not talking about just merely posting up pictures of  WOMAN who submit stuff to you or get on their OWN PAGES and upload photos of themselves. Those woman have obviously made a choice to be seen and want that attention. I have no issues with that AT ALL. I am talking about you 'up on your horse' ass niggas who think you are doing a 'public service to expose these hoes' ass mofos. Who take even those pictures that the girls who willingly take the photos and try to mock them to make yourselves feel better by bringing them down. That is what I am talking about. What's good with that playa? Did you learn that from whatever situation, person, what have you, that was enslaving you? @ the pattern of behavior. I mean out of ALL THE PICTURES YOU HAVE SEEN ME POST HERE YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ME CAPTION IT WITH ANY TYPE OF AIR OTHER THAN APPRECIATION. I make sure of that. I have PASSED on posting some pictures for that very reason. I know how easily swayed some of you are quite honestly and I would be part of the problem if I promoted that. So I don't.

I guess what I don't understand is why we can't look and appreciate the shit without all the 'negative' mess to go with it? Why do we always have to feel we are 'one up' on someone and do it in that manner?

Obviously, sites like that will always exist so this isn't some plea for them to stop. That would be a waste of time truthfully. I am not that big of a site for one and for two, ignorance on the Web sells. These are facts that I know to be true and I have accepted. Doesn't mean that I have to sit back and either get lumped in with them (I know some of you feel that I am the same. My intentions are not. No ridicule here..) or not speak on it though. So I am speaking....Deal with it..

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