

On: Remembering just because a person can rap, model, or is a known 'talent'...

it doesn't make them 'talented' as people.

Had to remind MYSELF of this a lot more recently. Take my own advice. Let me not be cryptic. Since this isn't Twitter, where I had to take 140 words at a time to get my point across. I am talking about the interaction that I have with some of the folks that I feature here AND some of the interactions OTHERS HAVE HAD WITH THE SAME TYPE OF FOLKS. In particular folks that I don't 'know' personally' but only 'know' via a chance meeting or the Internet. Those that I know, have contact info on, have broken bread with, etc, etc, etc....I am NOT TALKING ABOUT THEM. If you fall into that category and I had an issue with you, I woulda hit you up via G-Chat, email, came to your house, the phone, etc. by now. I actually tweeted on the subject....albeit in a vac um as that pretty personal.

The tweets are down at the bottom of the page....All of them...I have a couple of things to say to those 'talented' people....Just a few..If you know me, you know it is gonna to the point....


"Who knew thanking a person, complimenting them ON THEIR CRAFT, would be a 'bad idea' and get a tweet 'taken back'? Guess I know now huh? Maybe I should just be a 'hater' like everyone else and find the flaws? Naw...Just stop expecting them to have common sense & let 'em know about themselves..." 

But I don't do short versions here....Walk with me..

Look man, nobody...AND I MEAN NOBODY OVER HERE is swinging from YOUR NUTS or YOUR CLIT. Period. You make MUSIC CUZ, look good, take pictures, or whatever it is you do. Music about shit that quite honestly, I have ALREADY BEEN THROUGH. Pictures of gals I have seen that DEFINITELY have equals. So I while I can 'connect' with it, you aren't TEACHING ME SHIT. All of those revelations about 'life, the game, bitches, and a corrupt government' you talk about? I came to those A LONG TIME AGO. All that railing on about God, his goodness, and the like? Yeah..I actually PAID ATTENTION IN BIBLE SCHOOL IN THE SUMMER. I know it and if I wanted to seek 'salvation', I don't need it via a book. If I wanted to talk to a 'gangster' or a hustler, I would talk to my OWN FAMILY MEMBERS..(Shoutout to my cousin who JUST GOT OUTTA JAIL OFFA 10 YEAR wop in North Carolina...Did his time in the cell and wasn't no tell..) I don't NEED A RAPPER, A POET, A SINGER, A MODEL OR ANY OF THAT OTHER SHIT to look up to. I'm my own fucking role model. I DAMM sure don't need your @ on Twitter to 'validate' what I tweeted. It wasn't gossip. It was YOUR PRODUCT.

So if you felt like I 'groupie'd you' on your time line by PAYING YOU A COMPLIMENT ON YOUR WORK, you need to be checked for that. That is PURE BULLSHIT. You said some nice words, wrote a hot song, painted a nice picture, took a nice picture, got something that I like or something for me to do it for sure and the TRAFFIC HERE IS REVENUE.  BUT LETS NOT FUCKING ACT LIKE YOU ARE OUT HERE CURING CANCER MY NIGS & NIGGETS....Lets not act like you are Tony Montana...Skinny Joey Merlino....of the actual Teflon Don. You play that shit in your songs and YOU MIGHT (I said might) have done some shit in the past but it is NOT YOUR EVERYDAY. 'Cause if it was as the white boy told Benzino, "You should be out somewhere KILLING SOMEBODY RIGHT NOW.." You aren't out here bringing down a bad government a la Egypt.  Lets not get so far ahead of yourself that you can't take a compliment. I know 'shots' get fired at you 'cause of what you do and I get that but that is not what I am here for and nothing I have EVER done was close to that on here. If I want to take 'shots' I take 'em direct & there would be no 'guess' in it.

Now I have some 'friends' in this business so I DEFINITELY understand that you can't 'respond' to every one. So I APPRECIATE that you RT'd what I said. So much so that I make sure I speak again.  That doesn't mean that if you DO RESPOND to me I am just supposed to act like it is cool you put up a tweet and then took it down. I want to name names but I AM NOT 100% SURE THEY RUN THEIR OWN ACCOUNTS. When I see one of them this June, that is the FIRST question I will be asking them. So I will give that benefit of the doubt that it is someone running it who doesn't have the proper media training. I am promoting YOUR ARTIST. Essentially RISK FREE outta your pocket (I get paid but not by them...). How could you SCREW THAT SHIT UP? That is...if they aren't being ran by the artist. Hell, if they ARE BEING RAN BY THE ARTIST...How could you screw up free promotion..If it weren't for 'free promotion', I don't care at WHAT LEVEL YOU ARE ON, you wouldn't be where you are. Period. You'd still be doing whatever it is you are saying you 'aren't doing in your videos to keep the law offa you. Do you treat all your supporters that way? Or just the ones you don't wanna fuck?

Reason #2 why I won't give the names. I gave free promotion, got a thank you and then basically a 'Fuck you' by it being taken back. Fuck I look like GIVING IT AGAIN IF IT ISN'T APPRECIATED...Fuck I look like giving it again? Which is the REAL reason I am writing about this. You thank me but when I say something back, rather than just NOT RESPONDING back to whatever 'positive' thing I said, you ERASE THE TWEET? Really? Wow...just wow...

Its a 'tweet' Mr. Blogger. Calm down- You.

Nope. I won't...Here is why...Mr. Artist. If you did it to me, you have done it before. How many fans do you think that you will have if you continue to do things in that fashion? Even to the 'hood niggas' that want to rob you and could give less than two shits about you 'have your back'. Or better still when you aren't 'on top' anymore and you want to 'come back'..if you ever make it on top.

Crazy thing is I actually BUY THEIR MUSIC. Or did. Oh, I will download it first but I actually MAKE PURCHASES. You know....That show up on the 'labels' bottom lines. That help you secure 'deals' and distribution..If you are an Independent, that is 'STRAIGHT CASH HOMIE' (Randy Moss voice) ..You know the 'accounting side of it'. So EVEN IF I 'bothered' you on the timeline 'cause you thought I was a 'girl' (That has REALLY HAPPENED YA'LL. No bullshit..) it was the WRONG THING TO DO to someone who understands that you are in to MAKE MONEY & be seen. Never again will I 'BUY' any of your stuff. Concerts? I have press credentials so I won't have to worry about 'paying for that EITHER'. Appearances at clubs on Queens Chapel Road? If it isn't free..naw...Your new book? I will have it in a file before you get to get that first SIGNED COPY to your cousin back in Tidewater and won't have paid a cent. Welcome to the new age consumer. Where we are actually your biggest promoters and supporters and the backlash is HEAVY.
I got a good mind to tuck this story 'till the time is RIGHT 'cause I know that the people who have acted like this WILL DO IT AGAIN. Hopefully they will actually be 'relevant' when it  It is their 'true self' showing. All the rest of that shit is a facade. I forgot. My bad. Won't do it again. Which is a shame too because now that 'right to be an asshole' 'cause you don't owe me shit attitude you have as you are reading this (or if you are taking their side of it) is the SAME ONE I WILL HAVE IF I CAN CAPITALIZE OFF OF IT. Which isn't my 'nature'. So I will address it here and let it DIE.

On artist/people on the Net (Twitter in particular) who only respond when you totally 'stan out'/want to be sweated/only talk to girls (males) ..Especially on Twitter-

Look...again.  I like your work. I may even think you are attractive or that my viewers might like you. So! WHAT! I am not going to 'stan out' over that shit. Take the post AS THE COMPLIMENT and if I give more then so be it. If not, oh well. Don't come expecting me to come talking to you like 'Babyface' for a fucking RT. No. I refuse. So all of you who don't Retweet because I haven't 'done that yet', wait on it. I see you retweeting the shit outta things that sound like lyrics outta bad simpin' R&B song and I am not talking about 'Baby you bad either' or 'Your song is dope..' Those statements are fine. I am talking about that 'drink your bathwater'  ' You are better than (insert hottest rapper out) now. You are not the first pretty girl I have ever been around. You SURELY aren't the first DJ I have ever known, nor radio personality (Hey distant cousin Tara..) I have ever known. You are not the first pro football player I have known, the first nigga with the keys to 'nigga city' that can get me into anywhere I want for free or any of the other titles you can think of. I am good my nig. Trust me. So I am NOT gonna sweat you all out on my Twitter timeline. If I HAPPEN to think you are the best & have verbalized it, so be it. Not gonna say it so you can '@' me back though. Sorry. Respect is earned and some of you think I (and everyone else) should just give it to you 'cause you make the niggas in your hood go crazy with your special brand of 'bullshit'. No. While there is only 'one' you, ON THE SURFACE there are A MILLION OF 'YOU'...if you understand what I am saying...I prove that EVERYDAY. Everyday I post a DIFFERENT bad broad, different DOPE MC, different dope photographer, a DIFFERENT up and coming athlete...a different dude who would just as soon shoot you than breath the same air as you 'cause he thinks he is that get the picture. There are a MILLION YOUS out there vying for attention. Don't fuck it up by being an ass about whatever it is you do...Be confident for sure but not an ass....Don't take no shit but don't go around giving it out..

If you are one of these artists that only likes it when 'girls' @ them, MAKE THAT SHIT KNOWN IN YOUR PROFILE. I am not Ms. Cleo nigga! I don't KNOW THAT. Here I am thinking that maybe...JUST are on Twitter to interact with those that support your craft. Not to pick up ass. No, we don't need to have a twenty tweet convo either. I get that. Lets not act like I am supposed to know when you wanna talk either. I don't know you....remember?? For all of that, JUST DON'T SPEAK at all. That would be better than that shit...

Hope you hopefuls are taking notes. You may not 'owe anyone shit' because you 'do what you do' but remember that shit goes both ways. People don't owe you a pass just because you 'do what you do'. Some of those people might have a voice.

  1. Hell even if you ARE KNOWN, plenty of other places to get known.
  2. fuck makes you think I won't DO IT TO YOU?
  3. And won't ever breath your name on blog again. I already have one popular rapper I do that with now. So if you are 'unknown' to the masses..
  4. You don't want me to blog your shit? PLEASE SAY SO. I will stop YESTERDAY...
  5. 'Cause of that. That's why. The kicker is, those posts aren't the 'popular' ones..lmao. That's the kicker. So whose really losing?
  6. I am addressing the DMs I get about 'Why so many females?' Why don't you support this/that/and third? You wanna know why?

  1. Maybe I'll just keep to responding to the ladies...and if you RT what I put up on the blog so be it....Fuck it.
  3. Behind the entourages and shit, when we are face to face, SHIT DOESN'T GET SAID. I met a couple of ya'll. It is all chuckles and shit.
  4. That is TWICE that a rapper has deleted a tweet. Didn't say anything outta the way. Didn't say 'put me on' or no shit like that.
  5. I get the sense that if you SPEAK to a dude on here about their work too much, they get to feeling some kinda way. Which is stupid.

  6. If you follow this account and wonder why I only talk to the females, look no further than the very few MALE tweet responses I have back  

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