

For all of you talking that 'People should push Blake Griffin in the air'

This is the type of dumb shit that happens when you DO STUFF LIKE THAT. There are NO AMOUNT OF 'I didn't mean to hurt him' you can say after you paralyze a kid (in this case temporarily) because of a damm basketball game. All because you can't stop him. This kid had a BREAKAWAY DUNK...Wasn't shit else to be done. I don't know OR CARE if it was 'game point'. You DON'T UNDERCUT PEOPLE/PUSH PEOPLE while they are in the air. You could SERIOUSLY hurt someone. Just because YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IT DONE (until now after this video) doesn't mean it can't happen.

1 comment:

  1. When people pull stunts like that, even in a high school game, it should be prosecuted as a CRIME
