

On Charlie Sheen and all the fuss he has created...

*It is a whole lot easier for me to just use my forum to express my 'general' opinion on the subject than to Tweet, email, phone, and stand around talking to EVERYONE I know who wants to have this conversation with me. Hence the post. There are at least 20 of you that want to do this so here is my general take on it. We can kinda go from there. @ any correspondence about it from here on out.

He sure knows a lot about what he is doing. @ the marketing. The interviews. The Twitter. Is it that easy to get 'crowned'? I mean I know that what is 'normal' is not looked at as normal but damm....I understand it is fuck the system but damm....

Now maybe what I said in that statement is WHY you guys are a enthralled with the tweets, the interviews and shit. It is kinda hard for me to get that way about a man who by the MERE CHANGING OF HIS NAME has shown me he can be manipulative and carefree. I called him 'Carlos' but lets give his REAL REAL REAL NAME ONE TIME...You ready?

Carlos Irwin Estevez

Oh, you thought I was bullshitting? THAT'S THAT NIGGA'S NAME...Carlos. Not Charlie. Carlos. What was wrong with his given name? Hmmmm...Keep reading...

Big deal you say? Stars change their names ALL THE FUCKING TIME? They do. Sure they do. For VARIOUS REASONS. If you can't figure out that this man changed his name to 'get away from any TRACES of his ethnic background' AND WHY HE WOULD WANT TO DO SO then the conversation stops RIGHT HERE. Emilio didn't change his. Most cats want to make THEIR OWN NAME @ the 'Its his Dad's name thing in a way. I just find it quite interesting that he did that. He already knows HOW TO PLAY THE GAME. He showed you that RIGHT THEN. So these latest 'actions' (if that is what you wanna call 'em) are CHILD'S PLAY compared to the manipulation he has been RUNNING ON CATS FOR YEARS. lol

Once I found that out about him, while DEFINITELY NOT MAD AT HIM FOR IT, I knew RIGHT THEN, he was liable to do any and everything for attention and he didn't give TWO SHITS HOW HE LOOKED DOING IT. Even and especially if it meant, BUCKING THE SYSTEM. 'tis is what he does.  He has been wildin' out.

Probably not telling SOME OF you anything new btw. I know you KNOW. What I am telling you is this though. These types of things just don't 'excite' me though. Sorry. No knock on ya'll. I put the video up 'cause it is news. @ Stern joint. While I guess people are gonna take it any way they like and I can't do much about it, I can say that he means about as much to me as some of the 'regular' folks that people in my area 'respect'. I'll give a you a hint..The number is somewhere between 0-10% and a WHOLE LOT CLOSER TO ZERO. I am pretty NEUTRAL on him and the story. In case you didn't pick that up. But I WILL talk about it for spell. I am done with it now though..Ya'll can have it back. Make up the cliches. Run with the hot words. I'm GOOD.

That man is living his life. I got mine to live and while I understand what he is doing I can't in good faith celebrate it. "Cause I know that if he keeps fucking around, that game he is playing is gonna get played back.

Then again, I don't give a shit what happens to him anyway. Right? Exactly. So why should I GET THAT WRAPPED UP IN IT? You see, I fear that a lot of you will somehow take what Charlie is doing and try to apply it to YOUR LIFE. You don't have three things Charlie has though.

80 million dollars

Access to the press to make more money if the 80 million is blown (Oh it CAN GET BLOWN. Trust me. I know street math is some of ya'll strong suites but this isn't 'I'll just go down and intimidate my money back' type of shit he is dealing with. They have goons too. Both illegal and legal. @ The Feds.) 

The ability to pass as something you are 'not' both via physical appearance & by Hollywood lineage. 

Yes, I am saying he is 'passing'. As in..LIKE WHEN BLACK PEOPLE WHO WERE LIGHT ENOUGH TO LOOK WHITE PASSED OFF AS SUCH. Let me be clear. Oh you thought it was just Black people? WRONG!- Charlie Murphy...

Read 'em and weep people. Especially that last one. So try as you might to 'sympathize' with Charlie and make him 'one of us' via being vilified by the media, you are not him. For even if you get the first two, you can't buy that last one. Either you have the ability to or you don't. Charlie will be aight. You WON'T. Pull a Charlie if you like though....Go ahead. Don't say ole Carolina didn't tell "Don't jump!"....

Furthermore, this sick ass obsession 'we' (Yes, nigga I said we!) have with 'claiming all that is wrong with the world...even if it is dead wrong..' is a bunch of bullshit. I understand not conforming to 'bullshit'. TRUST ME I DO. But running around like a rebellious teenager angry at everything that has 'structure' is pretty FUCKING SAD. (Wait, is that why ya'll like Odd Future??) Grow the fuck up. Don't ridicule the man for what he is 'going through' but at the same time lets not ASPIRE TO BE LIKE HIM EITHER aight? I mean RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE THIS, HE IS LOOKING FOR HIS TWINS. His kids. That sound role modelesque to you? You know a lot of you retell that pain of your parents not being around via song, poem or just outright statements so while I understand the familiarity of the situation wouldn't you want to do BETTER? It is a question..btw. Not an indictment of you are your feelings.

Find the FUCKING BALANCE! Then 'we' get mad when 'we' are looked at in a negative light? Yeah.....

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