

On Loyalty.....Carolinaware style.......

I understand what some of you are saying when you go around 'touting' loyalty but it is equally as flawed to grant someone a pass to your life based on the fact that they have happened to stick around in your life for the last 20 years. People change man. You may change. Going on what you decided to 'be in life' at the MATURE AGE OF 12 YEARS old and applying to your NOW 30SOMETHING year old life is pretty fucking stupid IF IT KEEPS LANDING YOU IN TROUBLE. Especially when it is the form of a person, motto, thing or place. It just isn't sound living. You should be loyal TO YOURSELF. Then work on being loyal to others. That way you won't find yourself in situations where you are at a 'crossroads' like many of you do. @ doing others dirty. That is how that comes about. Who the fuck 'knows themselves' TRULY at 12 years old? 15 years old? 18 years old? Yeah.....Shit sounds silly now doesn't it? But yet, here you go, going on what you 'said' and decided at those ages and still fucking up. When will you learn young man/woman? When you are taking your last gasp of air over some of that 'loyalty'?

You know a lot of you say WITH CONFIDENCE what your mans/woman would 'think or do' now that they are gone but common sense says that you CAN'T KNOW THAT because we can't speak to the dead. I know what they said when they were alive but what about NOW?

Now that their actions have led to their demise?

What about now as their kids suffer from their ABSENCE behind those VERY THINGS THEY WERE LOYAL TO?

I have lost people so PLEASE don't run up on me with that 'You don't know anything about that...' You aren't the only one who has lost people you fuck with so you can STOP RIGHT THERE CHIEF. I have also had the unfortunate experience of hearing regret as someone takes those last few gasps of air. To hear that regret...see that slow realization that everything they were loyal to has bought them to their demise. Shit ain't fun- Jeezy...

Go ahead and be dismissive with your usual denial statements (Oh he must not have been a real nigga then....Oh she wasn't 'bout that life then.. and all the other bullshit you all comfort each other with to mask that fear that breeds the activity that you do.) It is okay. I know better. I also see the RESULTS so even IF YOUR MANS/WOMAN and 'em MEANT EVERY WORD of what they said, it doesn't make them correct. Their family is suffering. Their kids are suffering. For all of their 'independent' talk and how they took care of everything, the ROLES HAVE NOW BEEN REVERSED and everyone else is left to take CARE OF THEIR BUSINESS. Ironic no?

You don't hear me though...I am 'preaching' to you. My bad. Don't say I didn't say anything though. Live your life nigga. Just don't expect me to feel bad....Don't come talking 'ruefully' to me after you realize that the folks you have been loyal to, that game that you have been loyal to, that way of life you have been loyal to was NOT LOYAL TO YOU and fucked your life up. I'm the 'square' remember? I don't know shit.....I am not 'down'..I'm not cool...Even though you used to seek refuge within 'my life', my ways and just by being around me. @ hanging around me to get away from the bullshit. That is very frustrating to me. To know that you KNOW enough to 'get away from it' temporarily yet flock back to that shit like it is all that you can do. You don't talk like that around me and you know I don't 'respect' none of that shit because that is not what 'we' are about. @ how we communicate. I want to help you but you won't let me. Or maybe just being around me is helping...I dunno..All I do know is that I have NEVER LIED or shied away about how I feel about the certain bullshit that you do and vice versa. I can't start now. Take the statement I put up there to heart.

Stop being loyal to this bullshit. It is making your life hell.


A Nigga Who Actually Cares About You Outside Of Getting Bitches, Busting Heads and Getting Money...In other words, someone who cares about YOU. Not what your 'hand game', not your 'gun' game, or your ability to make a nigga scared. You.

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