

On: Giving a good damm about people who don't give a damm about you...

(Its all words. No pics today. If you don't like off the post now.)

Not. Good. Business. 

They are pretty clear on how they feel about you via their actions and their words..('Cause you know people are QUICK to say who they don't give a damm about...) Take them for their word and cut them and their opinions about you out of your life. Period. 

Now it is one thing to address 'blatant disrespect' that is bought to you but even that has a 'shelf life'. What I look like 'rehashing' with a ninja OVER AND OVER about what he/she 'doesn't like about me'? Or EVEN CARING? All that 'open air'..feelings spilling in the air..shit? Not me fam.

For who? For what? - Ricky Waters.  

Yet, I see a lot of folks, wasting their time trying to impress people who DON'T CARE A BIT ABOUT THEM. Not one bit. I wish I would. I actually take folks by their action. I wish I WOULD STICK MY NECK OUT TO HELP SOME CAT WHO I KNOW WOULDN'T APPRECIATE IT. Or try to 'get some cat to like me' 'cause his 'opinion' carries weight as if HE/SHE is the only one WITH SAID WEIGHT. Fuck. Outta. Here.

Some of you keep asking me to care about 'What they think...." Stop. Please.  I haven't cared what 'they thought' in about 30 years. Fuck I need to start for now? Matter of fact, since I do actually care about you...I would advise stop caring too. Make your own way and stop waiting on those people to accept you. In particular those that don't 'have anything anyway'. I never understood the logic behind that and never will. Don't you see where all that 'wayward' advice is getting you? Or better still, where it got THEM? Yeah....I don't have to slander 'em..You can SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES what is going on that front. You KNOW ALL THE SHORTCOMINGS oh so well so I don't have to point them out. You are still worried about 'impressing them' why again though? Oh.....Count me out man. For real. 

I can't 'eat' their respect nor can I cash it in to help me. It does NOTHING FOR ME TO HAVE IT. I don't 'hang with 'em' so that doesn't matter. I don't even go where 'they are' so that doesn't count. Matter of fact, MOST OF 'THEM' want to live life as I do and are trying to 'do it'. Trust me. I see 'em. I have had a few come up to me and say 'I understand why you never worried about what I thought about you. You shouldn't have. I see it now." Good for you for being your own man."

I know you want me to gossip and name names but for what? It won't accomplish anything other than you satisfying your curiosity. That is not what this is all about. Lets just say that 'you' respect 'em if you live around me. I see you with them and you talk GLOWINGLY ABOUT THEM. That's all I will say. 
So you mean to tell me that all I can do is 'relish in the fact that they like me and that I am down there WITH THEM.' THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY GOLDEN CARROT IN LIFE? @ the line of thinking some of you want me to have.  That is WHAT I AM STRIVING FOR? SHEEIIIITTTT....Like I said, a whole lotta good that is gonna do me with my situation. No thanks. None of that will do me a bit of damm good. Not then. Not now.

You keep on trying to 'impress' those folks who don't care about you all for the 'chance to be known'...Step your goals up man. The funny thing is, if YOU DO THAT, those that 'didn't respect you before 'cause they didn't know any better' JUST MIGHT BECAUSE YOU MADE IT. You think ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE YOU SEE ON TV really worried about that? I know some of you are caught up in that 15-30 stage where you don't see life as being 'relevant' if it isn't about that time period but just about EVERY LAST ONE OF YOUR IDOLS are no longer in that time cycle. You wanna take a guess as to why that is? For as selfish as some of you claim to be (or are accused of being) this is THE ONE THING that you probably should be more selfish about. Be selfish about who you give your energy to. Stop giving it to the folks that don't matter man. I won't tell you 'how' to do that unless you ask but find a WAY TO DO IT. For your OWN GOOD.

I remember watching the "Miami U' special and Jimmy Johnson calling 'South Florida 'home. Why is that important? He is from Texas. He a PROUD TEXAN too. However, he was MAN ENOUGH TO ACKNOWLEDGE the growth he went through as a MAN in another place. He doesn't let his 'birthplace' or those who told him he would 'amount to nothing' define him or pigeonhole him. He wasn't 'worried' about the many detractors he had. He kept at it. Look at him now. I guess I should have used an African American as an example so I will. Maybe then you will 'get it'. I know how some of you are. If you need one, just look at the HUGE NUMBER OF BLACK ATHLETES, MUSICIANS AND SUCH who consider themselves 'citizens' of the WORLD. Yes, they will tell you 'where they are from' but those TRULY ICONIC individuals don't let that DEFINE THEM. Take Bob Marley. We all know 'where' he is from but he WAS VIEWED AS A CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. He even lived in the tiny state that first ratified the Constitution for a good spell. From the impact that he had in that state ( I live in it so yeah..I know..) you can TELL that he didn't let his 'past' dictate his future IN THE WAY THAT SOME OF YOU SEEM TO BE DEAD SET ON DOING. If you know your musical history, you know Bob was a TRENDSETTER in his genre. Go look it up. Imagine if he had LISTENED AND WORRIED ABOUT IMPRESSING THOSE THAT WERE AGAINST HIM? That didn't give a DAMM ABOUT HIM? Yeah....exactly. We wouldn't have what we have now from him and his great legacy. Is that a little closer to home for you? Good. I hope you 'get' what I am trying to say. I hope so. There are a COUPLE OF MESSAGES in what I am saying.

This blog post was inspired by the constant questions I get about how I 'feel' about those that 'may not like me or what I do' or accept me for it and how one gets to the point that they get to thinking along those same lines. Hope this helps. I will not be 'shamed' into feeling bad about folks who don't give a shit about me chief. Sorry. I help those who want it and only extend my hand ONE TIME. You don't take it, shame on you. Ya dig? I don't give a fuck WHAT YOU SAY, WHAT EXAMPLES YOU GIVE or any of that. I have FAR TOO MUCH IN THE WAY OF HISTORY OF STRUGGLE IN MY OWN WORLD to NOT trust that I am doing it the right way. I have learned ALL TOO WELL from those around about what happens when you begin to 'care too much' about all of what I have covered here today. I have even learned some ON MY OWN. Never again. Nope. All of those things that 'impress you' don't impress me. All of those small time 'goals' that you have? I have seen they don't mean shit. So I don't bother. I just do me. Hope that what I have written has helped those of you who are 'trying to figure me out'. Not that it will ever happen by merely reading a blog but yeah......I think anyone can gleam something from this. Doesn't matter if you are on your way to being the next rapstar or the next great postman. This applies all across the board. If I didn't, I wouldn't have wrote it or I would have made it specific to a certain part of the population.

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