

It was sorta our last chance (to win a championship)..- Tony Parker...

I mean you can get mad at him saying it but the only reasons you PROBABLY would do that is if: 

A. You are a Spurs fan to the point that you think that you ALWAYS have a chance at the chip. 

B. You are one of those folks who likes to clown folks for 'believing they have a chance at something when they don't' and Tony Parker saying this 'robs you' of the opportunity to say 'They aren't contending for anymore championships..." 

C. You don't like the truth.

I know he 'shouldn't say this' but I take no issue. Maybe if I felt like he would GENUINELY NOT GIVE AN EFFORT ON THE FLOOR I would but I don't feel that way. Unlike a lot of you who for some dumb reasons still haven't learned that the saying 'Actions speak louder than words' can be applied to more than one situation. Heard plenty of folks play 'possum' and downplay their chances only to come on the court and play the total opposite. So I take no issue with it from MY VIEWPOINT.  Now maybe if I were, say Spurs management or his coach......But I'm not. Neither are you...Go ahead and call ole Tony Parker out of his name though. Not me jack. To me, Tony just told the truth..


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