

Dear Person who is trying to become 'known' using Social Media....or just known period off of what you 'love'...

(If you follow me on Twitter, you KNEW THIS WAS COMING RIGHT? Okay, cool...Lets proceed.)

You have made the CORRECT choice in trying to get your product out there regardless to what it is. Congratulations! There is ONE THING that you should know about how this social thing works though. Well a couple of things but ONE MAIN POINT. 

When someone gives you FREE POSITIVE PRESS, you take it. Period point blank. (Some would argue any press but I don't have a dog in that fight so have it...)

Now I know a lot of you have some 'friends' in higher places, some legal beagles on your side or someone in your field that you look up to who you have modeled your 'business' after. THAT'S GREAT. Do it to death with the 'help', the legal advice and the patterning of your success off of the trails that were blazed before you. Just remember that your 'friends', had to start off SOMEWHERE in most cases. (Unless their folks were already on and all they had to do was literally get a co-sign from them and BAM, they had a way in.) Your legal beagles? The ones that may have just graduated from law school, maybe run YOUR SMALL TOWN or are successful in SOME OTHER AREA OF LAW THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT YOU ARE DOING? Those folks? Just remember that while they may even be 'correct' with the legalities that their advice could curb you from getting to where you want to be. All over something VERY SMALL and trivial. Like a photo that ALREADY HAS YOUR NAME WATERMARKED ON IT. Or like the fact that the picture service you are using is PIMPING THE HELL OUTTA YOU and you aren't getting ANYTHING OUT OF IT EITHER. (The irony in that is not lost on me..) Or that your music that you are so HELL BENT ON PROTECTING 'cause you and your block likes it (Yet not a soul OUTSIDE OF SAID BLOCK IS FEELING IT..) needs exposure to OTHER MARKETS but you don't want it on 'certain sites'. Markets you don't have the money to pay to get it to or people you may NEVER reach on your own but you got your ass on your shoulders over trivial stuff.

Let me be a little more blunt for some of you who only seem to understand ONE LANGUAGE. 

You aren't fucking 'on' yet. Okay so you have a couple of thousand followers. Your 'area' website mentions you. You gotta couple of 'fans' on Facebook. Ninja, there are BILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS... Do I need to do the math for you? Congratulations, you have managed to reach .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002222% of the population. You have the big head OVER THAT? Word? Especially when you are out here asking folks to 'tell someone about your work'? Word? Oh I forgot, The Source mentioned you on Twitter. Playboy has you in their 'minor league' system of mentions. Your favorite rapper thinks you are sexy or has a nice flow or both. (Take it how you wanna...) You CANNOT AFFORD TO BE OUT HERE IN THESE STREETS TURNING DOWN FREE POSITIVE PUBLICITY as long as you are being credited with your work. 

It makes me wonder if you are the same type of ninjas who call folks your 'fans' & you love 'em one minute and behind closed doors talk that 'They are all on my dick...Fuck 'em..Let me use 'em and when I think I don't need that set of fans, I'll diss 'em...' type talk I have heard SO MANY WACK ASS 'ARTISTS' SAY.  

Get over yourselves out here in these streets with all of that. As long as someone is 'crediting' you with your work, you should BE HAPPY SOMEONE IS RECOGNIZING you and your attempts. Hell even AFTER you do get on, you better get your head outta the clouds 'cause there is NO GUARANTEE you are going to stay there. 

This next paragraph is probably going to hurt some feelings because I am going to talk SPECIFICALLY TO TWO GROUPS OF PEOPLE. If the shoe fits, I'm not sorry. Someone should have had the nuts to tell you earlier if you think I am talking about you.


Run of the mill 'gangsta/I'm a shooter'/backpack rappity rap rappers and 'Oh I know someone who looks just like her around the corner/prettiest girl on campus/the hot girl in your small town' models. You are the LAST FOLKS that need to be running around asking folks to 'remove things from a site'. You need ALL THE GRASSROOTS HELP YOU CAN GET because TRUTH BE TOLD YOU ARE NEITHER PRETTY ENOUGH OR TALENTED ENOUGH TO WAIT TO BE 'DISCOVERED'. You need help and a grass roots backing. That is just the God's honest truth. I know no one around you has the guts to tell you 'cause you might shoot them or your boyfriend might have 'em killed but I will do it. It is true. 

Dear rapper, 

You just aren't that good. There are at least 100 of you in every major city and actually probably even more in any 'crab in a barrel' city. Your idol made it out rapping. You won't. The end. Enjoy your lil fame while you got it and go get you a trade or a regular job. Use this as all the fuel you want too 'cause the fact remains that 99% of you will STILL BE DOING WHAT I JUST SAID.. I can take the heat from that 1% 'cause it isn't like I said NOBODY WOULD MAKE IT. I just said the chances are high that it WON'T BE YOU. That's all. Most of you being a fan of 'truth' (Well according to you and your fucked up principles) should be able to appreciate the honesty. So since this is the case, you REALLY CAN'T BE OUT HERE telling folks not to push your music on their site. You need ALL THE HELP YOU CAN GET. You haven't made it and even AFTER YOU DO because there are a 'million of you out there' there is ALWAYS ANOTHER ONE TO TAKE YOUR PLACE. You'll be back 'home' telling woulda/coulda/I had it and lost it stories if you aren't careful. 

So you should be out here taking pub from folks, even from someone you may not 'like' or 'respect' and ESPECIALLY from someone who is going to tell you the truth about your music. Or you can keep listening to your 'yes' men and your pride and keep spinning your wheels. Choice is yours champ.

Miss   "I Can Fuck Any Nigga I Want/Ball players think I'm pretty/Regular dudes thirst over me all the time' Model " 

The jig is up. Well actually it was never on. You are a baby or a Ho Ho away for most of you and the rest of you don't take this shit seriously enough to 'work out' and try to be the best. In the EVENT that you do take it that seriously the shelf life for this shit is REALLY SHORT. Better to not alienate those that DO SUPPORT YOU WHILE YOU MAKE 'APPEARANCES', HOST PARTIES AND THE LIKE. Any and all love you should be out here appreciating and receiving. Not running around thinking you are 'beneath' being put on a free website. I won't name names but I DO PUT SOME PRETTY REGULAR LOOKING PEOPLE ON HERE. You know what though? They ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY ARE and they embrace any love shown by my site or ANY OTHER SITE because they KNOW THE DEAL. This shit won't last. They are not Cindy Crawford or whatever high fashion model out here still getting paper in their 40s/50s 'cause they 'fit the mold'. Not to say they aren't prettier than her but they know how the GAME WORKS and that they have to get it while they can. Some of you haven't learned that lesson out here I see. You might want to do so. Those same 'models' that I put on here also know there is a market for the 'every day looking girl' that they can eat on and they play their part. Maybe you need to look into the mirror and realize that there is only room for so many 'Eva Longorias' and the like. @ the 5 foot nothing gals who do grace the cover of some of the magazines some of you want to get to. You won't get there with the attitude that you have now for sure. You will be stuck being the 'college girl next door' or living in the 'alternate' Playboy house for 15 years you keep messing around.

Now I know I'd probably have to tell members of both groups that they are in that class that they are CARD CARRYING MEMBERS OF BOTH GROUPS due to the fact that everyone around them in their IMMEDIATE circle has told them that they are the shit. I know this. It isn't my fault that their people couldn't spot talent if the Higher Power came down and told them. I do realize that. You can though. @ the people out there. So why don't you STOP telling these folks that they are SO SPECIAL PLEASE? Now wait, before you say "You post some REAL EXTRA REGULAR MOFOS up on this very site..." let me finish...

I want them to win....- Me

That's why I do it. I don't do it so that they can ramp up on their horse and thumb their noses at folks. I happen to think that a lil shine (in what little way my LITTLE SPACE OF THE INTERNET CAN PROVIDE) isn't too bad as long as shit is kept in perspective. That's why I do it. At the same time though, cats need to understand their place. Sorry. All of 'em can't 'make it'. @ what that place is. That's just how it goes. We have a saying around here at the blog..

This isn't Little League. Everyone can't get a trophy....

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