

So....I'm going through @FEofficial's apparel section and I come A VERY PARTICULAR ITEM.

Boyshorts for the Ladies...*

Without even THINKING ABOUT IT, I KNOW WHOSE ORIGINAL idea this probably was...Any guesses on your end?

So now in addition to me coping the Laughing At Your Plans shirt, I GOTTA GET THOSE so that I can see that walking around my house. Note, I said 'see'. So naw, they aren't for me. But they are FOR ME...If you get what I am saying.....

Consider this my formal request for a set of 'Don't Wait' line of boyshorts or something... Just a request. 

(The aforementioned 'Laughing At Your Plans' shirt modeled by Aimee "The Swiss Army Knife of The Foreign Exchange" Flint..As I like to call her..Her official title is Director of Operations..) 

Might wanna start checking out folks 'stores' online. You NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU MIND FIND TUCKED AWAY IN THE BACK.

P.S. Go cop that new album I spoke on earlier they have on their site..

*Blue links are hot links. Click on and enjoy...

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