

(Words) On: Coming across like your opinion is the only one that matters to THE REST OF US......

To think, this all started because of these two songs and some comments made by SEVERAL folks whose opinions I respect from time to time. This is more for their 'groupies' than it is for them but if they want to take umbrage to it that's fine too. We won't always agree. I know that. I think I come across in a manner that suggests that I don't demand that you do. Others? Not so much. @ coming across that way. Thus, the birth of this post....

In other words, I can LOVE WHATEVER IT IS YOU DO but that doesn't obligate me to 'like' every opinion you have or to ride with you EVERY TIME YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH. (I would say 'vice versa' but I JUST SAID THAT IN ESSENCE UP TOP SO...) It just doesn't. Now I know for a lot of you, this ideal is hard to understand as you are very simple minded in your approach to Life. You have this one ideal in Life and you use that one ideal as a paint brush to how you approach it. That's a diss by the way in case you are wondering. Make no mistake about it.  I'm not dissing you because you do that but because of the VERY IDEALS THAT SOME OF YOU ARE OUT HERE CHOOSING as your 'ideals' for Life. Like the rules of that part of Life can be applied that EVENLY to other parts of Life. Then when that method doesn't work, there you sit. Crying about what folks haven't done for you. How life treats you knowing you haven't exactly treated 'Life' fairly either. I digress though. Another time perhaps I will delve into that...Let me get to the matter at hand...

In case you live under a rock. There are the two tracks in question.

I find it HIGHLY amusing how Drake's musical releases bring out the 'Twitter Pimp/Role Models'. Truly. You may have caught a bit of what I said about it on the main account. Let me recount it for you if you missed it and elaborate a little more for you here:

Niggas out here on Twitter on that 'I'm the ultimate role model. Do and like as I do or you are a sucker..." Get the fuck outta here nigga...

I have to assume for most that the statement is self explanatory. It is one thing to not like Drake's music. THERE IS NO CRIME IN THAT. At all. You don't have to like his or anyone's music for that matter. Cool. There are some folks some of you swear by that I don't fool with AT ALL. Yet I still manage to 'respect you'. I use the word 'manage' loosely as my 'respect' is neither THAT IMPORTANT nor based solely on such things as musical tastes.

It is when you start that 'I don't respect you if you like such and such' pompous ass bullshit that sucker type behavior. Really my nigga? You don't 'respect me' over some music? Its MUSIC. I have to like what you like for you to 'respect me' huh? So what does this 'respect' that you seem to hold in such high esteem get me? 'Cause I don't see NARY A RESPECT MACHINE where I can redeem this highest honor around. I don't know how your 'respect' is helping me. Are you God? I have to ask 'cause if you aren't, your 'respect' means about as much to me as a patch of this red clay dirt in my Parent's backyard I am currently looking at. I say that to say I know it is there but it doesn't mean shit to me. So I am curious as to why you seem to think that your opinion matters to the extent that you would resort to calling names like a fucking FOUR YEAR OLD when folks like music/sports/opinions that you don't?  

Now before you start with the 'cute' answers about how I 'took the time' to write this let me gently remind you SPEAK YOUR MIND EVERY DAY ABOUT SHIT YOU CLAIM NOT TO CARE ABOUT TOO. We can play that game if you like but your house is made of glass on that one. I've SEEN IT. Doesn't matter if you get 'paid' to do it or not fam. You aren't in my pocket over here so don't assume you are the only one 'profiting' off words written in some fashion. Trust me. Pick that as your 'battle cry' if you must but it is a weak argument. Maybe your minions will accept that as a comeback but you and I will both know that was bullshit.

Anyhow, I just love how certain folks evoke these feelings in the air. I love how folks just 'fall in line' when these feelings are spilled into the air but get asshole tight when the shoe is on the other foot. Especially when it is about (gasps) themselves. Then it is a crime. Oh the outrage. Naw nigga, I don't wanna hear that shit then. This is 'how it goes', remember? 

I wish I would let any nigga, regardless as to how much I liked how he blogged, wrote songs, did his podcast, spoke about other subjects in different formats, threw a ball, ran a base, spoke at the podium, shot a basketball, made a tackle or whatever he/she did that I liked COME RUNNING UP ON ME CHANGING MY MIND ABOUT WHO I LIKE MUSICALLY, ATHLETICALLY OR OTHERWISE. I think a lot of you are scared to say what I just typed though. It is like you feel because you like what someone does, you are OBLIGATED TO AGREE WITH THEM. Here's a newsflash.....

You are no more obligated to them in that way than you are to throw your money out the window as you ride down the highway in the name of 'giving back to the poor'. Understood? Good. 

 Look, I like what folks are out here doing but I'll be dammed if I get 'bullied' into liking what others like so they can 'like me' or not 'diss me' on the Internet (or offline). No sir. I have been different my whole life so being 'different' in that way doesn't bother me. It is funny though 'cause some of those folks you guys whose words you are hanging onto like a lifeline are just like me only they have NOW FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET YOU ON THEIR SIDE AND HOW TO USE YOU TO GET WHERE THEY WANT TO GO. You are to blind to see it though. They aren't laughing with you. They are laughing at you and using you to spread their word so I can't be but so mad at them. Doesn't mean I have to love 'em and agree with them every time like you do though. Nope. Not gonna do it.

I know that I am different though. I know that a lot of you don't know who you are or are not confident enough in yourself to be out there with someone who has a following 'disagreeing' with you. I can dig that. Don't ask me to do that though. I am not you. I can stand on my own. You nor your popular friends are doing shit for me at the end of the day other than providing entertainment. Get over yourselves B. For real. 

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