

Grown Folks Talk: This sudden acceptance of not being 'man enough' and the people who push that agenda..

 I keep seeing this particular saying pop up in my TL, my feeds and in general 'talk' amongst men. 

"I'm just not man enough to do..."

(Record scratch) What did you say? You aren't 'man enough'? Who admits that? Who READILY admits that they aren't 'man' enough to do something (I don't care WHAT IT IS PERSONALLY..) EVEN IN JEST? What. Part. Of. The. Game. Is. That?

Where do they make you lame ass people at? Do you NOT know what it means to be a man?  

Now before you try and take what I am saying to use it for your 'Yeah I don't cook, watch my kids and do ' stuff reserved for females' agenda, pump your brakes. That's not what I am saying. Stop it. You are no better than those bitchmade dudes for that one in my eyes so you get no support here EITHER. Sorry. 

Here is what I am saying: 

It is not manly to 'shrink in the face of responsibility'/ get all in your feelings and not face up to the World's challenges that are presented to you/ or none of this other silly shit you people are out here saying you aren't 'man enough to do'. I mean, great, you are admitting you aren't strong enough, capable enough or some of the other crap you are out here saying. It sounds like you are making excuses to me. You make enough excuses then you start to believe that you aren't 'responsible' for anything short of getting your own weed and giving these chicks out here that limp dick game you keep bragging about. Hell you might even start to 'blame the World for everything it isn't giving you'. See where I'm going with this?

When you take on the attitude of 'not being man enough' long enough, your actions start reflecting it. The things that you 'used' to be 'man enough for' suddenly you aren't. All because you think it is a witty 'comeback' to some shit that you really fear. It becomes your deflection 'tool' if you will. Kinda like this bullshit written here...a prime example.* All of the sudden, NOTHING IS YOUR FAULT and you because you weren't 'man enough' to handle things, you blame EVERYONE ELSE when it is really you.

You lost your job 'cause you weren't man enough to 'take orders' from someone EVER? Even though you don't want to be a 'boss' 'cause you aren't 'man enough' to handle all that comes with being the boss. You know like 'work'? Being responsible for fuckups as well a the success?

You lost the best girl you ever had because she 'fucked a couple of mofos you knew while you were together ALL WHILE YOU FUCKED EVERYTHING AROUND HER AND YOU'? Friend and foe alike you fucked of hers but she wants to work it out but you aren't 'man enough' to have everyone know she played the same game you did? And you have children. And she is the only one who will put that up with your funky ass on a permanent basis though.

You can't get where you want to in Life and you shit on everyone else's dreams 'cause you aren't 'man enough' to accept the fact that JUST MAYBE YOU PUT YOURSELF in those shitty situations?

You are man enough to fuck her but EVEN THOUGH THE BABY LOOKS JUST LIKE YOUR SORRY ASS, YOU AREN'T MAN ENOUGH TO GO HELP HER TAKE CARE OF IT. Not live with her. Not be with her. Just take care of the baby? 'Cause all of your 'boys' (or everyone in the hood/who knows you) thinks she is a hoe/may have had sex with her? Yeah...Be a man little boy. Be a man. That gun you got doesn't make you a man. (They didn't stop making 'em when they made yours ni##a- Jeezy. Stop that..) Them bricks you claim you have, doesn't make you a man. Be a man. Be a Father to your child. Men own up to their shit. Period. 

I'm not man enough to have a 'pretty girlfriend'.....I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD TAKE HAVING EVERYONE COMING AT MY GIRL LIKE THAT ON THE REG..'But I'mma man tho. All the way...Nobody can take what I girl or anything.- You.  I have heard this said. Put in WRITING AND CO-SIGNED. By a lot of folks. Some I respect (for what that is worth 'cause honestly...) and some I don't. When DID THIS BECOME THE 'THING TO SAY'?  When did it become cool to IN ESSENCE, shit on the woman YOU DO HAVE by saying some bullshit like this? Who are the woman that stand by and watch their man say this and still have a smile on their faces? I mean do you not see he just basically 'Robin Harris'd' your ass? You clown. So your self esteem is that low that out here picking 'less attractive woman' all because your ego can't handle the fact that she has 'options'? Well I'll be dammed. You are the TRUE SIMP. (I see a lot of you 'throwing that word around too...I see you.) 'Cause damm if you might actually have to 'do some work' and be at your best to 'keep her'. Oh no. You are so spectacular that 'mediocre you' should do huh? Nigga please...But yet, there are cats out here claiming that they just aren't 'man enough' to handle a (Insert your favorite attractive woman here). So many different ways I could go with this one...Let me find out that is why you are out with these DarkWing Duck looking broads but stay talking shit about like a little girl about the 'popular' ones (even those in your neighborhood/state/circle/click/etc) Let me find out plair...

I could go on....I won't.  I am sure you get the point...

I mean I get it, you wanna be popular. You want to be accepted. I dig that. Stop selling out your manhood though to be accepted with the rest of those losers. Or at least stop coming around ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT. 'Cause I'm not trying to hear what you aren't 'man enough' for. That's not in my vocab fam.

If no one else will tell you, I will. Start acting like you have a set of nuts and dick and not a vagina. Even if you 'can't handle a situation, the proper response is NOT 'I'm just not man enough to do it..'. Stop that. In addition, the proper response isn't to automatically blame someone else. I feel like these two are going hand in hand. Don't tell me 'Oh I just be playing when I say that stuff...' either. You aren't. You mean it. One can see it by your actions.

* But you don't need 'no bitch for nothing' though? (I know that's your motto isn't it? Don't lie..) ...Yeah plair...aight..That was like the male rant version of Kelly Rowland's motivation if I ever saw it written. Getting vagina is cool and all but you can't blame bad vagina for your shortcomings. Nope. You can blame yourself for choosing bad vagina and still continuing to 'stick it' if you wanna call her out for that. Although I am pretty sure that if given the chance to 'defend' herself, the young lady would have some 'choice' shit to say about you too.....I digress though. And you are welcome. @ web traffic. Anything to help the black man out. Even when he is wrong. Shit don't bother me cuz..Rock on fucker...Rock on...We can swap out web traffic. Its cool with me NIGGA..

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