

@Sharika Ellis....A story that some of you models should hear..... Divine Must Be Stopped Now!!!!!!

Who's Sharika Ellis?: Divine Must Be Stopped Now!!!!!!

Divine Must Be Stopped Now!!!!!!

Ok so Its been a while ago since I've posted a blog, but It has came to my attention that Desmond Divine Houston AKA Shawn Divine Houston is still on the lose, scamming not only models but people in the entertainment industry tremendously!!!! Awhile ago I posted my story in a modelmayhem forum that went exactly like this:

I'm Sharika Ellis, and I was scammed by Desmond Divine Houston AKA Shawn Divine Houston AKA Sass Magazine CEO. He's a professional scam artist that every model should be aware of. He ripped me off of 400$ and I havent recieved any of it back....I decided to share my story to MM as well.

In November of 2010 I was contacted by Desmond Divine Houston about being apart of his agency. Through our phone conversation he told me about how I had a fantastic look, and how we could get some great things started. He told me about all the money that I could be making with him. Then he told me how he did have a retainer fee of 800$. I almost dropped the phone at that moment but then he explained how I could do payments.
After we got off the phone, I did do my research, I couldnt find his name anywhere, and I mean nowhere! Other than some record deal he had in 1991. Now I did find another model once i googled his email, and she had just signed and told me to talk to Irene The Dream.

Little did I know, I wasnt chatting with Irene the Dream, I was chatting with him!(I found that out later). After having that conversation with her/him I signed the contract and sent him my 1st payment of 200$. Later on I sent him 100$ then 100$ in cash once I got to Atlanta to do a photoshoot.

A little after I left Atlanta I was contacted by a model who told me her experience with him and told me that it was something that I did not want to do, but not only did I stop talking to her, I was contacted by photographers and other models who have dealt with him and have been ripped off a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Read the rest of the story at the link up top....

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