

(Words) In Today's Edition of 'Whitey Taught You Well'.....Pot calling..straddling the fence and all the other Jedi Mind tricks..

...some of you ninjas on Twitter have MASTERFULLY managed to run under on Social Media Networks.**

I am pretty sure that I am gonna step on someone's toes here and I, unlike some of you sorry mofos, will say that I actually won't mean to step on some of them. That said, it isn't going to STOP ME from saying what I am going to say 'cause if those folks whose toes I do step on are even a 1/4th of the person they seem to be, they will get it and move on. Period. The rest? Well lets just say we will see just how tender folks are. (It is a VERY OLD SAYING. It isn't new...and yes it meant the SAME THING AS IT DOES TODAY when used..) 

Now these 'tricks' aren't new. Not at all. Folks do it ALL THE TIME IN FACE TO FACE TYPE SITUATIONS. Difference is, the words aren't typed out so it doesn't seem as 'obvious'. Which is funny because when it DOES get discovered in real life, cats hit that 'real life block button' and CUT MOFOS SMOOTH OFF. Yet there is no 'slander' then. I find that to be an interesting fact. It is almost like the total opposite attitude. Nobody gets 'in their feelings' OPENLY offline when folks  don't come around them anymore. There isn't a whole lot of 'slander' slung in real life for some reason. Wonder why that is? (Sarcastic tone)...Maybe being online has opened some sides of folks that they necessarily didn't want to come out. 

A lot of folks who profess not to 'care about them ninjas over there...' are....well.....TALKING ABOUT THEM NINJAS OVER THERE..for lack of a better word. Men and women. Lots of folks who don't 'like such and such an athlete', STAY IN THEIR TWEETS and keep company with folks who love said person so that they can 'secretly' stalk that person's every move. How else do they know so much about a person whose music, games, etc, they have only witnessed 'one time'? I mean talk to me. This is common sense here we are talking about. 

My favorite is when one of these 'quasi' famous Twitter folks. You know the 'regular folks' who just happen to have 5k or more followers but only follow lets say 200 folks...Those ratio of folks. 5k is the start up but the medium for it is lets say 8-15k followers. Still with 200-300 folks they follow. Now before you let that 'h' word fall outta your mouth, I UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYONE IS NOT WORTH A FOLLOW BACK. I dig that. I don't follow back everyone who follows me. I know that sounds harsh but I don't. What I also know THAT I HAVE SEEN SOME OF THOSE SAME FOLKS TYPE OUT that they keep that 'ratio' to look good. As in, to not look like they are out here thirsty to hear what others are saying. Which would be cool EXCEPT for the fact that these are the SAME MOTHERFUCKERS (I tried not to cuss..sorry) that are out pontificating on what folks on Twitter do. Making jokes about folks. Smack talking celebs for 'looking down on folks'. Making 'Look at how many followers you have..' jokes one minute and going on and on about how they don't 'give a fuck' about how many followers they have the next like it isn't important or some shit. 

Nigga please.....

It's almost like Priority said in that video I put up, some of you out here think you are POINT BLANK PERIOD BETTER THAN FOLKS 'cause you are out here getting RTs and shit. Nigga no. Let me stay on tangent though...

(Takes a deep breath 'cause unlike most of YOU FRAUDING ASS CATS, I can admit that I tend to get INTO what I am saying. Stop trying to act like your bitch ass is so laid back. Nobody is that laid back. Fuck is you? Cool Hand Luke?) 

Now where the hell was I? Oh yeah...I was talking about you 'important' mofos on Twitter. (Slow golf claps) Congratulations, you have a platform for someone to listen to you and your outrageous (at times) beliefs. I am in 'awe' at how SCARED some of you are of these folks due to the 'Two to three watched them 'torture' some 'VOCABULARY CHALLENGED', egg avi having, person with 100 tweets to their name. Or the ONE TIME, they said PRETTY MUCH WHAT ALL OF US WERE SAYING about a subject (person) and it happened to 'strike a cord'. Ya'll some chicken shits for that shit man. Handing off all that power to some lil mofo behind the computer like you can't talk too. Mental midgets...the whole lot of you. @ those of you who are out here 'kneeling at the Social Media feet' of some of your favorite 'slander kings/queens' 

You wanna know what is even FUNNIER THAN THAT THOUGH? Watching TWO OF THESE SO-CALLED 'important' folks go at! I love it. It is like a Pot and Kettle contest with the grand prize being BURNT UP 4 DAY OLD PEANUT OIL WITH BURNT PIG TESTICLES ON THE BOTTOM. Whoever wins is STILL AN ASSHOLE. It always goes down the same way. 

Person A says some OVER THE LINE SHIT. Every time. He/she says some shit that would get you checked in person by even the meekest ninja. I'm talking shit that even the UNCOOLEST person (some of you are that person but since your joke game is up to par, you slide under the radar...for now..) you can think of is only going to stand for so much before they say something.  I don't know if it the number of followers that puts the battery in ninjas backs or what but they STAY TALKING REAL FLY... 

So person B responds. With an equally below the belt comment. I mean after all it is two assholes arguing here so you already know... They trade barbs. Someone produces a picture to 'express' themselves further. Someone then begins the 'speculation joke game' . It gets to the point that whoever has the most 'eager followers' wins. Rinse and repeat.  

The funny thing about that 'followers' thing though is that the 'winner' always seems to like to joke about loser's folks 'Stans' coming for them in their 'mentions'. Sidestepping the fact that their 'followers' are the only reason why they 'think they won'. lol It is COMICAL. 

"You see how his/her 'Stans' came out for my neck in my mentions though? Unbelievable how much someone rides the next person on this Internet nuts B. Ya'll see that?- Mr./Mrs Important Twitter Person says TO HIS/HER STANS looking for the co-sign. 

Now I hate to call folks stupid but.....

All of you out here who co-sign that statement for your 'leader' are JUST AS BAD as the cats who 'stanned' out for the loser. Hence the 'Pot and Kettle' reference and the 'Jedi Mind Trick' thing in the title. 

I am SHOCKED that most of you don't see this. Maybe you don't look at in this way. Now I am not saying you can't support your friends/allies/peoples or whatever you call them. What I AM SAYING THOUGH IS that you can't be out here in these streets slandering folks for the same SHIT YOU DO. At least not over here. NO SIR/MA'AM. I won't have it. I'll call you RIGHT THE FUCK OUT FOR IT. 

Here is another 'Jedi Mind' trick. Hell, this is just a straight mind fucking to me. Millions of you seem to be falling for it too. 

The ole' "I can remember EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING I WANT ABOUT YOU AND USE IT FOR SLANDER but if you remember my cat's/dog's name you sir/ma'am are ON MY NUTS AND IN MY MENTIONS TOO MUCH. 

That is a COMPLETE MIND FUCK. I see folks use that bullshit on Twitter like it is an ETB coupon. It is the most DEFLECTIVE bullshit ever. So you can JUST KNOW everything about me, what I do and be cool but I'm some type of sucker 'cause I did the same research that you did. Gleaned the same info via the RTs I see of yours and the one off glance I did to your TL like you did mine huh? 

NIGGA/BITCH PLEASE.... Miss me with that deflective bullshit. 

I see you out here running that game though. The problem seems to be with the sheer amount of STUPID FOLKS who let you though so I won't go too hard on YOU. Just know that I see your wack ass game and RAISE YOU FIVE. You lame ass. You aren't fooling anyone here. 

As for you idiots that keep pumping these fools heads up by 'patting them on the back' every time they make these STUPID proclamations, NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU AND YOUR 'LEADER' B. Rather, they don't strike any fear over here. I know for a FACT THAT SOME OF THEM HAVE BEEN OVER ON MY TL, SAW THE NAPALM AND SAID 'Naw, I ain't fucking with him..He actually might call me out on my bullshit. Let me go over here and fuck with this other person..."  So it isn't like THEY DON'T KNOW EITHER. There's a reason why I always 'invite' ya'll to get your 'favorite tweeter' to speak for you if you don't like what I am Go get him/her. I don't give a fuck....I know their little bullshit games. Shit don't work here. 


 The final part that I want to touch on is 'blocking'/I've been blocked by folks out here. 

Now I don't think that talking about it is bad. I'm a lil biased on that 'cause I have talked about it. There is a line though. Some of you out here step over it all the time. We get it. You got blocked by 'such and such and such and such and such..' You don't have to tell us EVERY DAY. (I've mentioned mine 3 times outta 100k tweets..You are welcome to look through them all and find those three times..Good luck..) Some of you ALREADY ARE DOING TOO MUCH WITH HAVING THAT SHIT IN YOUR BIOS. 

It like saying 'I kicked the kickball over the wall in grade school so you better not fuck with me or I will destroy you..' @ having that shit in your bio. Sorry, it just is. Nobody who TRULY believes in what they are saying is going to 'cow down' to you because 'Big Booty Trudy' blocked your ass. Nobody is going to back down from shit that they have SEEN WITH THEIR OWN EYES 'cause 'Dwight Shag James Durant' blocked your ass. So what! I'd block your ass too if I made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and didn't want to hear your mouth. Fuck you think they don't 'party with you regular mofos' for all the time? So they don't have to see your 'regular' ass. That's why. That goes for you 'semi famous' 'regular' mofos too. We all know there is the 'VIP' and then there is THEE VIP and we know you aren't in the latter...So getting one of them to block you is akin to your Uncle plucking you on the head when you are three. You out here bragging about that shit too huh?

Now the FLIP SIDE TO THIS is you mofos out here blocking folks FOR NO REAL REASON, calling out that you blocked 'em and then acting like you did some shit. That shit is lame. Sorry chief. It just is. Here you are out here EXPRESSING THE FUCK OUTTA YOURSELF. Saying what you wanna. Calling folks out left and right. For some of you, it is ACTUALLY YOUR 'JOB' so I understand that but that doesn't give you some invisible shield that allows you not to have shit said back. 

Some of you are out here hiding behind the 'discourse' argument too.  How can anyone have proper 'discourse' with you when you are out here blocking folks for NOT AGREEING WITH YOUR OPINION? Then in the same breath you spit that 'We all can have opinions and we should express them' shit? Come. The. Fuck. On. Nigga, you don't wanna bit more have discourse than a Klu Klux Klansman wants to have be surrounded in McDonald's by black children in the HEART OF A BLACK MECCA. Stop that shit and stop hiding behind that block button. It is funny 'cause the FOLKS that do this also seem to be a proponent of 'no private accounts'. Now if that isn't some contradictory shit....Yet, you sheeples fall for it. Eat it UP like the hungry mofos that you are. Unbelievable.

 Now let me say a couple of things before I push 'publish' on this post. 

I don't follow folks like this on TL on the reg. The ones I do, either via list or follow, I know what I am getting and when they do something I don't like, I say something. Period. The vast majority of the folks I am speaking on here I don't follow. So there is no need to tell me 'Well just don't follow 'em." 'cause I don't. Some have tried to follow me and I never returned the follow. The things in this post are why honestly. I have had folks ask say 'My folk wants to know why you don't follow him/her....." So for those of you who know you asked me that, here you go. Your folks are assholes. I have enough of those in my TL thank you. My followers do follow said assholes though and they RT them. I have a decent amount of folks I follow so I feel safe in saying what I am saying. I don't follow 100 people. I follow almost 1400 actual people who tweet stuff everyday. 

I won't say there aren't exceptions to but it is NOTHING I haven't told these folks themselves or that I haven't made available to be seen. I SAY THE SHIT ON MY TL ALL THE TIME. I know they see it. We have mutual 'friends'. They share my shit via the RTS. I think that sometimes the folks who say 'people are too sensitive' are the sensitive ones. If you 'ride' for one of the MANY MANY MANY MANY (I CAN'T SAY THIS ENOUGH..MANY...MANY) folks who fit the descriptions that I put up top and it is 'isn't that serious' when THEY SAY THESE THINGS, then you need to apply that to this post. That is if you are an adult. If you are a child, go ahead and ignore the fact that you and your 'hero' (shero) do this SAME THING EVERYDAY and keep believing that bullshit that because of the 'spirit you do it' that makes it better than doing it the way I am doing today. Keep going plair. I know better though....I will hesitate to say I am an 'asshole' by nature but I have it in me.  None of ya'll have the market cornered on being an asshole. Sorry. Don't get mad 'cause I called you or your hero/shero an asshole either. Chances are, they have said it with their chest out on more than one occasion. Deep down, they aren't hurt by it.

Go back and look at how many times I typed the word 'many'. That will answer your 'list' question and why there is a lack of 'Who' in this post. Two things I can count on. Somebody thinking THAT HIGHLY OF THEMSELVES to think that I am talking about them and that said person has enough 'stans' that will make sure they read this. I trust that you 'stans' will make sure it gets back to those who I think should read it. Fuck it. I'll let you do my dirty work for me. And you are stans if you RUN BACK AND SAY 'Look at what this nigga here typed out on his blog..' If you say it ANY WAY other than, 'Damm hate or love it, there was some truth to what he said', you are stanning out fam. Period. You can pass it on but the WAY YOU PASS IT ON will be telling. I know some of you won't be able to resist it either. That's the funny part...Yet you will be out here calling the next man's/woman's followers 'stans'..Proving one of my points up top ALL OVER AGAIN.. Besides, a 'hit dog will holler'. Ya know? I don't have to @ you or list you. You'll take offense, yelp out and we will move on.  (More like I will laugh at you for not being able to take what you dish out and your 'stans' will either ride for you or not...Makes me no matter.) How do ya'll niggas like to say it when you think you have 'won' on here?

....It's the Internet B..Don't take it so seriously...

(Chuckles) Lets see how much it is the 'Internet' now that I have basically assassinated your whole Internet character...Lets see if it is still 'shits and giggles' now or who is in 'whose feelings' now..

*(I despise the speculation joke personally. I am one for 'truth'. Nothing hurts like the truth. You really do still live with your Moms at 27 and it isn't 'by choice'? You really don't get pussy in real life? You really do have 4 children by 4 different dudes? Leave me outta the fantasy shit..Yeah...I'm going with that. All day..)

** The Whitey Taught You Well thing is pretty self explanatory I think. But I will explain it a bit anyway. It is were we take the tactics that were used against 'us' as slaves in some form AND use them to wage 'war' on each other. 

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