

Welp. @Tyrese -- BOOTED from Radio Station for Talking About Liquor Stores |

Tyrese -- BOOTED from Radio Station for Talking About Liquor Stores | The audio is at the link....

Read the blog bio before you think. I live about 15 mins. from where he was at presently. Used to work A BLOCK from where he was at. Actually, there are about 3 liquor stores that are REALLY CLOSE TO THE SCHOOL HE WAS AT but we won't talk about that. He isn't wrong. I know 'Black Twitter' loves to 'slander' Tyrese for his 'grammar' but he isn't wrong here. At all. Not even a little bit. The dude that runs the station though is a funny dude ANYWAY so I'm not surprised he immediately thought to kick Tyrese off the show.

I probably shouldn't even have to tell you he is right EVEN IF YOU GO TO THAT LIQUOR STORE yourself. I know some of you though. You don't REALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE KIDS. You just say that shit 'cause it sounds like you might have ONE PIECE OF MORALITY in you and so you can point and say 'At least I care about kids unlike child molesters." 'Cause if you cared about 'em like that, you would call KISS FM and tell them they were wrong. Period. It wasn't disrespectful to the community. It was an honest assessment. But in TRUE NIGGA FASHION, the minute someone calls attention to something and you don't like it, that person is a 'hater'. Congratulations ONCE AGAIN niggas. You learned your lessons from WHITEY WELL. Whitey IS MIGHTY OF PROUD OF YA'LL for supporting the fact that this is being made out to be 'disrespectful to the community'. Somewhere RIGHT NOW, a white dude (in government) is down in Dover CRACKING THE FUCK UP SAYING

"Look at these stupid niggers....One of them, who I don't even think I would like, actually said something that made sense and THEY TURN HIM. I LOVE IT. We don't have to do shit. We can sit back and let them keep FUCKING EACH OTHER UP. All over their 'moral code and obligation' to embrace their plight. I love America...."

I hate that I had to type that out ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

But without me saying it JUST LIKE THAT, some of you won't get the message. You just seem to be wired that way. So I'm giving it. Don't say I didn't do it....

So how is a liquor store hurting kids? Kids can't buy liquor? They are in school. - You

How can I put this delicately? I can't...So I will just answer that question....Bluntly.

It is a negative influence on the kids to see bums, shiftless folks, potential drug activity and ROBBERY RIGHT OUTSIDE OF THEIR CLASS ROOM WINDOWS ON A DAILY BASIS. The kids that live in that neighborhood ALREADY HAVE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET through PLENTY OF THINGS and we ALL KNOW THE 'REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE' DOWN THERE ISN'T HIGH. So why bring that to the DOORSTEP OF THE KIDS? The future? The ones that you guys CLAIM YOU CARE SO MUCH FOR? I mean truthfully, TYRESE shouldn't have to be the moral compass on this one. Somebody (Storm? Hanifa? Hello....Herman..Yeah, I'm calling names. You too Earnest...Love you to death but you too...Do your research and you will find those folks hold POSITIONS in that city and/or MAJOR INFLUENCE...) SHOULDA BEEN SAID SOMETHING. James where you at homie? @ Baker. Mr. James Baker. The MAYOR.

But you will BEAUTIFY THE FUCK OUTTA THE RIVERFRONT THOUGH. No liquor stores on the corner there though...(Here your dumb ass was thinking I was a lackey? No. I speak on it all...Whether YOU LIKE OR NOT..)

But Tyrese is wrong though.....smh..


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