

(Words) Allow me to reintroduce name ....Christopher Columbus???

It seems that some of you have conveniently forgotten all about this man. Oh sure, when someone tells you to 'Go back to Africa', YOU REMEMBER HIM THEN but all in all, you forget about him.


I know TONS OF CREATIVE PEOPLE. Some I like and some I well....don't like but ALL OF THEM DO WHATEVER IT IS THEY DO. I don't begrudge them of that whether I like them or not. VERY FEW OF THEM ARE OUT HERE RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY WITH A BRAND NEW IDEA. Matter of fact, I can use my HAND and count 'em. Even those folks are an offshoot of a ORIGINAL IDEA(L) THAT THEY DID NOT CREATE. Which leads me to why or how this post idea came about...

It seems, especially in the 'urban culture' (Miss me with getting offended...For real..Fuck off with that shit..), SOME OF US LOVE TO GET OFFENDED WHEN ANOTHER PERSON COMES THROUGH WITH AN IDEA THAT IS SIMILAR TO OURS. We accuse folks of stealing quicker than a hooded KKK member can say 'nigger'. It is SAD really. The kicker is, most of the folks who have a 'personality' CLAIM TO DO IT FOR THE PEOPLE. The same people that they say share the same ideals and moral compass (or sick stupid sense of humor..) as they do. So when one of their 'flock' sees someone else do it, their FIRST AND REACTION IS TO SCREAM.... 'He/she bit your shit....'

(Charlie Murphy voice) Wrong!!!!!!!!! 

How can you be out here claiming to do something for 'like minded individuals such as yourself'' on ONE HAND AND THEN GET MAD IF SOMEONE ELSE HAS THE SAME THOUGHT PROCESS AS YOU?  

Like you are the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD WHO POSSIBLY COULD COME UP WITH THE SIMPLISTIC BULLSHIT YOU COME UP WITH? Most of you admit that yourself btw. You say it. "I can't figure out why no one has thought of this sooner..." Newsflash: They HAVE. You just don't know them! Hell, they DON'T KNOW YOU! It is okay too. Nobody SHOULD KNOW EVERYBODY. I am all for giving credit for shit but not usually over simple shit. Even simple shit I say. I always concede that somebody, somewhere and probably BEFORE ME has had that same thought. It is the reason I take pleasure in interacting with (gasps) LIKE MINDED FOLKS. What a fucking concept! @ not accusing every person who thinks like you of being a biter of your style. You should try it sometimes. Shit works wonderfully. Oh and fans of of the 'assholes' of the Internet, you should try to think like that TOO IN REGARDS TO YOUR HERO/SHERO... Sometimes, other folks think of thoughtful (and funny) shit besides your favorite person. It is okay. No need to take your mouth off their dick and go defend their honor. Besides, you gotta let your 'Favorite asshole' keep his/her sword sharp. They can't do that if you are out here taking your cum stained mouth and going at everybody you think usurped their style now can they? It's okay. Just keep the dick in your mouth and let them fight their own battles aight? A lil tired of hearing ya'll say 'Folks don't want it with such and such...' and then ya'll turn it into a gangbang by chiming in. Makes me think the lot of you only like them 'cause you want to fuck them, regardless of their or your gender. Just saying...

I mean, do you REALLY THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THAT WAY? Out of a World with BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF PEOPLE, you honestly think you are the only one to ever think of a 'Lebron hairline joke' or that 'putting up screenshots of folks text conversations thus embarrassing the shit outta them is funny? You POMPOUS, OVERZEALOUS, DIM WITTED, NARROW MINDED NON PASSPORT HAVING MOTHERFUCKER YOU.....(Notice I didn't say asshole 'cause well...that's a compliment to most....assholes. They usually own that unless they 'need something and have to tone down the 'asshole' in 'em..) Oh and I'm not leaving out your 'flock'. They MIGHT EVEN BE MORE IDIOTIC THAN YOU. Out here thinking their 'leader' invented the printscreen button like the person who did HAD NO CLUE WHAT IT WOULD BE USED FOR. Ya'll keep thinking folks who aren't of color are 'dumb' though. Oh wait, did YOU invent the printscreen option? Oh..... 

So to all of you out here, belly aching about folks 'stealing your online persona' and shit, DO YOUR HISTORY. The WORLD IS FULL OF ASSHOLES. There is an asshole SITTING THERE RIGHT NOW, typing up something pretty similar to what I am. Hell, he MIGHT EVEN USE THE CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS THEME. He ALSO may have NEVER HEARD OF 'THE WAREHOUSE', know anything about a 'Carolina Ware' or even spot North Carolina OR DELAWARE on a map. I'm not gonna run around mad at the person if he types something up like that UNTIL I KNOW IF HE ACTUALLY COMES TO MY SITE. What do I look like getting mad at someone who PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM? All over my ego? All because some 'known' folks know who I am? Please. I am smarter than that. Some of you need to be too. You sound REAL DUMB OUT HERE saying someone bit your style over some shit you DIDN'T EVEN INVENT. 

All you folks out here vying to be 'first' to do something THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE IS PRETTY DAMM SAD. Even sadder is that some of you ARE REALLY UPSET BEHIND IT. I mean all the way IN YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT IT but 9/10, either you find out YOU DIDN'T DO IT FIRST LIKE YOU THOUGHT YOU DID OR THE PERSON DIDN'T KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE. 

Maybe you cats do remember Christopher Columbus then.."Cause just like him, you are out here 'laying claim to something that already belonged to someone else' under the guise that it is 'new' to YOUR FANBASE. 

Stop that shit. Just because 10k idiots on a social network don't use the sense God gave them to research something because you are 'funny' doesn't make you are them 'right'. Furthermore, there are smarter people than your lil Internet "demi God' fam. Know that. Guess where they are? On the Internet too... Your favorite Internet person knows 'em too....(Whispers) They are the folks they get their material from. They know you are TOO LAZY TO LOOK FOR YOURSELF SO THEY SELL YOU THE DREAM THAT THEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEAS... You idiot. 

That within itself is actually okay with me too. Spreading the word is SPREADING THE WORD. Some folks don't have the capacity, time or lets face it, the brain power to decipher what is what so someone has to break it down for them. What I don't clap to is you out here acting like you invented a ideology or a way of thinking just because it is 'called something different' by the 'kids' nowadays. Stop that man (woman)

What next? One of you people are gonna claim that you 'made up the angry rant?" Fuck. Outta. Here. People have been 'ranting' and going in on folks since you were a narrow miss from a jerk off session by your Pops to 70's porn my ninja. Get in the game... I especially hate it (sorry, I'mma turn into the elder on this one) when some youngin' comes running up on me telling me what their 'equally' young partner 'invented' are 'started out here in these streets'. smh Negro please. On that 'You would think I invented sex' Trey Songz ish.... I would....IF WASN'T HAVING SEX MYSELF,  DIDN'T KNOW THAT ADAM AND EVE DID IT AND IF I DIDN'T HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE. @ thinking that way. Thanks for playing though. smh

I guess I have to 'blame' somebody (Hey..hey..don't get upset with guys do it ALL THE TIME..) so I am gonna blame RAP. Wait, I can't do that. I have to blame SOME OF THE LISTENERS and some of the fans of it. They only do what you guys allow. You hype some shit up, they do it more. So I blame SOME OF RAPS fans for the ideals that permeate today's segment of society that carries around the idea that you can ACTUALLY GET MAD AT SOMEONE FOR TAKING AN IDEA THAT YOU STOLE FROM SOMEONE FROM YOU. There is a whole generation of folks who seem to think that it is okay TO EVEN JUMP TO THAT CONCLUSION without proper research. A bunch of folks who think because folks in a their 'small part of the World' know who they are, that they are 'important' enough to be known WorldWide or some shit. Sad times we are living in. 

I even hear rumblings of folks thinking they 'invented killing' ninjas'...You hear them bragging about it in songs and the like. They make up names for themselves and shit. You know who they are. I don't have to spell it out. .. There are a couple of white men on Line 1 though that would like to compare 'body counts'. I digress though. 

You assholes (and your fans) out here have GOT TO STOP TAKING YOURSELVES SO SERIOUSLY. 

You didn't invent the 'screenshot'. 

You aren't the only one who thinks that Kris Humphries is a moron. (I don't care enough to have an opinion on the dude like that personally) 

You didn't invent 'going in on folks'. 


You aren't the first group of folks to 'get the club poppin'. 

You aren't the first folks to 'travel abroad'. (Hell, some of you haven't done that.....let me stop being like you out here though...@ the dig. My bad King.) 

You aren't the only ones who know famous rappers, athletes, girls folks desire, etc, etc*  A lot of folks have come in contact with famous folks and stay in touch with them to this day. Get over yourself man. Be thankful you are blessed to be in the position and try not to fumble it like I have seen so many of you do. 

You aren't the only one with 'good ideas' and who knows how to express them with the words. Rap isn't the only way to do it either. Some of you out here think because your boy has a set of Pro Tools and you have THE NUTS TO RAP, that it makes you some kind of 'poet' or orator. No. What it makes you is a person who speaks his mind and that is about it. The power of your words, the meaning and the purpose is what makes you great. Not the fact that you say them and truthfully if you have a 'flock' that is looking for ANYTHING to hold onto, that waters down your ability to me and to others. It is almost like you are selling them dirty water because they are so thirsty, THEY DON'T CARE. The 'water' has to be clean and I don't mean in the 'clean wholesome' sense necessarily (although that would help).

As they say though...

THE WORLD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR BLOCK. In this case, the World is bigger than your "Internet' circle. Most of you 'assholes' know that though and adhere to that for the most part. I see you giving props to other 'assholes'. Tell your fans though man. For real. They are out here making you look bad and putting you in unnecessary situations. You ARE their 'leader' aren't you? The same online persona that has gotten folks to frown upon 'the actual act of breathing' when you say it in a funny enough way right? Well then you can tell 'em. Use your powers for good fam. Use your powers for good. That 'Internet' pedestal you are on is pretty fickle as is. Might as well use it to manipulate as MUCH AS YOU CAN.

As always, if you THINK I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU, I PROBABLY AM. There just isn't enough fucking time in the day for me to type out all 200 or so of the 'known' assholes out here on the Internet. If you consider yourself in that tribe, fuck it...I'm talking about you. Take it how you wanna....

*I want to NAME DROP SO BAD HERE BUT THEN I WOULD know the rest. So I won't. Just know I could though....

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