

Black Teen Spanked on Viral Video Found Dead

Black Teen Spanked on Viral Video Found Dead

Let's play the love...- K. West

Lets blame the uncle...'Cause the guys with the guns who did the know they couldn't 'help it'....-__ -

 A teenager who was a fleeting sensation on YouTube earlier this year after he was videotaped being spanked by his uncle for boasting about gang ties on his Facebook page was found shot to death last week, just steps away from his Terrytown neighborhood home.

According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said Michael Taylor, 16, was found shot to death shortly after 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 7 when deputies responded to a report of gunshots in the area.

Taylor had been shot multiple times.

Sgt. Larry Dyess, JPSO spokesman, told the Times-Picayune that authorities had no suspect or motive in the incident.

Taylor’s mother, Kimberly Ward, told the newspaper that she kept strict tabs on her son, even making him stay on the sidewalk in eyesight of their home when he went outside. The night of the shooting, she said, Taylor received a text message from a friend at about 8 p.m. and went outside to chat.

"She said she called him back inside a few minutes later to find out what was going on, and he told her he was just talking and went back outside. A few minutes later, her daughter received a text message saying that Taylor had been shot, and then another saying he was dead," the newspaper reported.

"Ward said she rushed from the house, driving around the neighborhood looking for her son, but didn't find him until she was coming back to her apartment complex. That's when she saw his body on the cold sidewalk, clad in the red sweatshirt she'd noticed when he left the house.

"'I came home and saw my son on the ground,’ Ward said."

In addition to his mother and sister, Taylor is survived by a brother, grandparents and a host of relatives and friends. His funeral is scheduled for this morning.

In the YouTube video, posted in January, Taylor’s uncle ordered him to disavow any ties to gangs, announced that the family "don’t come from that sh--," and then proceeded to take off his belt and spank Taylor in full view of the laptop camera.

Rappers Lil Wayne and Birdman spoofed the video, as did another video site called StuntKidzTV.

The original video sparked tons of reaction, from people who applauded the uncle’s actions, calling it an overdue return to old-school parenting and discipline, to those who speculated the public humiliation might drive the teenager deeper into a gang's circle because the youth had been humiliated.

"I am not surprised to hear that this young man's life has ended violently. When I saw the video, I kept thinking that by beating this youth, the uncle was setting him up for some kind of tragedy, either prison or an early grave," said Stacey Patton, who in April launched the web site to offer black parents alternatives to corporal punishment and the tools to help foster the healthy development of children.

"I don’t understand why more people don't make the connection between how children are dealt with at home and the larger societal impact," Patton said. "Studies show that maltreated youth make up a disproportionate number of youth involved in school and gang violence. Violent parental discipline increases the risk that a child will act violently later in life. The use of violent discipline teaches children that violence is an appropriate means of shaping behavior and solving problems. Physically disciplining a child has no positive impact for the child, that child's relationship with the parents, or the larger community."

Ward told the Times-Picayune that her son was mild-mannered, but had begun hanging out with tough guys, telling her that he did it for ..

1 comment:

  1. I can't speak for everyone, but my mom and grandparents beat the HELL out of me as a child, and guess what it did to me? Made me afraid to go into the streets and hang with trash.

    The key (in my obvious opinion) is NOT that you need to beat your children. The key is that you need to reach them young.

    I am ALL for physically punishing your children...within reason. Unfortunately, I have some family members who take it WAY too far and aren't instilling lessons in their kids, instead just embarassing/humiliating them. These are the children that grow up violent. They haven't learned anything except that violence is a "possible answer." Not THE answer, but a possible one.

    I have three children, all under the age of ten. I disciplined them physically when they were much younger, but no longer do so. Why? It's not because I'm worried about "the man" taking my kids away (I wish somebody would TRY to do that); I don't beat them anymore because the lessons were instilled before they were five. Now, all I have to do is give them "the look" and my point is made.

    When I first saw this video (soon after it was originally posted, I believe) I thougth two things: 1) GOOD JOB, UNC! Someone has to teach him! 2) Why is he beging "taught" so late, though? You don't physically discipline a 14-16 year old teenage boy in that manner, throw it on the Internet and expect completely positive results. Yes, some can be "scared straight," but I thought that was a bit much. Then again, it's HIS family and not mine; who am I to say what is best for their children?

    Ultimately, it is with sadness that I hear about this young man's death. DO NOT BLAME THE UNCLE if you don't have any details, people. Instead, let this be a lesson to you about keeping your eyes on your children and instilling positive values at an EARLY age. The first five years are the most crucial. Don't wait until they're damn near adults to try and tell them what they can/cannot do. For many of our youth, sometimes that's too late.

    Sorry about the long ass rant, Caro...
