

(Audio) I got on Charles Barkley about saying 'hood', last night. Weight Watchers might


I’ve been on weight watchers three months, ” he said “I have to lose two pounds a week. I’m at 38 pounds now. They come and weigh me every two weeks. I ain’t never missed a weigh-in. Never going to. I’m feeling much better. But I ain’t giving away no money… I’m not giving away no free money. I thought this was the greatest scam going— getting paid for watching sports — this Weight Watchers thing is a bigger scam.”

Before you say it, I LIKE CHARLES BARKLEY. I like his candidness (rather his willingness to be that way) as more folks should be that way. I'm sure he doesn't 'care' what Weight Watchers thinks in the 'end' but I also think that Charles likes that check. (C'mon now, you know Charles isn't doing this FOR THE FREE!) So....that said....I don't think this is the 'smartest' thing he has said. 

The 'hood' issue I had last night? Just wished he would have used the word heart or grit. I GOT WHAT HE WAS SAYING but saying it like that implies everyone from there has that. That is CLEARLY NOT THE CASE. Just ask all these cats running around talking about all the 'lames' in the World.  Again, I got what he was saying. You need to be tough (ATL was playing soft) but to imply that toughness ONLY COMES FROM THAT AREA is absurd. In addition, for some, THAT AREA DOESN'T INCLUDE RURAL POOR AMERICA so you have to be CAREFUL EVEN WITH THAT. Now I know CHUCK MIGHT INCLUDE THAT WITHIN HIS DEFINITION OF 'HOOD' but for the folks who have NEVER BEEN OUTSIDE OF THEIR CONCRETE HOOD, they might not get it. He is on TNT. It is important that he make the distinction to me anyway. (Yeah..yeah..I know..some of you don't give a fuck. Got it. I do.) Not only that, I have some affluent country white boys that will knock your dick in the dirt for FUN. @ toughness. So yeah, I'm not really trying to hear all of that. Again, I KNOW CHARLES KNOWS SOME TOO! He is from Alabama! His 'core' audience may not though. That's all I'm saying.. 

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