

(Words) #whohurtyou: Joe Paterno and the 'impact' his death/the scandal SHOULD have on some of that he isn't...

Not here to 'break news of his' death. Ya'll already know he died. What I am here to do today is to 'tap some of you on the shoulder' in regards to that INDIGNANT ASS ATTITUDE you have towards him dying and to hold up the mirror to some of you.

You see, it is COOL that you HATE CHILD MOLESTATION. Make no bones about that. It is an EVIL CRIME. One that the person who ACTUALLY COMMITTED IT should suffer for greatly. You know, the guy that is still ALIVE AND KICKING?

"....but...but...Joe Pa was the one in power and should I don't want to hear anything about him 'cause I hate him and hold him just as responsible for it as...." - You



I KNOW GOOD AND DAMM WELL YOU OF 'Fuck the Police and EVERY OTHER AUTHORITATIVE FIGURE' ARE NOT OUT HERE TRYING TO HOLD SOMEONE'S FEET TO THE FIRE NOW? You FUCKING HYPOCRITES. I know you folks out here are 'real selective' about when you want folks to 'snitch' but come on. Now YOU WANT SOMEONE TO SNITCH? Can't have it both ways cousin.. Sorry. Either 'snitching is bad' or 'snitching is good.." Pick a side. Yeah, I told you I would make you and your 'codes' look a little silly sometimes if you didn't APPLY THEM CORRECTLY*

I also know good and DAMM WELL you read the reports. HE DID TELL HIS SUPERIORS. He did WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO IN THAT POSITION. All you arm chair lawyers SEEM TO HAVE SUDDENLY FORGOTTEN your 'hood/street' degrees in this shit and are missing key words like 'grand jury threw the case out'. In order for them to DO THAT, THEY HAD TO BE NOTIFIED. In order for them to be notified, someone had to 'tell'. If you think Jerry told 'em, you are FUCKING DELUSIONAL. It was Joe people. It was Joe. He told his bosses. They contacted the police. Use Google. Matter of fact...THE FUCKING TIMELINE TO THE EVENTS IS RIGHT HERE.. Do some research for once and stop piggybacking off of what your favorite Internet blogger is saying about this shit. smh

Why do I sound so angry? Do I LOVE JOE PA? FUCK NO. I am angry 'cause you idiots are out here falling for the 'banana up the tail pipe' by 'publicly indicting the person who knew instead of the person who did it'. Which is FUNNY TO ME 'CAUSE WHEN OUR BABIES ARE GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREET, YOU NIGGAS DON'T HAVE SHIT TO SAY. I mean LITERALLY BABIES TOO. Not talking about the grown men who got themselves into grown men situations. I'm talking every time a toddler gets hit by a stray bullet and dies. Where is all this 'Fuck the niggas who knew.." when THERE ARE 100 PEOPLE OUTSIDE ON A HOT SUMMER DAY WHEN THIS SHIT GOES DOWN? Where is all this ACCOUNTABILITY then? Oh because those folks don't hold a 'title', they are exempt? Man get the fuck outta here with all of that. They KNEW. They don't say shit and this is over a LITTLE CHILD DYING. Dying. Death. No reset button. I don't hear shit outta ya'll but 'It's a damm shame..." None of this slander that I am hearing over this shit here and we KNOW WHO DID THIS ONE.  @ Sandusky. Typical nigga shit though. As usual...

I gotta ask...Who hurt you? Serious question. Not that 'jokingly half ass diss shit either'. Seriously, WHO HURT SOME OF YOU and why haven't you told someone about it? I mean if it struck THAT KIND OF NERVE IN YOU AND YOU HAVE THE INFORMATION, WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD who you need to tell? 'Cause I know that is what some of you are gonna say...

"I know someone who has been through it..." or "I've been through it...and I blame my Mom or whomever for not stepping in.." 

Tell someone then! Don't pay lip service to the shit by bitching about Penn State's issues. DEAL WITH YOURS and tell whomever needs to be told so you can go ahead and have some closure in YOUR LIFE. For real. You see what happened to Jerry right? He isn't GETTING AWAY WITH IT. They are bringing up charges. Don't let your 'attacker' get to 70 some years old before you decide, "Hey I might wanna tell someone...." BREAK THE CYCLE DAMMIT! 

(Takes a breath) 

AND IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM SOMEONE NOT FORGIVING YOU FOR THE BULLSHIT YOU DID IN THE PAST,  go on ahead and forgive yourself at some point. @ the folks out here who are deflecting this on the 'Well, that's how it goes 'cause the people around me NEVER LET ME LIVE DOWN WHAT I HAVE DONE...' tip. 'Cause some of you are suffering from that too. I see it. You are known as 'the girl who did such and such with such and such' or the dude 'that had such and such' and it became so bad that you EMBRACED it and you are stuck AS THAT PERSON. You need to forgive yourself. It is the past. If folks want to live in the past, fuck 'em. Everyone deserves some level of leeway as we are all not perfect. NARY ONE OF US. Does that mean you get a pass to be a fuck up to the end? No. What it means is that if you made a FEW BAD MISTAKES, you can generally still be a good person. Many of you have lost sight of that though and want to put a Scarlet Letter on a person, just like it was done to you. That's kid shit right there. Nobody has time for that Puritan shit. Because Joe Paterno KNEW about some REALLY FOUL SHIT, reported it to his superiors but didn't come out and TELL YOU THAT HE KNEW, you guys are out here THROWING AWAY HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS and ALL THE YOUNG MEN THAT HE HELPED. What about the boy from Newark that played there? (BranDon Snow) It is my understanding that he helped that young man BE ALL HE COULD BE. That is negated?** There are THOUSANDS of young men out here with kinds words for the dude so he must have done SOMETHING RIGHT. Here you sit in judgement of him though. False judgement at that 'cause you don't have your facts straight. Niggas I tell you. Anything to make ya'll feel better about the bullshit you do yourself. @ the 'at least I didn't do XYZ" I mean I love some of ya'll like cooked food but you are wrong for this one. I've seen you eulogize a cat that shot ten folks and hit me with the 'The good ones always go too soon.." -_- Word? Word? 

So while I will not be attending ANY memorials for the man or shouting out 'R.I.P. Joe Pa' or any of that, I SURELY WON'T BE OUT HERE ON MY POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK BULLSHIT that I see some of you on today. Ya'll can have all of that. Just remember...

The very next time one of our kids are laying in the streets with a mouth full of his own blood and you see it, MAKE SURE YOU HOLD YOUR OWN FUCKING FEET TO THE FIRE THE WAY YOU ARE HOLDING JOE PATERNO'S FEET TO IT EVEN IN DEATH.. 

BECAUSE WHAT JOE PATERNO'S 'ORDEAL' SHOULD BE SHOWING YOU IS JUST HOW MUCH YOU EFFECT YOUR OWN COMMUNITY WHEN YOU 'TURN A BLIND EYE' TO THE CRIMES THAT ARE DONE AGAINST OUR OWN CHILDREN... I've seen some of you EMBRACE folks who are known to do shit to kids..LITTLE KIDS.. Not fast acting teenagers...LITTLE KIDS. I've seen it. So yeah, excuse me if I'm not jumping on this bandwagon of 'Fuck Joe Paterno' aight?


*As we ALL SHOULD KNOW, snitching is when you tell on folks you are INVOLVED IN A CRIME WITH. You niggas out here just want to take a BROAD PAINT BRUSH and label ALL POLICE CONTACT SNITCHING. Don't think I FORGOT. I hear ALL OF YOU OUT THERE TALKING THAT 'Don't EVER TALK TO THE POLICE...' BUT NOW YOU WANTED JOE PATERNO TO...WELL....TALK TO THE FUCKING POLICE. WHICH ONE IS IT GENIUS? Now the part of me that has 'common sense' knows that the 95% of you are 'followers' anyway though so I am not surprised that you didn't think THIS FAR AHEAD when you run around screaming this shit about REGULAR EVERYDAY EVENTS. Such as.....CHILD MOLESTATION. 'Cause now ya'll ALL WANT THE POLICE TO 'HAVE DONE THEIR JOB'. Too fucking funny I tell ya...

**I had to make it personal for some of you Delaware folks one time. Pretty sure you KNOW who I am talking about and I'm willing to bet you he has some PRETTY NICE THINGS to say about that man.

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