

(Words/hip hop) So once again, ya'll are 'disappointed' with the 2012 Freshman Class by XXL....

Color me SURPRISED over here..

I just don't get it. By it I mean, why do you guys hold up hope, year after year, that something that has SO MANY PEOPLE DECIDING ITS FATE, is going to turn out a certain way? Do you LIKE pounding your head against the proverbial brick wall? Is that?

 I mean, by ALL ACCOUNTS, YOU ALL HAVE PRETTY MUCH ADMITTED THAT THE MAGAZINE (AND COUNTLESS NUMBERS LIKE IT) ARE NOTHING MORE THAN 'PUPPETS'/'PAWNS' IN A GAME THAT MANY OF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS PLAY. I see some artists are tweeting that they 'turned them down' too 'cause it was a bad look to be on the list. Yeah..'cause Meek Mill was on the list and...nevermind...

Look, if you want to be underground, then don't be out here in these Twitter streets getting mad 'cause the 'overground' didn't shout you out. That is moronic. Especially when you are out 'discrediting the list' to begin with. Which many an underground rapper tends to do. Not ALL...many. If your words/feelings for XXL are coming from a place where you feel as though YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THAT LIST, the BEST REMEDY FOR THAT IS...

Make music that forces them to pay attention to you and in turn, makes them come to you. That's it.


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