

MISGUIDED DREAMERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE... | Useless information is everywhere! What was the...

MISGUIDED DREAMERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE... | Useless information is everywhere! What was the...

Via my boy Shane H...

Useless information is everywhere! What was the final score of the game last night? What kind of shirt was that Jay-Z had on at the awards? You can find the answers to those questions without even looking. You may not even care, but someone will make it their business to tell you. I’m guilty of spreading and consuming useless information just like anyone else. But I’m becoming aware of it. I’m conscious of it. So sometimes I can stop myself. I’m getting better. Information of any kind of substance or relevance, you have to hunt for. It’s hidden. It’s hidden because the world doesn’t want us to become smarter, sharper, better thinkers, better doers. The world wants us to remain lazy. The world wants us to remain dependent on its useless information.  They capitalize on our consumption of useless information. They will continue to capitalize until we become more disciplined, have more self control, self restraint. It’s imperative that we become more knowledgable of our own ignorance. We need to attack that ignorance every chance we get it. Some say that all the new technology is making us dumber. Maybe, maybe not. If it is, that is only because we let it. Just like they have technology and networks to dumb us down, they also have technology and networks that will build us up. We have to look for them they’re out there. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We get on social networks and ABUSE them. We do everything besides network. It’s mostly a competition. Who has the most Jordan’s? oh, let me show you what I’m wearing today. While I’m at it, I’ll show you what I ate today as well. Did you see so and so’s new hairstyle? None of that is helping anyone. We’re dumbing ourselves down and we don’t even realize it. The world has most of us brainwashed. We put too much emphasis and importance on things that don’t matter. We all love to have fun, well I know I do. But we have to be more conscious of the way we spend our time, what we take in, and what we put out there into the world. It starts with self-respect and honesty. If you’re comfortable within yourself you’re not worried about being in competition with anyone or fighting for attention trying to get a “Retweet” or “Like.” Let’s build each other up instead of trying to tear each other down. How long we will continue to let the world take advantage of us? - Iksrats

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