

(Pictures) @Yaris_Sanchez X Candids including w/@Iammaliahmichel)

Ridiculous. No need to put up 'half naked' pics of her. She looks great CLOTHED.

Thinking of starting a Hall of Fame of sorts for the blog. She is going in it for sure. @ # of hits..

She knows she stays DRINKING SOME DAMM OVER THE TOP Shit looks good though.. 

*My lack of posts on her recently isn't out of disinterest. TRUST ME. I still check for her. I just know she has so many followers now (and outlets to get her pics out like Instagram and such) that NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND A PICTURE OF HER is no longer an issue. All you have to do is type her name in a search engine.. You might even see a few pics I've hosted..Oh and the half naked caption? It is true. Not that I 'mind' WHEN SHE IS HALF NAKED MIND YOU.. I'm no idiot...

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