

So this is what Mike Wallace's asking price is...The 49ers inquired about Mike Wallace but ...

49ers Blog and Q&A: The 49ers inquired about Mike Wallace but ...

Let me be clear I knew it was high. I promise I did. I can also see why folks would be shying away from it. I mean, I'm not mad at Mike either. GET YOUR MONEY FAM. It's business. I also know that the Steelers probably won't pay him that much. At least I don't think so. I could be wrong and I know there are TONS OF YOU WHO HOPE I AM WRONG. 

Again...I understand it. He should have been drafted higher and this is his way of making up that 'stagger'. No problem. He can command it. Or can he? @ the teams that passed on this alleged price tag. I wonder how 'off' this number is as well? 'Cause it can't be THAT FAR OFF. I know he wants over a 100 millie for the duration of his contract so my question is just how far off is this the article. Here is a piece..

How much? A league source said that Wallace, 25, wants a contract that surpasses the eight-year, $120 million deal that Larry Fitzgerald signed last year with the Cardinals. Combine that with the first-round pick any team that signs Wallace to an offer sheet would lose if the Steelers didn't match the offer, and you start to understand why we've heard so little about Wallace in the last week and a half.
That, of course, could change. Teams have another month to sign restricted free agents. But at that price, the 49ers aren't interested, and it's hard to imagine the Patriots, Bengals and Ravens paying that either.
Wallace ranked 11th in receiving yards last season with 1,193 yards, and he scored eight touchdowns. Fitzgerald ranked fourth with 1,411 yards and eight touchdowns. The Steelers placed a first-round tender worth $2.74 million on Wallace. If Wallace signs it, he'll become an unrestricted free agent next season and all 32 teams will be able to bid on him without the fear of losing a draft pick.

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