

(Words) Some things are better left between you and your lawyer. Dude admits to smashing 14 years old basically..

..on that lovely social tool we know as Twitter.

This won't be too long (or at least I don't plan on it being that long)....

I tried to do a little research into the young man in question before I just out and out blasted him. Maybe see if he were say '17ish-19ish' and coming to grips with the fact that the age he is speaking on is a 'pond he can no longer fish in'.. Nope. Not the case. What leads me to that conclusion is the fact that he used a '24 year old' woman in his original statement and some other little small factors.* Maybe if THAT is the perspective that he was coming from, I MAY have given leeway to even Rting him and/or making the post. 

Alas, he is a grown ass man tweeting that. All the way grown and for that he is wrong. I mean if HE FEELS THAT WAY about knocking off random 14 year old girls, he needs to just say THAT. Not 'any man' would. Furthermore, even if you DID FEEL THAT WAY, THE LAW STATES THAT IT IS WRONG and last I checked, although you can't be locked up for saying that, any and all contact with anyone underage by him would probably be looked at in a suspect light. 

Now I want you guys to forget I'm a Father of a girl (and other little girls who will be Lord willing) that age just for two paragraphs. I am going to speak as a man. 'Cause I didn't JUST GET THE IDEA THAT TALKING TO A 14 YEAR GIRL AND BEING CASUAL ABOUT IT WAS 'JUST RIGHT' when I became a Father. Nope. It hasn't set right with me for a long time. You see, I had a COUPLE OF FOLKS tell me that I needed to stop fishing out of that pond when I became of age. (I started having that said to me my SR year of high school actually..) So I did. Clearly, as I stated in the UP TOP, I do have some 'empathy' for a dudes who weren't told this** because like the young man whose tweet I posted up, they aren't being properly mentored that it is no longer acceptable to date someone who is CLEARLY AT A MATURITY DISADVANTAGE (in most cases) than you are. The differences are too vast and quite frankly, most of the times, they are far too vulnerable to fall prey to the things that a dude who is even 19 or so has to offer in the way of money, access to certain things and experience. 

Clearly, homie doesn't see it that way. Now these are the times when I don't feel bad for folks when Fathers, Uncles, brothers, male friends and the like get involved. I don't even want to wish bad on the man by saying "I hope that XYZ happens when he does...." Nope. I want to be proactive and have it NOT HAPPEN TO A LITTLE GIRL IN THE FIRST PLACE. That is my wish. My wishes don't always come true though. I suspect by his language that I am too late actually. That he is speaking from a place of "I'd do it again..." rather than 'I wouldn't mind..." That is why I am putting him on display here today. Hopefully, one of you will reach out to him and let him know in STEREO that his attitude towards teenage girls might lead to VERY BAD THINGS. Again, I am no idiot. So I won't be 'threatening' him print per say. 

Now you can 'remember' that I am a parent again of the little girls....The 'parent' in me has this to say...

NIGGA, IF I EVER CATCH YOU AROUND ANYTHING IN MY HOUSE that is that age,  I WILL PERSONALLY TAKE THE .25 AND LET YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. Not anything bigger either 'cause I want to get UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH YOU. @ THE CALIBER I CHOSE. In order to do harm, I have to be close and that is what it will be. Up close and VERY PERSONAL. I don't care WHERE YOU ARE FROM EITHER. At all. Funeral homes are all over homie.   I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in these sentiments. @ the Fathers, brothers, uncles, male figures in any of the future 14 year old girls you wouldn't mind 'fucking'... Take it how you want to. NIGGA. I'd be willing to bet your favorite show is TCAP isn't it? You are probably one of those niggas up here making jokes and shit on Twitter huh? 

Look, I won't even hit you with the 'What if it were your.." shit either. Fuck all of that. I hope if you have done it, someone finds out, takes a hot coat hanger and sticks it up in YOU AS FAR AS IT WILL GO, takes it back out, heats it back up and STICKS IT BACK IN YOUR MOUTH DOWN YOUR THROAT AS FAR IT WILL GO. That's how I feel about you and your attitude towards fucking 14 year olds that look like they are 24.....*** 

I think that about covers this week's 'words'. Have a good day ya'll..

*You can feel free to ask the young man his age if you like. I've seen enough personally. I don't have to. Plus, I RETWEETED HIM ON MY TL and he didn't say shit so clearly he doesn't want to address what was said. Probably will after reading this but so what.... It's published now. I stand by it. 

** Even though they should STILL KNOW IT IS WRONG ON SOME LEVEL...

*** PARENTS RAISE YOUR CHILDREN. He is wrong. You are equally wrong if your child isn't wearing AGE appropriate clothing. I know you don't want to HEAR THAT but you are. Period. Stop trying to make your kids look like a MINIATURE YOU MOM. Dads...stay in your daughter's lives and let them know they are PRETTY AS THEY ARE so they don't have to have the need for some dude to tell 'em on a regular basis..

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