

(Words) Thinking too HIGHLY of your own 'respect'....


" I don't respect that fact that....(insert whatever the topic is)" 

I find this OVERUSED phrase to be HIGH COMEDY 89% of the time when I hear it. Why?

1. Usually folks speaking on whatever the subject is HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER AT HAND. In English, their 'respect' = ZERO on the scale of how things will turn out.

2. The folks who say this are usually the main ones who swear they don't give a FUCK ABOUT WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY ABOUT THEM. So the question begs, 'Why should the person they don't respect care about what they think?"

3. See #1 I will dumb it down for you this time though. Nobody cares B. @ whether you respect it or not. At least not folks who have THEIR OWN MIND. I don't give a shit if you don't 'respect' such and such... I know (and he/she does too) that you can't DO A DAMM THING ABOUT WHATEVER GAIN THEY ARE GETTING THAT YOU 'SO CALLED DON'T RESPECT. So basically you are pissing in the wind and getting wet. @ how you make yourself sound to others. That goes double time for whoever 'agrees' with you. Ya'll are just pissing in the wind getting wet together is all. Shoot it in the air and call it rain if you like but I see where it is coming from. It is piss all day partner. @ 'the source' .

I think that a lot of you don't know the meaning of the word respect honestly. For some of you it means 'fear' which is a shame because scared people do SOME DESPERATE THINGS TO STAY ALIVE. If one is scared of you, the MINUTE..THE ABSOLUTE SECOND..THAT THEY CAN GET YOU UP OUTTA HERE..IN ANY SHAPE FORM OR FASHION..THEY WILL. Think about that. Just take a minute. Think of the bully who gets stood up to by that one BRAVE SOUL. The MINUTE HE GOES DOWN, ALL OF HIS VICTIMS START ATTACKING HIM. Kinda like that.  All scared folks aren't meek and there is no amount of 'He/she wasn't built like anyway' that can BRING FOLKS BACK once a scared person does things 'normally reserved for live niggas' if you get what I mean... Keep trying to 'scare' folks into respect. You will run into the RIGHT PERSON (or the wrong situation) and lose half your life (or maybe all of it depending on who, what, where and why..) End up on a t-shirt or with limited visitation. All because you wanted to be 'respected'. Respect is not that ya'll. Don't know how else to say it.

These thoughts have led me to this...

Expecting shit from people that you don't respect and then having the audacity to wonder why they won't do shit for you....

What Part Of The Game Is This? (WPOTGIT). So lets get this straight. You don't 'respect them'. You think they are soft, whined their way into their position, perhaps fucked their way there, whatever, whatever, etc, etc... You have MADE IT KNOWN YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. Every chance you get you tell someone...

"I don't respect them..." 

....and then you want to turn around and ask this say this shit..

"I don't understand why they don't want to help/do/etc this that and the third... for....." 

HELLO!- (Herm Edwards voice) You don't think for ONE MINUTE THAT FOLKS CAN'T PICK UP ON WHEN YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THEM? Come on man, wake THEE FUCK UP. I know the niggas that 'Don't respect me' and I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER give them shine on this shit here. Ever.  Nor will I EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER expect shit from them. I don't care 'how much they have changed' to a certain extent in some situations*

You really think people are that stupid? You really think that your 'hood smarts'** are gonna get you over on folks to the point that they don't know when they are being 'used'? Not everyone NEEDS TO BE ACCEPTED JACK. Remember, you don't 'respect that person'. Guarantee you there is a line of folks who feel the same way about that person. You wanna know why? It isn't because you are 'right about them', I'll tell you that. It is because THEY KNOW WHEN FOLKS ARE BEING PHONY AND HAVE PROMPTLY DISTANCED THEMSELVES FROM SAID PEOPLE. You think you are the first person who has expressed 'no respect' in regards to them but has turned RIGHT BACK AROUND AND DEMANDED SOMETHING OF THEM? No.  In other words, that game you are trying to 'run', they've peeped it, probably run it themselves and DEFINITELY know how not to fall for it. So you can try to 'have your opinion about them' yet 'demand something from them' if you like but the truth of the matter is they don't have to do shit nor do they need your 'respect'. They are usually where you want to be. Otherwise, you wouldn't be wasting time talking about how you 'don't respect them'. If they are 'truly' as meaningless as you say, stop GIVING THEM ENERGY and go around them. Period. 

Some of you think WAY TOO HIGHLY OF YOUR RESPECT. Like it is the 'golden ticket' to something. I don't want to make it seem like your opinion doesn't matter but....well...IT DOESN'T IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS. That's just the truth of the matter. Yes, that is even TRUE IN A SITUATION LIKE BEING A 'FAN'...

...YES BEING A FAN OF SOMEONE DICTATES SOME THINGS BUT YOU ARE one person (or a group of folks if you have folks who permeate your ears and thoughts with like minded things. ) So what if you know 30 niggas that think Jay-Z sucks.. Or Lebron is soft. Or that Barack isn't shit. So what? You do the math as far as how many folks DON'T THINK THAT WAY ABOUT THOSE FOLKS. I'll let you do it. Here's a hint..(whispers) 


So while all YOU MAY HEAR IS, 'They suck....blah blah blah..' due to the fact that your whole circle agrees, you are in the minority in most cases. Which makes you....say it with me now...


Say it again REALLY SLOW WITH ME. A non factor...

Now you can RUN AROUND AND DEBATE cats left and right about it and try to change their minds, one fan at a time. Be my guest fam. That doesn't change the fact that until they do something that their 'fans' don't like, you will still be....say it with me again...


Again, some of you think your opinions and views are worth a little more than they are. I kinda wish you would stop telling me about who you 'respect' and don't truthfully. I don't care. I just don't. It isn't going to change MY MIND ABOUT THEM until they do something to ME. Plenty of folks you hang around I have ZERO respect AND I DON'T HOLD IT BACK OUT OF FEAR. I hold it back because it doesn't matter. They are going to do them and it doesn't affect me.

Hell, you could say the same about me too in regards to thinking 'highly of myself' if you like..Just remember though.....

YOU READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING POST so I must be doing something right. 

(I'll let that sink in for a minute before I continue 'cause I am not done...) 

Oh and let me address this 'groupie' shit as it pertains TO IT PERMEATING INTO BEING A GROUPIE FOR FOLKS WHO DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU OR WHO YOU DON'T LIKE. Also known as: 


What is this shit all about? You don't like (insert name) yet you care about him seeing you SHINING AND DOING GOOD TO MAKE HIM JEALOUS? What kinda GIRL SHIT IS THAT? Ya'll lacking love like THAT OUT HERE? Girls do shit like that fam. What is that shit? You think I give a fuck about what some nigga from WHEREVER who I know wouldn't like me FROM JUMP thinks? @ the type who don't like folks unless they are EXACTLY LIKE THEY ARE. Really? No fucks given dawg. Fuck that nigga. If he wants to not like me off the break over some shit like that, fuck him. (and her too) 

This goes back to that 'expecting something from folks you don't respect shit too'...'Cause I have had niggas like that 'ask me for shit' like I didn't know they don't 'fuck with me or my kind' like that. Oh NOW YOU WANNA FUCK WITH ME or at least act like it? Nope. You don't care about me so why should I care about you? Fuck that shit. Rot in Hell dawg. Sorry. That's just how I feel. Now I'm not going to go OUT OF MY WAY to make bad things happen but I'm not sticking my neck out for someone who I know doesn't like me. For what? I'm SURELY not going to do things that are 'out of my character' for said folks either just so they can 'respect me'. Fuck them and their respect. I treat them just like I do the white folks that don't like me. They are one AND THE SAME TO ME. Is that clear enough for you? So if you are reading this and you THINK I MIGHT BE TALKING ABOUT YOU, yes I see you on the same level as a racist ass white person. Hope you are proud. @ the things some of you take pride in. 

Just remember people.. Your 'respect' can be 'earned' but lets not get out here and act like your 'respect' is doing BIG THINGS OUT HERE. Even if you are in a position to help. Someone with the knowledge and will (and some Grace) can AND WILL WORK AROUND YOU. It has been done. If you aren't in the position to 'help' folks, maybe one day you will be. LOSE THE SUPERIOR ATTITUDE though or your reign on the top will be short like leprechauns - Biggie

Lets be a little more 'humane' about things. Maybe then, some of the things I said up top (even my OWN FEELINGS) may change. I am an 'extremely nice person' by nature. Unfortunately, in the words of my boy 'Everyone isn't nice.." so thus I have adopted tactics and defense mechanisms to combat that. Just know you aren't the only ones out here with them... That's all I am saying.

*There are some I have seen the growth in people and decided not to hold 15-23 year old them against the 'grown and improved them'. Not if the nigga is still acting like he/she DID BACK THEN THOUGH.. Nope. I don't owe you shit. I don't care where we are from, who you are, WHO OUR MUTUAL FRIENDS ARE NOW or what RELATION you might be to me. Straight like that. You don't respect me, I'm not HELPING YOU do shit directly and maybe even not INDIRECTLY IF I FEEL THAT STRONGLY ABOUT IT. Take it how you wanna...

 **Many a survival tactic was born out of plight. Some of you need to realize that 'plight' doesn't always = poor though. Folks have been in detrimental situations that may not look like 'YOUR SITUATION' and learned the SAME LESSONS that you have. You gotta stop thinking people haven't just because they didn't live where you did (or somewhere similar. ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE OF COLOR. Racism is alive and well in case you have been living under a FUCKING ROCK. We've all had to 'overcome shit' Deal with it. Some of us learned it on a 'block'. Some of us learned it via 'segregation' amongst folks who DID NOT WANT US OUT WHERE THEY WERE AT. Some of us HAVE (GASP) a mixture of the two experiences.

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