

(Words) You can be Human Just Don't Do it Around Me/"Has It Ever Occurred To You That You Might Be Wrong..

I think Snoopy D. Hill aka Joe Cool was ON TO SOMETHING HERE. Most of us love to point out that 'to err is human' but can't accept that flaw WITHIN OURSELVES.* Sure we may spit out the 'I could be wrong though....' phrase every once in awhile as a 'buffer' but all in all, we don't usually readily admit when we are wrong. We have a REALLY LOW TOLERANCE for that.

I think that is partly due to the fact that some folks are SO OBNOXIOUS WITH IT when folks are wrong that the mere thought makes folks argue shit down to the very last compound to save face. We have folks out here who TRULY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH A SIMPLE: 


That mere statement stumps most people. They don't know what to do with it. It is HILARIOUS. I know. I've tried it. I've conceded I was 'wrong' and watched folks STILL TRY TO ARGUE ME DOWN. Folks ARE SO SURE AND ANXIOUS TO BE RIGHT THAT THEY ARGUE DOWN FOLKS EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE CONCEDED BEING 'WRONG'. If you have ever watched someone 'continue their argument' when the other person has SAID IT IN PLAIN ENGLISH (or whatever language is being spoken at the time) that they were 'wrong? That shit is HIGH COMEDY. The person is still RANTING AND RAVING..trying to make SURE EVERYONE KNOWS THEY ARE 'RIGHT'.

The kicker? When I have conceded that I was 'wrong', the topics at hand weren't opinion based. They were factual. Think 'There is an extra day in a Leap Year' kinda factual. Not debatable kind of factual. So, imagine the 'look on that person's face' when someone whose 'opinions and information' they valued broke the news to them that they were indeed 'wrong'. Yeah....I had fun with (and will continue to have fun with) those situations. It just shows me again that Snoopy was right. Folks REALLY DON'T THINK THEY ARE WRONG OUTCHEA. Maybe this book needs to be written after all. 

Facts vs. Opinions and the arguments over 'right or wrong' when they both get mixed together: 

These types of discussions are the ones most of us have. We have a few of the facts and then based on those facts, we formulate our 'opinions'. Nothing wrong with it. Most of us do it and it makes for fun and healthy debates. Most of us know that what a person feels is dependent on their OWN PERSONAL FEELINGS about the subject matter, their knowledge of it and any experience that they may have with the subject. We usually respect each others 'facts based on opinions' and we walk away no harm no foul.

Not the person who is 'always right though'. Nope. The problem with them usually is the that have their 'facts' mixed up, DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THE FACTS and have their own, made up facts, or won't acknowledge that whatever the topic at hand that is being discussed is pretty much an opinion based subject. I think we all know that ANY OF THESE ALONE WOULD CREATE HAVOC but they usually pop up TOGETHER. Anybody who has ever encountered these together knows things usually turn into a real life episode of 'First Take'. As a result, we have even more reason to think 'I'm never wrong..." @ the things we do discuss at times when we are the 'person that is never wrong'. 

Yeah...dealing with the person that is never wrong is no fun. It is like they take pleasure in you being wrong too. Always taking the TIME TO POINT OUT THAT YOU ARE WRONG. Even when they don't know what the fuck it is they are talking about or don't know the 'right answer'. They just know you are 'wrong' and that it is their 'civic duty' to tell you so at EVERY TURN. -_- Did I mention that those same folks usually can't STAND IT when you point ANYTHING that they do wrong? Yeah....

Definitely think this book is in need of being written. Nobody, to the best of my knowledge has ACTUALLY WRITTEN THIS BOOK and came out THIS BLATANTLY WITH IT. I know it would take quite an accomplished individual to do it....wait...maybe it WOULDN'T. Maybe a 'regular' person who has made mistakes and REALIZES THAT CLEARLY THEY HAVEN'T BEEN RIGHT in many situations could write such a book. I know...I folks out here are SO JADED THOUGH. You would need to hear from the 'success' stories which is sad. Lessons don't come in 'pretty packages' and a lot of you KNOW THAT BUT YET YOU WON'T TAKE ADVICE FROM FOLKS WHO HAVE ENDURED HARDSHIP AFTER HARDSHIP. Perhaps someone will right this book one day. Perhaps one day, I will stop saying maybe and just get to writing it. I don't know if that requires me to have a 'degree' in that field but I know that I have plenty of experience and being right and wrong. Seen enough folks do it as well. Maybe I (or someone else) could take those culminations events and parlay them into thoughts that would form the makings of a book. Maybe... 

If the title of this post 'doesn't set with you right' or feels like a personal attack then....yeah..too bad for you. 'Cause I'm sure that someone has been wrong about YOU and your endeavors. About things you could or couldn't do. 

Or maybe..just DO FIT THE BILL AND ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Maybe you never think you are wrong. Maybe even when you are wrong, you feel like 'whatever self imposed punishment that you give yourself' EXEMPTS YOU FROM ANY OF THE VISCERAL TREATMENT YOU GIVE OTHERS WHEN THEY FUCK UP. So yeah, maybe you are feeling the 'heat' of the words coming off the page. Not my fault. Do better. You aren't special Champ. Trust me. We all feel the consequences when you DON'T DO WHAT IT IS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO EITHER. 

Difference is, most of us quietly clean up the mess you leave behind and keep it moving as we should. I mean, you KNOW YOU MESSED UP RIGHT? I don't have to tell you that you did so lets not use that as a 'cop out'. @ the "Well, nobody ever says anything..." excuse. You seem to have NO TROUBLE DECIPHERING BULLSHIT WHEN IT ISN'T YOU SO I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT YOU DON'T KNOW IT WHEN YOU SPEWING IT TOO. 

I think I speak for all of the people that have to deal with the person who is 'never wrong' in their own mind. 

You are wrong a lot more than you realize. Yes, you are 'great' at whatever it is you do but you are human. You probably want to 'check yourself before you wreck yourself' outchea. For real. 


The rest of us 'mere mortals'...

Yeah...I think someone needs to write that book Snoopy.. Someone get on that..  

*Hell in some cases, some of us can't tolerate it in other folks even though we aren't perfect...I call it the 'You can be human but just don't do that shit around me' syndrome...

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