

The reason why David Stern said to Jim Rome 'Do You Still Beat Your Wife' The Mother of All Loaded Questions

A question with a false, disputed, or question-begging presupposition.

aka The Loaded Question...

 Asking "Have you stopped beating your wife?" suggests that you have beaten your wife in the past, as well as that you have a wife. If you are unmarried, or have never beaten your wife, then the question is loaded.Which is what David was getting at...

Only two ways this could go...which is why Rome never really responded.

  1. "Yes, I have stopped beating my wife", which entails "I was beating my wife."
  2. "No, I haven't stopped beating my wife", which entails "I am still beating my wife."
Which is kinda what the 'lottery' question was to Stern...


 Just so you know WHY THIS SHIT IS SO FUNNY.. Not that Jim has actually done such a thing.(Ya'll can stop scouring the Net looking to see if he did..He didn't.) 

 David was merely putting Jim back in the position that he was put in. Succinctly. I'm no Stern 'fan' but that shit was brilliant.

 This is that NEXT LEVEL SNARK.. 

You've been successful out of making a career out of it and I keep coming on...- David Stern....

This shit is COMEDY!! 

David also spoke on he would have put Isiah Thomas on the Dream Team had he had control in this audio. As long as he would have taken the 'Dookie' off the team, it would have been fine 'cause the LEAGUE'S ALL TIME ASSIST LEADER deserved his spot. @ Stock...

I wonder if Around The Horn is gonna be allowed to discuss this......Probably not... Who knows though...THEY MIGHT.. 

Here is th audio..


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