

(Music/Thoughts) My official 'thoughts' on @ChrisSkillz's 'Before Dawn' Mixtape

You know the drill by now. It is a 'review' per say but I don't call 'em that simply because stating that implies that I 'review' all music. Let me be clear. I'm not about to sit here and talk about a mixtape/album/whatever on the reg that I don't see any redeeming qualities in. I could hit you with a quick 'I don't like it..." for all of that and a simple statement like that does a post not make so......Here we are.. If that 'discredits' my thoughts to you, turn backspace your happy ass on out of this post. Does it mean that everything that I give 'thoughts' on is 'flawless'? Nope. However,  I'm not here for that honestly so even if I delve into those, don't look for your usual 'overboard' antics you see in other places...anyhow....

Let's get into this kid from Dover, Delaware's LATEST joint. He has a couple of more tapes out. His music is usually in my blog's music player so you may have heard him here. Matter of fact, he has a song that sampled THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE'S 'Take Off Your Blues" joint that I play PRETTY FREQUENTLY on my Twitter and have featured here.. He was on RapEFX with Sway the other week. You may have seen him at SXSW this year as well.  You may have seen the interview I did with him albeit a little short. Shameless plug, it was BEFORE any of those other folks interviewed him btw. @ my interview. Use the search button to find them on here or here's an idea.... USE GOOGLE. It is your friend. His tapes are all over DatPiff....

Here is it track by track...Brief description of what I got out of it....

Here's the tape itself in case you want to hear it track by track...

Sunset- For those of you unfamiliar with Chris Skillz, this track is the perfect setup. He speaks on his life as it is RIGHT NOW. At present. This joint gives you a PEEK into depression. The kind of depression that A WHOLE LOT OF YOU SPEAK ON but don't want to diagnose it as such. This is a recurring theme in his music. What "I" got out of the track is these are his thoughts before he 'sleeps'... Deep track...

Run With Me- Boy meets girl...REAL LIFE STYLE. None of that 'I macked her...she gave up the panties..I'm the shit' type shit. Real life meet and hook up. This is how most 'folks' meet and how they end up 'apart'. This might be a little too 'grown' for some of you I know ,however, it is EXACTLY how this shit should be broken down to folks in the 18-30ish lane. Real life brings folks together. @ why folks get together. Pain, struggle and the like... It isn't always enough to keep folks together though if they aren't 'helping each other' GET OVER THE PAIN. One thing to deal with pain. A whole other thing to actually help. I don't want to give away too much of the song but there is no 'happy' ending. Lets just say that. My favorite line of this joint answers the 'eternal burning question' many folks have..'Why...'

Favorite line: "Lying to himself...he's still working.. and still loves her..has this feeling like he can't trust her..she's coming home late...felt different when he fucked her..he played cool..'cause he had no real reason not to trust her...besides 'cause she loved him...he loved her..she said that she's had her in a funk.."

 No History-  Another reflective joints. The production on this joint is reminiscent of a certain Detroit rapper's style. Female singing a reflective hook and Chris just opening up about issues that quite frankly, not too many rappers want to talk about. First part of the joint is about a relationship and the betrayal in that. Speaks on sexual abuse as a child in the second part...This one sounds REALLY PERSONAL. Open letter to Mother about leaving him exposed to contact with someone who touched him inappropriately. Third part is about 'cutting'. I'm sure some of you have 'heard' about that but probably have never really heard anybody really speak on it. So listen up. Once you hear the song, you will get the 'no history' title. Another thought provoking song..

Dream Catcher- Let me get this out of the way RIGHT NOW. Yes, folks are talking about 'Dreams' now. They have been doing that though so unless you are 'new' to the World, this isn't some 'piggy back'. Chris is his own artist. Trust me. He RIPS THIS SHIT DOWN and it isn't a 'club song'. No diss to those who do that. (Hell, I love club songs too shit..) Anyway, I had to say that 'cause I know how 'skeptical' some of you are. The beat on this joint GOES. I wonder how long K.O. held onto this beat? 'Cause it sounds like something that HE WOULD GO OVER HIMSELF. @ why I said that. 

The title is self explanatory though. It literally means that. 

"My days are getting shorter......depression settles in... I think I met my match...what if I don't win....she don't understand that dreams don't come true's like my days getting nights? Everlasting...scared to go to sleep what if I never wake up? 'Cause these dreams that I'm having I write to the beat....'cause these nightmares pierce through my heart so deep.." 

Nice flip on the beginning too. I'm pretty sure you recognize that from a certain Canadian artist's work... 

The Monster (Interlude) -  Think T.I vs. T.I.P...I won't give it away. Pretty sure, based on some of the things that I've seen some of you say, you can relate to this joint. It is short and sweet. 

"Pull it..pull it..end it all...." 

Suicidal Note ft. K.O (Kyle Owens) -  If you have ever had someone you know commit suicide, this joint will touch you. If you have ever thought of it, this will also touch you. The production and the hook are stellar btw but that is probably secondary to the message. He is speaking to those 'truly in pain' outchea. We all say 'That's a shame' when it happens but very few of us use our art to speak to those while they are still here. I think this joint does that. Maybe someone will hear this and know that there are others that feel this way and get help. Hell, it might speak FOR THEM.. Like this particular line in the song does here.

"These feelings ain't new..I've had these feelings since I was two..Plus ain't no doctor can save me or get me fate..please don't judge me it could be you..Either abused or you are accused...keep your mouth shut. They telling me to move on. Live Life try to be strong..I been a victim... "

See what I mean? @ strong lyrics.  

Young Man Pt. 3-ft. Al- Fatir - I would strongly suggest you go back and listen to Chris's other tapes so you can catch up on the this trilogy of songs BUT it isn't 'mandatory'. You will get the gist of the song QUICK. Once again, the young men take the mirror, turn it around and get deep down and honest on this joint. No pretense. Al leads off. I want an duo album with him and Chris. Now. Not now..Right now.

"I sit and dream in the dark. Create a spark from the shit that I write. Lights dim but his future is bright. Someone told me. And he told me 'Not everybody is your homie' ....taste a lil success and those friends is now phony..'

The Moment- "The lights..the city...someone's after me...'till I give no resistance.." 

The way the track was done is pretty unique. His lyrics are punched in with an echo effect. Definitely makes you take notice if you are into that type of detail. The lyrics are on good. I will say that the beat is a lil monotone but the message is not lost because of it. The hook, which is what I typed out first, negate that for me, which makes the track more than listenable for me. This is about as close as you are gonna get from me in the way of a 'complaint' as I actually like the hook and the lyrics. I can tell this is one of those songs I won't 'fully get' until I am in one of 'those moods'. 

On The Run-  This song is unapologetic in its 'real hip hop' stance. I know a lot of you 'hate' that moniker but you can't have it both ways. See, you if you 'don't like that kind of hip hop', you are QUICK to use the moniker so don't get mad when folks use it for positive. *shrugs* You know what he means. He means NO BULLSHIT. Mofos getting up there with no flow. No lyrics..Just talking on the record. Lets not get brand new and shit. Needless to say..this nigga gets on this record and SPITS HIS ASS OFF. He is just saying the same thing you 'piss and moan about' in your Twitter TL. Stop my nig.

Period. I won't even quote lyrics. Just listen to the song. You should recognize the sample at the beginning. It was a nice flip on it too.  

Life Goes On ft. Big Pat & Jigz- If he 'lost you' on that last track, you are back on this one. Speaks on all of the folks that he has lost over the years. The beat on this joint is outta here. This is BBQ music mayne. Straight up. Big Pat and Jigz did the track justice as well. Very dope joint.

Live-  K.O. on the ivory man.. @ the beginning of this joint. Just sets the mood. Then Chris comes in with that inspirational shit while explaining the struggle it may take to get there. He speaks on why he can talk about what it is he does. His mother's Cancer struggle. The things that motivate him. I know a lot of you feel like YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES are the only ones that could light a fire up under someone to do something. Nope. Everybody has a story B....- S. Carter. This is Chris's. Dope hook..dope production..dope lyrics.. 

Outro- (Sunrise) - Time to wake up. Last track. I look at this track like that period of time when you are 'trying to wake up', you can hear what's going around you but you aren't quite awake yet. You are half sleep, half dreaming and the two meld. That is what this track reminds me of. He speaks on the things that went on in 'in the night' (the things he touched on in this mixtape) and what it he embarks on 'today's journey'. 

Now I gave you what I THOUGHT THE SONGS MEANT to me. You may listen and get something totally different. Once again this is the reason that I am hesitant to call these things 'reviews'. I hate telling folks what I say is the 'gospel'. If you get what I got out of it, cool. If not, no sweat. Hell, Chris might even read this shit and be like 'Naw homie, that's not what I meant by that song there.." as he didn't 'tell me what he meant track by track'. That is the BEAUTY OF MUSIC....well...good music to me anyway. You can take it and meld it into so many other things. I personally have enjoyed this mixtape since its release on Saturday. Played it while working out, out driving or just sitting around the house along side some other new releases (If you follow me on Instagram, you know the ones I'm talking about). This fits RIGHT INTO WHAT I LIKE TO LISTEN TO so if you 'respect' my musical ear, give it a shot. You may actually like it. 


Here is all of their info in case you are an artist reading/listening to the tracks I put up and decide, this is a kid I would like to work with. Good people. I will be honest, I would like to connect my 'friends' in the music business with the kid BUT I know these things must happen as organically as possible so perhaps one day it will happen...

@Chrisskillz Produced by @Hookkilla

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