

(Olympics) So they kicked @papaxristoutj (Voula Papachristou) outta the Olympics for her tweet eh? @ Greece

I'm surprised they sent her home honestly...I'm not surprised she said it though. What I am even more surprised about is how it was found out. She has 3k followers. Probably all of them are fans/lust after her. Can't imagine one of them 'translating and telling' so that begs the question. Who is 'watching' her account? Are they watching ALL OF THE OLYMPIANS ACCOUNTS?

Here is what she said (the tweet has been removed and there is an apology up now) She tweeted it in Greek btw....

"With so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food!!!"

The joke was in reference to a recent outbreak of the disease in a small African village... 

Apparently, some folks don't see the 'issue' with this... (From a forum that my post was linked in..)

Apparently, folks don't see the issue with what she said. Odds that they are white and conservative? Probably have some sheets hidden in their closets with holes in 'em? LOL I mean, if you don't see 'anything' wrong with what she said, good for you. Don't know what fucking rock you live under but okay... Keep living in your World where you are 'safe' from such underlying bullshit. *shrugs** Probably the same folks that want 'the Lebrons and Dwight Howards' of the World to be happy that someone is paying them and to stay where they are drafted...'cause they are black..I mean paid well.....


This is the part where you probably expect me to 'light into her' huh? Nope. She got sent HOME. I don't have to. Four years of training and she won't get to compete. At least it looks that way for now. I think she got punished enough without me railing on about it. If she didn't know it was wrong before, she knows it now. You can feel free to raise your blood pressure up about it but I'm cool over here on that. She is probably sitting somewhere right now looking like this here..

 So there is no real need for me to get to snapping...

Here is her apology on Facebook..

I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account. I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.

My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races.

I would like to apologize to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted or shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologize to my coach and my family.

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