

Nas Lost (Ghostwriters) | FWMJ's Rappers I Know

I'mma make you go their site to read the rest. They deserve that. I'm just passing it along..I'm not even putting it up to 'disparage' Nas. Really I am not. Hell, I don't even know if it is TRUE! (If I wanted to, I'd write WAY MORE THAN I AM NOW. Those of you have been here KNOW HOW I GET WHEN I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT SOMETHING..)...READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. I'm not sure what the numerical amount on 'largely' is but I know it is over 50%....I also know it doesn't mean ALL.. Two people are mentioned....I am not sure if some of you know how 'music' works but there is OFTEN a team of folks who 'help' the artist. Oh that's not how you and your mans get down when you hit the 'stu'? Gotta ask you this then?

Who are you and do I know you on a major level? Straight like that. No disso but really? Who are you and what have you written SOLO/DOLO full length project style that I could name to ten random people who LOVE HIP HOP, who aren't your friends/co-workers/etc, that folks would hip me to? Oh okay.... So you saying that 'I don't do that', while it may true, you are also not Nas. Nor anyone close to his level. I won't disrespect you and say you can't make music but it works for plenty of folks who are where you are trying to be... Keep reading below..I get into a bit if you don't know... 

Nas Lost (Ghostwriters)

Nas speaking on it.. 

Autumn, but maybe Winter, 2007 was a weird time of life for me. I was one and a half years into my 4 year stint at HOT 97 where I would low key plot on how to somehow have whatever “backpacking” rapper I liked that quarter getting 150 spins a week (hey, I was young and naive, and didn’t understand what Radio Business was actually about). One of the gods had fallen.
The day Jay called me at work to tell me he was ghostwriting for Nas was a hard day for me. On one hand, I was happy that a friend of mine that seemingly no one cared an iota for a year or two prior was quickly ascending through the ranks of hip hop as a voice to pay attention to and a career in the making to watch. Earlier that summer we’d posted and artworked Act I and word was quickly spreading that he was a one to watch. Not too long after began that yearly teasing at Christmastime that Act II: The Pledge would be dropping for free as a download that would surely overload my server and shut down my site from traffic. It’s 2013 and we’re still waiting.


I have had folks ask me about 'sources', where/how does Jay Elec fit in, what does Stic Man (or Nas) for that matter have to do with it and more importantly WHO IS THE PERSON BEHIND RAPPERSIKNOW....I've even had some of you ask me 'Who is Dream Hampton"? Which would be cool except YOU ARE THEN TURNING AROUND CITING FACTS AND POINTS THAT COME BEFORE DREAM OR FRANK WILLIAMS...I guess if you are asking because you TRULY DON'T KNOW, I HAVE NO BEEF, BUT IF YOU ARE BEING 'condescending' AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE, I have to question you. Use Google Here's a hint though..

Dream help Jay-Z write Decoded. Vibe Magazine vet..

Here is Frank William Miller........

Oh and here is Nas in JUNE 2012, ON BBC RADIO speaking on the album "Untitled' being a JOINT ALBUM WITH JAY ELECTRONICA.... *shrugs* Now we know Jay wasn't 'signed' to Roc Nation when the other alleged tracks were made but you are a fool if you think someone has to be signed to a label to ghostwrite for someone else.

I'd also like to address the 'Well if he was a ghostwriter for Puff, then why would he need a ghostwriter for his stuff?" question...

I will answer that question straight like this since the folks answering, once again, quoted history in an attempt to dispel this. You do know Big Daddy Kane wrote for Biz Markie right? Oh... The 'exact' reason why? Who knows but that doesn't make it AT LEAST PLAUSIBLE. @ the fact that it may have happened. I mean I would LOVE TO HEAR FROM NAS on the subject....and oh WAIT.. GO TO THE 23:13 MARK OF THIS AUDIO BELOW... That might help you believe that him and Jay Elec have a 'working relationship'...

Why is this just coming out?- You

Why would it come out sooner? There's a motive for sure just don't know exactly what it is but I can think of plenty. Someone is not happy with their payment....someone just told the wrong person and put trust in the wrong place. Someone doesn't like Nas. All 'eh' reasons but things that don't negate the truth. Plenty of things happen for 'hoe ass' reasons (not that not getting paid is a 'hoe ass' reason but I digress) but that doesn't mean that the information that gets released isn't true. Y'all are funny as FUCK when it comes to hearing shit you don't like. Kim Kardashian's a hoe because of a tape but you can only name one tape she has and six people she has been with since her she was 15 but Nas can't have a ghostwriter even though THE MAJORITY OF THE INDUSTRY HAS GHOSTWRITERS AND A TEAM OF WRITERS? -_- 

Look...nobody is saying that Nas NEVER WROTE ANYTHING. Nope. I don't ....or WOULDN'T EVER BELIEVE THAT. Sometimes though, SOMEONE ELSE MAY HAVE A BETTER IDEA AND YOU WANT TO USE IT. It happens. He says AS MUCH IN THAT AUDIO UP TOP about Untitled and how he loved Jay's ideas about using Dilla! Now if that doesn't do it for you....I don't know what else to say. 

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