

(Words) I need you to need me to accept you..- You.

......(So I can feel better about myself and feel powerful for once in my pitiful life..)  and if you don't....

Read the title really slow again before you proceed. It will make better sense that way. @ what you are about to read.

We all like to be right so that's not really my issue. My issue is with the the dog piling and ish when someone doesn't 'flow the way you do'. The need for all of you compromise yourselves daily to 'fit in' with someone who can't do shit for you. Who WOULDN'T DO SHIT FOR YOU. Who would just as soon shit on you like y'all do the poor unfortunate soul who 'dares to do things the way you guys don't'. That is where my issue lies. Note I didn't say I didn't 'understand'. Oh I UNDERSTAND why. Not here for that right now though.

I could probably make this post every day B. For real. At least once a day, I see some super dumb shit on Twitter (sometimes Facebook but mostly Twitter) that makes me literally shake my head. 

I should backtrack on that statement. What I am about to say is something I found out in Life long before we all started logging onto our computers and sharing our thoughts and feelings. You see, I was about 17 or so and I just took a step back from folks. I noticed that the vast majority of the 'males' that I hung around were REALLY TRYING TO IMPRESS EACH OTHER. Now I had always known there would be 'competition' but that isn't what I am talking about. I'm talking about folks LITERALLY hanging on the words of other dudes who weren't 'fully grown in their own right'. Forsaking what was being instilled in them by the 'grown man that that they had in their life' for some cat who didn't know shit.* At the time, my sample pool was relatively small in comparison to what it is now as far as how many people I knew and I KNEW THAT so I tried not to be too jaded and think the rest of the World was like that. I was 17. I was wrong. It pretty much is like that. 

As I grew up, I saw it on a LARGER SCALE. Cats in school, at work, in the club.... all needing to be needed. All needing others to have their opinion valued solely so other folks could exist in peace. Anytime that they felt it didn't happen, out came the jokes. Out came the 'petty arguments'. Out came the 'you aren't like us' even IF IT MADE LIGHT OF THEIR OWN CONDITIONS. 

The need to for folks to have other folks need their approval or validation is staggering out here. 

You got folks out here hurting that bad from their childhood struggles that they feel the need to cling onto shit that bad? Damm homie, get in a therapist's chair fam. Let that shit go. The funny thing about what I just said though is this..

(Whispers) Those same folks who are holding onto their 'issues' want you to 'turn the other cheek' when they lash out at you. They want you to 'let it go' or not be bothered. They actually have the audacity to run around, pick 'fights'/arguments/whatever disguised as 'voicing their opinion' with folks and expect the rest of us to just 'sit there and take it'. While they bitch and moan about EVERYTHING ELSE IN THEIR MISERABLE LITTLE LIVES every day. 

I'm not done though. What about you people who enable these folks? Fuck's your problem? How weak are YOU that you let someone 'mind fuck you' into feeling bad about ANY SITUATION that you were born into? Need I remind you that NOBODY...I MEAN NOBODY...ON THIS EARTH GOT TO CHOOSE WHERE THEY ENDED UP WHEN THEY FIRST GOT HERE? You need to remind yourself of that before you allow yourselves to be 'guilt tripped into tolerating' the bullshit. The folks who ARE LESS FORTUNATE than you didn't anymore pick or CHOOSE TO BE WHERE THEY ARE FROM than you did. I know that sounds harsh but it is THE FUCKING TRUTH. 

Nobody turned to God and said "Hey...that poverty stricken area right there! You see it? Drop me off right there.." 

So don't let anyone 'bully you' into thinking that you owe them some sort of leeway for their petulant behavior AS ADULTS over some shit that NEITHER OF YOU HAD CONTROL OVER. 

(Turns back into the camera) Yeah, that wasn't fun was it? I basically just went in on both sides. The truth is never fun kids when you tell it in its totality. Someone always catches a stray. Even I...Shit...ESPECIALLY I.. Bullet wounds all over. Such is life... You'll deal with it. I did.

Now where was I?? Oh yeah... So this need to 'feel needed in a way that belittles everyone else runs RAMPANT on the Internet. You see it every day B. Shit, some of you reading this shit PARTICIPATE IN IT EVERY DAY. 

It isn't harmless either. It feeds into the 'pack mentality' that a lot of folks have. It breeds the acceptance of jealousy as not only something one should expect but one should EMBRACE. The mentality of impressing someone also breeds dependency of approval from folks who have no say or real power in one's Life. Pretty dangerous if you ask me. It has some other effects that are not quite as dangerous but are pretty fucking annoying. In particular this one 'Jedi Mind Trick'. 


The mere fact that there is a subset of folks who think that 'certain people'** who 'react'....wait..lets try this another way.

The fact that folks expect...others to be devoid of the VERY HUMAN TRAITS THAT THEY THEMSELVES ARE RUNNING FROM is some sad shit. We are all human B. I've seen some of you very folks who talk that 'It's just Twitter', "Folks take this shit too serious' and all that other deflective bullshit that folks say when IT ISN'T THEIR ASS ON THE HOT SEAT, get FIRED UP ABOUT THE FOLLOWING THINGS:*** 

Your job. -Hey nigga, you chose it. Not us. Pipe down and shut the fuck up or go back to school. Should have paid attention in school dummy...Now put your shirt on with your name on it and get back on the clock. You know you shouldn't be tweeting at work. Get back to working for that 'nerd' that you used to clown back in your 'glory days' @ your teenage years..smh 

Your girl/boyfriend/husband/wife/whatever- (Hey..YOU CHOSE 'EM. Not me. Makes you an stone cold idiot. Relationships get rough.. sometimes love just ain't keep 'em going on... - Tye Phoenix. Suck it up homie. Nobody wants to hear your sob stories.) 

Your school schedule- (It's school! It is easier than the real World Junior. You are bitching about an 8 am class? It lasts an hour. Shut the fuck up, roll your stinking ass outta bed and go learn something else in school besides the town you are staying in hood spots fucker.. You are down there wasting your Momma and Daddy's money and shit..) 

About not being a kid anymore- (We told you. You didn't listen. Shut up. We don't wanna hear that shit. We get it. You and your 20 or so friends want to be 'big kids forever'. Do it. No skin off my back. Just SHUT UP ABOUT IT THOUGH. . P.S. Nobody told you that you couldn't have fun as an adult. You need to pick and choose better @ your occupations and 'Life decisions'. 

Your parents- Your mother doesn't have to let you drive 'the good car' B. It is HER CAR. Your Dad doesn't have to come up off that classic car, no matter how 'uncool' you think he is. He put in his work, whatever that was to get it. Get your own. Get outta their basement and get your own shit. Out here clowning folks who work, are grown and have their own shit while you mad your Momma won't watch 'Ratchet Wives Of Niggerville' on the 'good tv' so you can see it in HD when you get off from Taco Bell. Naw B... Get your own. Be glad they allow your ungrateful ass (on Twitter y'all are SO DISRESPECTFUL to your parents but I KNOW YOU DARE NOT SAY ANY OF THAT SHIT TO THEIR FACES) to even live outchea. 'Cause without ''d be that guy you keep posting pictures of in the street panhandling. Riding down freeways in wheelchairs and shit.. 

Your children's other parent/past relationships- I could have split this one up but for most of you, THEY ARE ONE IN THE SAME. Which in itself is not 'bad'. Things don't work out. It happens. I'll be dammed if you are gonna be out here acting like it is 'just you who is going through the bullshit' or it is through NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN. Nope. SORRY. While you may 'tweet what you want me to see', I've seen enough to know that some of you are MISERABLE AS FUCK and if you act even 10% of the way you do online, it is no wonder shit didn't work out. Which is why you are all for other folks shit 'not working out'. @ all the dirt digging, DMs spilling, nude pics leaking and other bitchass behavior you partake in. 

Your kids? Stop complaining. Half of you don't have 'em for over two hours a day. The daycare has 'em then your Mom/Dad has 'em. Stop it. You are a part time parent and I am not saying that based on the AMOUNT OF TWEETS you have. That has nothing to do with it. Nor am I basing it off of you 'not talking about your kid'. I can respect that too! I'm basing it off of what you say. I can add and subtract motherfucker. If you drop your lil man/woman off at 6 am, go to work at 9, come home at 7 from Happy Hour and then you go back out at 9.....guess how much time you spent with your kid? Oh okay...**** 

There are tons of things y'all get 'fired up' about every day that you probably need to take your own advice on and 'suck it up B'. You don't though yet you want folks to do so when it comes to you and your 'entertainment'? Fuck outta here B. Nobody is here for your 'entertainment'. Nobody has to sit there and be ridiculed for your enjoyment. You niggers didn't like it when the white man did it to you but now you expect YOUR OWN PEOPLE to lay down for that shit? Nigger please. Out here spouting off at the mouth about your claim to fame is someone 'blocking' you and shit? What kinda lame shit is THAT? Furthermore, your sense of entitlement to be heard and the insinuation that because someone is tired of hearing your wack ass comments leading you getting blocked is not a WIN. There y'all go trying to take this shit back to Little League again. Everybody doesn't get a 'trophy'. Stop crowning yourselves 'the champions of nothing'. In the words of a certain NC microphone master..

" being Summer School valedictorian..a C student in a room full of niggas that's flunking.." 

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Tell you what, the next time someone who isn't black says something for the amusement of white people at a black person's expense and then turns around and says 'Suck it up Black people', YOU DON'T SAY SHIT. Lets not be selective as to who can respond. If it is 'jokes' when you do it, let it be JOKES when everyone does it! Lighten the fuck up. It's all jokes right? Life is too short to be serious right? Yeah...that's what the fuck I thought nigger. You are gonna be mad. You shouldn't be though if you live life like you 'claim you do' or you want others to live it. 

I bet you won't do that though. You will cry out and I will be over there looking at you like you have two heads. Then you will cop that bullshit plea that you all do You know the one:

"I'm not that much of a monster am I?" Y'all really think I'm that bad?" Naw.. Let me show you I have a heart.." -You


Fuck that fake shit fam. You can keep it. There you go, trying to 'fit in' again... Naw.. Stay over there on the side of 'loud and wrong'. 

**People they don't like. Let someone who they 'like' say the same thing though. -_- They are all for it and supportive. 

***I'm going to list them and then I'm going to be the asshole you 'claim' to be and give the most assholish (and true) responses that I can give since we are being 'brutally honest' and since this isn't that 'serious'. lmao Fuck it. Only, I'm DEAD ASS SERIOUS. @ my responses. 

**** As a parent, you should ALWAYS BE ABLE TO GO OUT AND GET A RELEASE. Even twice a week isn't bad. Hell a week binge a month isn't HORRIBLE. Trust me. That's cool. This is some of y'alls every day though B. I see you. Sorry. Sunday to Sunday. That's how you do. Those are the folks I'm taking to task here. 

****** I say that as I use the word nigga..nigger..throughout the post and I know how some of you are. You don't like the word and you probably assume I would be offended if a white person used it. Nope. See, unlike MANY OF YOU, I've had it used against me A LOT and quite honestly, I've come to expect its use and it has lost a lot of its sting. 8 year old me would have been PISSED. 18 year old me threw mud back and said some shit back...grown me laughs at that shit and says 'If you feel froggy then leap... " *shrugs* Care to guess how many times folks took that leap? Exactly.. 

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