

Interesting.. No price cut for older @Playstation's PS3s as redesign raises base price | Ars Technica

No..I'm not coping this joint unless something MIRACULOUS HAPPENS. That said, I kinda figured that they wouldn't drop the price. -_- I mean I could give two shits about that 'game' that comes in the bundle..That's just me though. I know I am but one person so I understand...

This is what Sony said...

"There's no price drop formally, but the thing that's been happening in the market over the last year or so is that there's been so many retail price promotions, and so many different gift card offers and all those things, being done by all of us (Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony), that we've heard from our consumer, "Enough with all these weird price moves. What we really want is content and games and value."

True, the low-end Super Slim sports more hard drive space than the current low-end PS3 it is replacing (250GB vs. 160GB), and the $270 bundle also includes a copy of Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition, which usually runs about $40 on its own. Still, it's a bit odd that there won't be a bundle-free version of the new redesign that sells at or below the current PS3 price floor.
You'll still be able to get the PS3 at $250 as retailers clear out of their existing stock of the 160GB model. But a Sony Computer Entertainment VP, John Koller, confirmed to Engadget that there would be no formal price drop to help clear out the older stock more quickly. Why not? Apparently, consumers think it would just be too weird.

Sony: No price cut for older PS3s as redesign raises base price | Ars Technica

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