

(Words) This incessant chatter some of you keep going when someone shows 'interest' in something..

you happen to have knowledge/a fondness for/interest in /OR A HIGH LEVEL OF DISDAIN for. -_-

Confused? Let me help you out. Probably the latest and greatest example are the political primaries. Oh you cats are out here railing on and on about 'Now I have to hear everyone talk about politics like they know something about them' when just three months ago you were begging for folks to 'get involved'. Contradiction like a mofo. 

That would probably be easy enough to take if it weren't for you 'rabble rousing' cats out here talking that 'Your vote is wasted and I don't see why you even BELIEVE in the voting system' mess. As if talking about the process, discussing the topics at hand and having an opinion on the primaries all of the sudden indicts ONE HUNDRED SUPPORT OF ANY AND ALL ACTIONS THAT TAKE PLACE POLITICALLY. As if support of a candidate means you support EVERY ACTION HE/SHE DOES. Nope. Put the paint brush away my nig. That's not what it means. At all. Nobody is saying a politician, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, in ANY PARTY IS PERFECT. FOH. There y'all go again trying to apply 'street rules' to the rest of the World. The 'rest of the World' doesn't work like that. You can...(gasp) like a candidate for SEVERAL OF HIS/HER IDEAS/APPROACHES and hate one or MORE OF HIS/HER OTHER IDEAS/APPROACHES. It is allowed. You can still SUPPORT SAID CANDIDATE TOO as that person BEST FITS what you want to happen. Doesn't mean you think that they are 'God Almighty'. This is why I don't discuss much of anything with the vast majority of you though. You have the mentality of a fucking five year old. @ this 'You have to like everything about them to vote for them or it is a wasted vote' bullshit you are passing off... 

...that is if you even believe in 'voting'. * You cynical fucks.. Let me be clear and say that if you 'can't vote', there's not much I can say. @ non interest. Don't knock me (or others) 'cause WE CAN THOUGH. That's pretty stupid. 

My absolute 'favorite' incessant chatter about this particular subject are the 'probably' and 'They don't know' reaches some of you spew out here DAILY. Oh y'all come up with some grade A bullshit too. I know some of you are 'joking' but the VAST MAJORITY OF YOU ARE NOT JOKING. Standing up on your 'high horse' talking about shit like this..

"I bet Michelle Obama doesn't know ONE WORD of a Nicki Minaj song.." - You

She closed out her speech with a song from Beyonce and has children. If you think that Nicki is getting 'no play' in their house at some point, you are nuts. Ditto with Chris Brown or any other musician that you 'Don't like'... ** Now where the DIFFERENCE may lie in the parenting going on in their household is in that there is a DISTINCT line being drawn about 'right and wrong' as far as the music and reality goes. That is WHERE things may go in a different direction as some of you are trying to 'imply' with such statements. Sasha and Malia aren't being told to go on ahead and 'Be Nicki' nor are they left to their own devices as to what direction they SHOULD BE HEADED IN. It is merely entertainment for them. Not THE GOAL. At least that is not how it is being presented. *** So to sit and walk right up to the line of 'absolute' knowledge by throwing around the probably and the "I bet you' about this particular subject or that particular subject is pretty irresponsible to me. **** Especially when you are trying to use a beautiful speech such as the one Michelle gave the other night for your own 'dissing purposes'. Quit it. Get your own speech and stand on your own two. @ the not so thinly veiled disses. Watching or listening to certain TV programs/music is not the SOLE basis for the issues at hand. Perhaps TAKING THOSE THINGS AS REALITY is but the mere act of watching and listening? Nope. Sorry. I mean just because you don't entertain that particular brand of bullshit doesn't mean you don't 'entertain' bullshit. I've seen some of the shit you guys watch and listen to and let me tell you. It is bullshit too. Be careful up there on that horse.... 

*What did you lose your bid for class president at age 12 or something? @ the visceral towards 'voting' in general. Or is voting only acceptable when we are presented with situations and themes found on "The Wire"? -_- I get it, we can only vote when we are doing drug takeovers, drive bys or 'crowning' folks in entertainment. 'Cause yeah THEN THE VOTING IS TAINTED or manipulated in ANY WAY THEN HUH? Suuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeee...... 

** I mean he is from Chicago....I don't like his music either but yeah.. Sit back and think they don't know who he is though...

*** They are kids. I'm gonna say something that is going to piss some of you off. So what. If you don't have 'em, take care of them ON YOUR OWN as a parental unit/etc/etc, you may not grasp that they are independent in 'some' aspects. Yes you can make them 'mind'. Yes, you can give them ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE WORLD and run a tight ship. Ultimately, they grow up to be independent folks just like we are now. I think they will be 'fine' personally but I know there is NO GUARANTEE that they will be. So do their parents. Hence the reason they are raising them in whatever 'normalcy' they can find while in the White House. @ the sleepovers, parties, and NORMAL ACTIVITIES that they allow them to engage in. Now I am going to attempt to smooth over my opening statement and say that I would HOPE, CHILD OR CHILDLESS, that you would have enough sense to know this. 

**** Irresponsible in that unfortunately, some of you have some 'undeserved' voices and folks do listen to you. So when you spread that bullshit, even in jest, there are folks who TRULY take that on as their opinion 'cause they 'look up to you' for some reason that escapes the fuck outta me. So that is what I mean by irresponsibly. 

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