

(Pictures/GROWN FOLKS TALK) Twitter 2 X Chromosome of MY LIFE: @OneoftheMs

It was great to see folks come out for Melissa. @ the funeral. Thank you all for coming. Truly.

She will be the LAST TWITTER 2 X CHROMOSOME OF THE WEEK as I am retiring this particular series. Out of respect for her. It is only right that she close it out. :)

There is no part 2 this week 'cause she was my REAL LIFE PART 1- TO INFINITY. Title changed but it will be part of the series.. Yes...that's her and I..

Her loss this week is the reason for my 'hiatus'. I'm gonna give you some info at the bottom at when I have to say my final goodbye. Details of her passing? In due time here. In time. It is gonna come out how I want it to.  Trust me. I can't bottle it in. I just need to do it when I am in a good place to do so.. Not in that place yet...

You probably noticed things are BLACKED OUT HERE ON THE BLOG. No other women on the side.. Slide show just her.. Not an accident. This was my REAL LIFE LAWFUL WEDDED WIFE.

Like I said, this was MY 2 X so she gets the treatment. Time of mourning at Carolinaware's Own man. For real. I'm REAL PRIVATE TOO so it is taking a lot but I know this is right. This FEELS RIGHT. @ this post.

This blog of mine is a place she respected and loved. She loved the way I would express my feelings and thoughts and not only was she a follower of the blog, she often saw me PICK AND WRITE through the process. Thanks to her final 'Yeah, she's a winner... ", the vast majority of the young ladies you see up here are on here. If I knew she didn't see or find them fit, they probably didn't make it. I can literally think of ONE EXCEPTION and even that, once I gave her some background she gave the 'Yup...I see why.. As you were...respect'. Make no mistake about it, it is MY BLOG but I had her blessing and she MORE THAN ENJOYED LOOKING THROUGH THE CONTENTS OF THE WHOLE BLOG. Pictures, thoughts and all. She sat back in the background on Twitter and yes, she followed both accounts. Her Twitter is tame btw but feel free to go see for yourself. When you read her obit, you will see WHY SHE HAD TO KEEP IT THAT WAY and why I had to kinda keep her shielded. Like any GOOD HUSBAND WOULD. So any interaction that I may have had, SHE SAW IT. I never forgot that but I didn't have to 'temper myself' BECAUSE SHE KNEW WHO SHE MARRIED.* Just like I knew who I married. It was a two way street.

The pictures I am going to put up were all either taken in public places or PUT UP on the Internet WITH HER KNOWLEDGE before. Y'all know me by now, even in grief, I'm gonna lay cover fire. @ letting shit be known. She used to joke with me all the time about the amount of flicks I took of her but also let me know she loved that I thought she was pretty enough in my eyes to take so many... (That's a freebie fellas...take notes... ) If you CAN'T SEE THEM, I'm gonna fix that. Don't worry...I had to run out.. Be patient.

I will be adding to the pictures throughout the week...hiatus..whatever.. This is how I grieve y'all. I know it might be WEIRD FOR YOU but I don't judge folks for it. Never have. @ doing so publicly/on the Internet.  She knew me and she KNEW I WOULD do something like this. It is how I am. 

I couldn't think of a better way to kick off this holiday edition of my blog and my hiatus (as I have to tend to her arrangements, funeral and MY LITTLE GIRLS) THAN NAMING HER THIS AND BLACKING OUT MY BLOG FOR HER. So without further delay, I give you my REAL LIFE TWITTER 2 X OF MY LIFE  and for this week.. The late great... .. OneofTheMs

I love you and miss you madly ALREADY BABY. I saw the peace in your eyes. A peace that I had been waiting to see come from you again. Rest easy baby...

My youngest is in there... @ the 'bump'.. Yes.. she was pregnant in this picture...

*Addressed. Probably REALLY one of our favorite standups. Hits kinda close to home..


  1. I don't have words because I can't imagine how you feel. All I can do is pray for peace for you and your family right now. My heart breaks for your loss....

  2. Respect to your grieving, brother. May the Lord give you strength and peace through what is surely a difficult time. As you have offered for me, I offer for you. Grieve in your own way and take all the time you need...for you and you alone will know when the "right" time is. This and whatever does come from your mind and fingers will serve as a beautiful tribute to the one you have lost. She may have left the physical plane, but she will always have a place in your heart. God Bless.

  3. Man. Words can't describe how sorry I feel for u and ur family. I pray for peace for u and ur daughters and all that are affected by this loss. I pray for strength that u will be strong for ur family.


  4. Man. There's nothing I can say that can take away the pain ur feeling. I pray for peace and strength for u and ur daughters during this difficult time.


  5. Man I'm so sorry for your loss brotha, I can't imagine how u feeling, I saw ur tweets & that's what prompted me to read the blog. Stay prayed up & be strong for ya lil ladies my man, my condolences with u & ya family during this tough time.. - @Tyweezy84

  6. Man I'm so sorry for your loss brotha, I can't imagine how u feeling, I saw ur tweets & that's what prompted me to read the blog. Stay prayed up & be strong for ya lil ladies my man, my condolences with u & ya family during this tough time.. - @Tyweezy84

  7. Thank you for having the courage to share your personal lovestory with us. Gorgeous pics and wonderful music. A fitting tribute to the love of your life. You have my prayers for you and your girls. God bless.

    ~Anika Townsend

  8. Thank you for having the courage to share your personal lovestory with us. Gorgeous pics and wonderful music. A fitting tribute to the love of your life. You have my prayers for you and your girls. God bless.

    ~Anika Townsend

  9. This was a courageous and touching post, Doc. Condolences again to you and your family during this tough time.

  10. This is so beautiful and touching. A wonderful love story. You have never been a disrepectful person. God bless you.

  11. The comments are overwhelming. Thank you. They really helped.
