

Black Women Are Spending Too Much Time and Effort Going to School, They Should Be Spending That Time Trying to Get Married | Beyond Black & White

I want to give ole girl the benefit of the doubt and say I can 'see' what she is saying...... But then there was this..

"We know that black women are not dropping out of college in order to get married because black women also have the lowest female marriage rate. Black women are not getting husbands, so instead they are attempting to get a college degree.
I think that, in lieu of finding a husband who can share the burden of raising children, supporting a household, and paying off student loan debt, black women are instead choosing to get a college degree that they hope will provide the financial benefits which a husband usually provides–and the results are not working out the way that these women hoped."

I mean I would be okay with this if I didn't see folks, men in particular...well SOME BLACK MEN IN PARTICULAR, stating they have no intentions of getting married anyway. Or that they don't believe in it as an institution.. Maybe if I didn't see some folks saying these things, I would be able to 'believe' what I quoted up top. 
I do though. All the time. I'd hate to have to tell my OWN DAUGHTERS to 'wait around for some cat to run through his share of girls so that they get 'chose' after 'Their shining knight' is done 'having fun' with the other girls who are waiting on him TOO! -_- 



Black Women Are Spending Too Much Time and Effort Going to School, They Should Be Spending That Time Trying to Get Married | Beyond Black & White

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