

I know I am supposed to be pissed....DC snowfight/gun

Look, I know people like to have fun. I LOVE TO HAVE FUN. I know they were just snowballs. I also know the type of damage an ICE BALL can do. Since I was not THERE(and chances are YOU WEREN'T EITHER) it is hard to say how many were thrown, what REALLY happened and what he said when he got out. They do show him getting out of the Hummer though. There are pics of him pulling his jacket to the side and showing the gun but I can't FIND ANY OF HIM PULLING IT OUT AND POINTING IT. I can SEE THEM THROWING salted snow, I am going to go out on a limb and say that they weren't throwing powdery snow. What is the difference you ask? Let me HIT YOU with a glazed over snowball and see how it feels. Now, let me hit your car that you are paying on with about 12 of 'em...(There were upwards of 200 people out there so that number IS CONSERVATIVE as to how many his truck probably got hit with.) So yeah, I actually see the big deal. @ him getting out.

Now, if you don't have a car (no diss to you but I am sure you are gonna take it like that. Oh well..) or have one that you don't give a shit about getting scratched up and rusting out eventually, then you PROBABLY don't understand why he was mad. I am not here to change your mind about that 'cause you are probably set in that opinion. I am just telling you why I think he got out the car. Even the cheap ass Macco paint jobs are in upwards of 300 to 400 dollars. Never mind if they have to shoot a WHOLE side of the car depending on the damage. We aren't even talking for the candy paint type job either. (Which the Hummer DIDN'T HAVE. It had that factory Maroon type) I can almost tell who has never seen a car paint job bill..I mean, every one isn't Drake and Weezy @ money to blow.

So yeah, if you were out there throwing snowballs at each other, COOL. You came out there. You knew the risks. Have fun. He was just passing through though it seems. I guess it is his bad he wasn't on the Internet like you or I to possibly hear about it being organized huh? FOH! Ya'll cats kill me getting up in arms about this shit...Please. Get mad when he doesn't show up when one of those cats that don't play that snowball shit ACTUALLY PULLS OUT A GUN AND SHOOTS SOMEONE.

So now horseplay in the streets gets you a pass? Really? Stop that shit. Take that shit to the park or something. Not the I am glad no one got shot and all but I am certainly not PISSED off at the DC police for this one. Again, all it would have taken is the wrong person to get hit with snow OUTSIDE of their car and some shit to pop off. Then ya'll would be on the police for not 'shutting shit down' to begin with.


He GOT HIT WITH A SNOWBALL TOO? Yeah....I know ya'll hate cops and all but..

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