

(Pictures) @VidaGuerra...She still might THAT DEAL.

The new flavor (hell, she is featured HERE AND I LIKE HER TOO so I am not dissing..) is featured a lot. The 'seasoned' flavor is still bad as all get out though. In case you forgot..No, this is not a COMPARISON either. I will leave that up to all of ya'll to do. Much like my music, I like one without hating the other. Sorry if you can't.....Not my issue.

New flavor= Rosa btw...

All you snowed in people who are bored and are just looking at my blog for the first time (or in awhile), you clicked on here. No one made you do it. Remember that. lol. I will say that you should look around a bit before you just start passing judgments and whatnot. You probably won't though..Oh fucking well...

Maxim Shoot

1 comment:

  1. Yo Vida and Rosa can get the uh business, yes sir thee biznazz
