

I took the 'Tired of People saying they hate the Health Bill but haven't read it...' post down..

'Cause the link I put up went dead and I couldn't fit the WHOLE bill up here. That was what my intent was. To post up some parts of the Bill in its ORIGINAL state. No opinions. No talking points from either side. Just facts. The post wasn't finished either so it actually wasn't supposed to be up anyway and contained a previous bill. My apologies. If I do find an untainted version of the bill that I don't have to type out and can copy parts of it, I will put it in this post, make another post about it and backlink this one.

I do STILL HATE people that hate a bill that they have never read in any form or fashion. Even if you read half of it, a portion of it, the portion you feel PERTAINS TO YOU, the portion that they YOU THINK WILL NEGATIVELY EFFECT YOU, or something, I could see it. Most people have only 'heard' about what it will and taken that at face value. Letting other people sway you either way blindly is a dangerous thing. At least have the decency to look past all the bullshit pie charts and 'numbers' people are throwing out there to find out what IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. Is the health care bill on a whole perfect? No. Nothing is perfect. Some type of change needed to get done though and it is a STEP in the right direction. There is still more to do (and actually another hurdle for it to jump) before things are right and HONESTLY, some of us won't be here to see it. That should be okay though. This bill isn't really about that to me. It is for my kids, God willing that there is an Earth to still be inhabited.

Again, sorry for those of you who came here expecting to see the Bill in its entirety. I have some links but I really don't want to put them up because they are not raw data (Read: They are laced with opinions for both sides).

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