

Uh oh....The Commish wants to meet w/Ben..Trouble.

We ALL know how this is gonna turn out. Either he is going to under do it or over do it. He rarely gets it RIGHT. Not that 'right' would be on the minds of most people on either side of the fence. We have those of us who want him 'lynched' like someone of color usually gets when the law is even 'mentioned' and then there are those of us who want NO ACTION. Guess ole boy can't win.

I am on the 'lets get some charges filed/look at the evidence/see if he is guilty side with the understanding that this is the second time so you could at least talk to him' side of things...


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says he plans to meet with Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger about the star's off-field problems.

Goodell already has spoken with team owners about Roethlisberger, who is accused of assaulting a 20-year-old college student in a Georgia nightclub on March 5. Roethlisberger's attorney says the quarterback committed no crime.

Goodell says the league "takes this issue very seriously," and that he is "concerned that Ben continues to put himself in this position."

Roethlisberger also is being sued by a woman who claims he raped her in 2008 at a Lake Tahoe hotel. He denies those allegations and has asked for counter-damages.

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