

As you know, Charles Barkley is one of my favorite players but Charles Oakley was correct here....

He didn't lie. I remember Charles and his professionalism....(Chuckles) Great player though....funny dude.

(Interesting thing about this picture is his height. I think we have ALL questioned Charles Barkley's height...That might put it to rest a bit...)


On people in New York being mad at him for his comments about the Knicks:
"You know what? If they're mad at me then they can be mad at me. I'm not going to apologize. I'm a grown man, I do grown things, they know how I roll, I'm gonna keep rolling the way I roll, they know me, I speak the truth, I'm about the truth, and I'm not a bullshitter. If they're mad at me, they can stay mad at me. I'm not going to apologize if they're mad at me because I didn't make the decision for LeBron. Lebron made his own decision. He's a grown man and I'm a grown man. I respect his decision. There's a lot of ex-players that are hating on him but when you get a chance to be in one place for eight years and you're not winning, hey I'm gonna go out to if I'm a superstar and got a chance. He didn't ask to be traded and his contract was up so he had the freedom to do what he wanted to do."
But you never told LeBron that:
"My thing is, I'll be real with people and if you're a sports guy and ask me something, know what you're talking about when you're talking with me because I'm gonna expose you because I'm not a bullshitter. I know what I'm talking about. If somebody told you something and you take it and run with it you don't know facts. If you don't know facts you shouldn't even interview me because I'm gonna expose you because its bullshit. It is what it is."
On whether or not he likes Isiah Thomas:
"I have nothing against Isiah but he made a lot of comments about the Knicks in the old days. He's a great player, just like (Charles) Barkley's a great player, but he's an asshole. My thing is, when Barkley played basketball, he didn't practice, he wasn't a leader, he wasn't this or that, he just had natural talent so he got chosen to the Dream Team, All Star team because he had the talent and he was the franchise player on the team. Him criticizing all those other guys, he did the same thing when he was young. As soon as they do something wrong, he criticizes them, that's wrong. He wasn't real to the game. Let the guys speak out who are real to the game. He talks like a player and I will give him that, but for him to comment about this and being a professional, he wasn't all that."

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