

You need to give your ears (Brain) the same number of chances you give your mouth (actions)- Mine and probably everyone else's Grandparents...

On listening to your Elders (or at least those who have been through what it is you are going through now...whatever that is..):

We should REALLY listen to our elders. That way, the shit we find 'shocking' wouldn't be. 'Cause some shit has been going on infinitely..Mofos been cheating. Mofos been running drugs. Mofos been leaving families for a new family..Yada yada yada.....Yeah...yeah..shit is called different things but it is essentially the same shit....

....But alas, we know every fucking thing...and yet don't know shit all at the same time...Fucking bunch of super geniuses...@ some of us.....Just look at the REPEATED MISTAKES we make. Or the mistakes we make that we have been WARNED about.

That is self included too. btw..I have been told some shit & was too busy judging the messenger to take the message. And PAID...
....Like a motherfucker because of that. I see some of that in some of you. Don't be that person..@ getting mad at me for saying what I just did....
If I say something that comes off 'pompous" (fill in your favorite word for things you don't agree with here), control your nuts (ovaries) and just take the message man....If it is fuck me (or the messenger), so be it.....

Take the message and apply it regardless as to how it comes to you.

....Not just from me either. This isn't about me. This is about YOU. So take the messages from WHEREVER they may come from. You will be better for it. Start listening to some of those 'imperfect' people. They have fucked up so they KNOW what not to do. That is why they can speak on certain shit.
Hell, some of you need to listen CLOSER to the 'PERFECT' PEOPLE in your lives too. You don't half way listen to them. If you paid a fucking attention, you would find out they aren't as 'perfect' as you thought and maybe you could let go of some of that resentment.
Let me break that last part down for some you 'cause I fear some of you are missing the message. The 'perfect' people that you HATE, you know the ones you have NEVER SEEN OR HEARD ABOUT FUCKING UP in particular if they are 'older', are not 'PERFECT'. They are probably telling about situations that they HAVE BEEN THROUGH TOO. See unlike when they were younger, when people DWELL on a person's ever fuck up, they have now matured & know that 99% of that shit is unimportant in the grand scheme of life. So it doesn't get talked about. I know SEVERAL older people that were WILDER THAN ANY OF YOU EVER THOUGHT TO BE but if you met them, you would be like 'That old lady?" "That old man?" FOH...I don't have to say what word that is...I will just give you the letter it starts with..M*
Back to the imperfect people some of you say 'Can't tell you shit..' though...All you and your friends can do is 'speculate' what it is like. These folks KNOW. No one said be like them. Be BETTER THAN THEM. Maybe that is why they are 'telling all of this shit that you don't want to hear'. "Cause they can see themselves in you.....'bout to fuck up JUST LIKE THEY DID. Maybe they made that same statement that you will be making once you find yourself jammed up over some shit you did...

"I wish someone would have told me IN DETAIL about this shit here...I wouldn't have done XYZ"

...and they are NOW trying to make sure that they are that SOMEBODY so that you won't HAVE TO SAY that yourself one day. Ever think of that SUPER GENIUS?
Maybe they aren't 'hating' (I abhor that word in the context it gets used in mostly but it applies here) on you 'cause you are younger and more hip! Maybe they are trying to warn your stupid ass BECAUSE THEY FUCKED UP JUST LIKE YOU. Maybe they remember thinking 'That won't be me...." TOO and don't want you to be fucked up in the game like they were...

Maybe they don't 'care about you' personally but they want to contribute in some way. That's okay too! Just take the message...It may help YOU. See even when it isn't about 'you' it can still be about you! Happy now? @ some of you self centered folks.
Yes, we all must find our own way but you are an asshole if you think you are gonna blaze a new trail for some of this shit. There are things we ALL MUST face and deal with accordingly. The wheel has been invented. It is up to you to grab it and steer....

*(Whispers) It is maturity in case you are still wondering what word I was alluding to..)

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