

....On: Somehow thinking that 'A person's reaction/response to a story' somehow negates their point...

I wasn't as clear with this in the post I made before and I apologize. It was done (as most things are done here) on the fly. Raw and uncut. So yeah....This is what it was originally 'called'....Not as succinct but you may recognize why it was called as such:

Niggas (ignorant people in general) using someone being 'invested' in something as some sorta 'bad thing' while THEY ARGUE UP AND DOWN WITH THE SAME EMOTION ABOUT SAID THING/this bullshit ya'll keep running up with talking about 'You can tell the story is personal for a lot of you'...Yeah that one needs to REALLY BE ADDRESSED 'cause that is some BULLSHIT. 

Now if you don't understand what I am saying...let me give you an example that most of you can relate to. Something that most of us have argued/debated/discussed. The Jalen Rose "Uncle Tom" thing....

You see, most people who were of the opinion that Jalen was right to call Grant Hill an 'Uncle Tom' (Without having either read Uncle Tom's Cabin or having a FULL understanding of the word to boot) then TURNED AROUND AND DEFENDED THEIR ARGUMENTS TO THOSE THAT DIDN'T AGREE WITH THIS BULLSHIT HERE:

"It must have happened to you.....or someone you like....Thus meaning it MUST BE TRUE...Your feelings on the subject are null and void because the issue exists"

(Looks into the camera) Go ahead and laugh 'cause some of those people were YOU. 

Its okay..Really. Laugh it up. I mean I am not going to change your mind. What I will do is ream you a new one for feeling that way though. Here's why...

WHAT SUBJECT THAT YOU DON'T FEEL PASSIONATE ABOUT ISN'T DOESN'T STEM FROM YOU FEELING EMPATHY/UNDERSTANDING/OR DOWNRIGHT PAIN FROM IT? I'll wait....'Cause most of you aren't arguing/debating/discussing things that don't hit close to home in some manner...No matter what side of the fence you are on. Knocking people for that is just plain SILLY TO ME.

From your 'siding' with the 'workers' (players) with the lockout down to the empathizing with that poor lil black girl in class who 'is struggling' because she reminds you of....YOU. When did this become 'dissworthy' or some 'point of victory'? Oh I know.....

You know it is coming.....

Wait for it...

WHEN WHITEY DID IT TO YOU! That's right..Once again, you have taken a tactic that was used to 'oppress' and belittle others (Your own people especially if you are a minority) and now you have taken it and fine tuned it to fit your lil agendas! So now here you come....Mrs/Mrs Psychological bullshitter back on your bullshit. Just like 'Whitey'...Good job! 

For the record, I will say this again about the Grant Hill thing. The folks that 'originated' that saying would call 99.5% of you uppitity asses an Uncle Tom for VARIOUS REASONS and be correct. Don't think because you can 'say' the word and feel good about saying it that you AREN'T ONE EITHER...Anyone who didn't associate with ANYTHING BLACK PERIOD from not going to a black school, to a black church right down to where they shopped was considered one...Be VERY CAREFUL with that word. Ya'll playing with a word that you DON'T KNOW THE FULL MEANING OF AND LOOKING REALLY SILLY.

Don't like what I am saying? It must mean because it hits close to home! - You. 

How do you new fangled KNEEGROWS say it? Hit dog? That's your lil saying for it? 

A.K.A. The 'let's throw this shit on the wall and see if it sticks for the stupid people' elixir for when I just wanna be right saying.....You aren't btw....

Now I don't want to get too deep into the Grant Hill thing because most of the folks around me kinda backed off once their main voice box said he spoke to him and confirmed for their sanity (jokes) that he wasn't an Uncle Tom. Just like I told you motherfuckers before. What I will say is that line of thinking is OUT OF LINE. Dare I say that if we as a people EVER got 'dismissed' for having empathy, a personal connection to a story or any of that other stuff some of you are deeming 'cowardly' or at least negatively AND COMING TO THE DEFENSE OF SAID PERSON we would be OUTRAGED....

Oh wait...We have. My fault. Do I REALLY HAVE TO TELL YOU? Are you THAT DENSE? Do you wanna be 'right' so bad in holding on to this new found 'I am right I wanna win the argument' card that you CAN'T SEE WHAT I am alluding too? If that is the case...we can just stop here. Shit. I am wasting my time. 


Matter of fact, here is what you do. The next time a black person does something foul/gets caught up in a situation/is a victim of their circumstance, color or whatnot that you can 'relate to', DON'T YOU SAY SHIT. You keep that mouth of yours shut because it is CLEARLY A SIGN OF WEAKNESS IN AN ARGUMENT AND YOUR OPINION IS NULL AND VOID. Your 'closeness' to the situation doesn't allow for you to have an opinion 'cause 'it' might be more about you than the story. Not that it BEING ABOUT YOU WOULD ONLY HELP or is bad but we are going by YOUR THEORY. ..YOUR STANDARDS.....OH NO....We are being irrational here so you can just throw that to the wayside. We are talking about winning an 'argument'/being on the right side of right here people! Fuck rationale! We all wanna be right and any cost right? Right! 


How's that sound? You sit down and be a good lil nigger while we 'other folks' straighten it all out and tell you how to feel. You got it?  Do you understand me now? Do you see how STUPID THAT SHIT SOUNDS THAT YOU ARE RUNNING UP ON FOLKS WITH? 

Again...more tactics used on us that we now have decided that are okay to use on each other. It wasn't 'cool' when they did it to us and it isn't cool now.

Yeah...about as how stupid as you sound when you try to tell others to do it. Stop that. You are smarter than that. I don't need Bill Cosby to tell me that shit is dumb fam....

Aight...I think I am done..Maybe..I might go in on that third subject today after all but I need some food, relaxation and some R&R....If this is your LAST TRIP HERE/FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER/FACEBOOK/WHATEVER.....See ya! I listen to you all the time and don't unfollow but I understand. When you are 'right', I take it in stride. Hope you will grant me the same latitude to at least disagree. 

Besides, I have seen ya'll go MUCH HARDER......

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