

The lameness that is 'the usage of the pause' both on and off the Net....

Yeah I am gonna pick this one FIRST but I would KEEP READING 'CAUSE THE SECOND ONE IS PROBABLY GONNA COME right after this...@ the 'In your feelings' post...But first...THIS BITCH ASS SHIT HERE. This is what you sound like right here....

Yeah buddy THAT'S YOU^^^^^^^

Grown men don't go around 'wondering' what another grown man 'meant' by certain things when those things are said WITHIN' THE CONTEXT OF A CONVERSATION. Example:

(Oh this is gonna be good too 'cause this is a TRUE EXAMPLE.)

If we are talking about a sport and someone says 'Good D..' AND THERE IS NO MENTION ANY SEXUAL ACTIONS TAKING PLACE...GROWN MEN DON'T RUN AROUND TRYING TO FIND THE GAY. Unless they already had gay thoughts on their mind? Do you have gay thoughts on your mind when you guys run up on folks with this? Is this your 'defense mechanism' to make sure no one knows you 'might' be gay? I need to know. 'Cause honestly, I could give a SHIT WHAT YOU SAY AND HOW IT 'MIGHT' BE TAKEN. I am more interested in following the conversation and taking it the way it originally was. Not you fools though...Oh no....

Unless you are umm....yeah..In which case...YOU DON'T HAVE TO DEFEND YOURSELF TO ME. No need to get up and front for me...Just recite the second set of bars from Em's song up top and you are good with me. Just leave me OUT OF IT THOUGH. I get it. You like pussy. You are trying too hard though B..@ the 'pause' shit. And you know what they say about people who 'protest a little too much'...(which is silly but so is this 'pause' shit so here we are...)

So just know while you are 'pausing' the shit outta me when I am STAYING ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND, I AM WONDERING...


Now before some righteous person comes through here and tries to ask me some 'slick ass question' just know that I know that 'being paused' for what some insecure cat deems to be a questionable comment is a DISS. It isn't that being gay is wrong....It is that being accused of being gay via the proclamation that I need to 'clarify' or not say something because in their backwards immature mind it sounds gay is wrong. 

Is there ever a case where a #pause would be 'understandable'? 

Sure there is!  When someone actually propositions your lil in the closet ass! That's when. Which is what some of you seem to be dreading. It is like you are afraid if you don't throw out that disclaimer, a magic dick is gonna come out and you might bend down and suck it or something. 

Look gentleman. Grow a pair of nuts man and stop this female behavior IMMEDIATELY. Lest I think that you want to have relations with me and I will distance myself away from you. After all, it is you who are bringing up the 'homo/no homo' shit. Not me. What ELSE am I supposed to think? That you are straight? Not with thoughts and paranoia like that.......

Which brings me to the second post... 

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