

Upcoming Shizz Nitty appearances

I have noticed that through the 'ways that you get here' (the map that shows where everyone comes from), those of you that are coming here looking for OT Records news are looking under 'performances'/'appearances' by Shizz Nitty on Google or Yahoo. Don't worry, I got you.

Let me help you with that homie. He will be appearing in the following spots in the upcoming weeks...

October, 3 2009 08:00 PM - Lincoln University Homecoming
, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania - Check School's Website

October, 15 2009 08:00 PM - Bowie St. Homecoming
, Washington DC, - Six Flags Amusement Park (Check the school's website HERE:)

October, 24 2009 08:00 PM - Delaware State University
, Dover, Delaware - Shizz Nitty performing at the homecoming concert

November, 6 2009 08:00 PM - THE GOOSE HOUSE
1665 Nth 10th & Exter St, Reading, Pennsylvania -Shizz Nitty live on stage hosted by Jonny V

Allow to introduce you to the next car your favorite

rapper will be rapping about. The Aston Martin Rapide

It seems male & female alike dug (@RosaAcosta) Ms. Acosta...

I mean she is close to Kimmy Kakes in views on here so I figured I would give you some background and some more on her.

Oh THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME HERE HUH? Where is part 1 you say? Thought you would never ask. Get familiar and come on back to part two. Here ya go right HERE.

Started her classic ballet studies at the age of four at the Centro de la Cultura in Santiago, Dominican Republic. She later moved on to the ICA, ( Instituto de Cultura y Arte), where she excelled as one of the most gifted students of the academy. After graduating with honors from the ICA and the Ballet School of Norma Garcia with a Bachelor in Art with mention to Classic Ballet, she became part of the Dominican Nacional Ballet as the youngest soloist member in 2002. Partaking in all major classic and modern shows in the Dominican Republic, she is nominated twice by the Secretaria de Estado de la Juventud for her work in the category of Cultural Development. She initiated her modeling career in 2004, participating in magazines and television for prestigious Dominican enterprises. Rosa moves to United States in 2006 where her career takes a new turn, distinguishing herself in several areas of the modeling world, featuring in magazines, radio, tv programs and commercials and numerous music videos.

Here is a video of her in Miami..Sidenote: All you females talking about 'how silly that stretching video shit was' need to watch the video. She addresses that subject. You might actually like the answer.

Rosa Acosta in Miami from The305 on Vimeo.

I think some of you have not realized that this is her here..

Peep her here at her site..

Well alright...-'Wayne

(Video) @OTRecords presents @ShizzNitty- Rep Your Set (Video)

Shot by the young man I featured on the blog a little while ago HERE High DEPinition, the boy Shizz Nitty is back with a another banger:

Shizz Nitty- Rep Your Set

What are we doing out here in the World? Nas speaks.

Normally, there would be a video here showing what I am talking about. Not on this post. Sorry. I can't do it. I wish I could UNSEE THAT THAT SHIT actually. @ THE VIDEO. Yes, I saw it. I know that doesn't make me 'gangsta' enough for some of you. I don't give a fuck personally. You do nothing for me and I nothing for you so we are good.

Here is the thing. I can't bring this message by showing the video of the boy in the Chi without feeling like someone, SOMEWHERE, will take it, see as 'okay' or acceptable. On some "We are going to do that to some cat.." type shit. So I won't be showing it. That saying "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything..." has never rung truer in my head than it does right now. I can't condone that shit. I know some street niggas that would LOVE TO SEE IT. Sorry fam. You are gonna have to GOOGLE THAT SHIT. Not here. It is the same reason why I don't run many local news stories of the places that I consider 'home'. I am not going to glorify that shit. Anything that is done out of necessity? I don't like but I understand it. That out and out 'We did it 'cause we can and have no fucking care as to who likes it' shit? Nope.

I have yet to really delve into the whole 'embarrassing'/violence for the sake of violence type videos. I probably never will. I have seen how showing those videos can spiral into a sense of 'Oh well, that's just how shit goes down..' that I want no part of. I don't want to send a message that it is okay in any way.

First story is about the boy in Chicago. Link to the story here if you don't know about it.. I don't feel bad providing the link but I won't be providing the video. That is a non video link.

He was at a place of refuge. A community center. Not out at 1:30 am. Not on the 'dope boy' corner. The community center. You can't let your kid go to the COMMUNITY CENTER NOW? Fucking really? Again, people will bemoan the lack of support by the government. The white man. Blame it on some other shit. Facts are facts. Nobody 'told these kids' to do what they did. They make conscious decisions every day. What to eat. What part of town to pull this type of shit on. (You didn't see 'em doing it over there with the Latin Kings hang out in the Chi did you? Yeah..)What gals to holler at? They KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WAS WRONG. Period. I am sure they all have a story. We all do shit. Doesn't make it RIGHT. @ them having a story.

So now they have identified some of the boys in the video and they have charged them. Again, I won't be showing mugshots of them for as DEPLORABLE as the acts they committed are, I don't wanna 'glorify' them by giving them the 'street credit' a mugshot seems to bring in the minds of some people. Nor will I be a party to the potshots on the other end of the spectrum that posting up shots of them in the mug room. You wanna see that? Go here: That shit was BEYOND unnecessary and I hope they let them live. IN JAIL. This ain't The Wire or some other TV show but I hope they follow them in jail and film that shit. Let the kids see what it REALLY is when you go to jail. What REALLY HAPPENS. Not none of that glorified shit that no one can either confirm or deny by some cat who mighta done some bids here and there way 'across the way' or by someone who went to a local jail where they were 'protected'. Naw. Send them away to Texas or Arizona where that reach can't reach out. In there with some REAL KILLERS...Maybe shit will get real for them then.

"But they are children 'Ware....."

Look many of you who know me know that I am as compassionate as they come with people. Especially kids. I am that way probably to a fault in some cases. Not in this case. I know too many people who have done shit like this. They don't change unless something DRASTIC happens in their lives to make them change IF THEY CHANGE AT ALL. I used to think we could save everybody. We can't. Sorry. Just like everyone isn't meant to be a thug, everyone can't be saved and turned into a productive citizen. That is the way the cookie crumbles. One of these cats is 19 years old and two of them are 18 years old. They are young but men at this point. They are not children. The 16 year old? He thought he was a man and made a grown man decision. He needs to live with it. If he made grown man decisions like 'moving that work', getting coupe'd up, and the like you would PAT HIS ASS ON THE BACK talking about he is a 'grown man doing grown man things taking care of himself'. @ the 'street' cats that are reading this. You don't get to pick and choose when you wanna be a man. Being a man is a full time job fam. He was man enough to commit this crime so he needs to take responsibility and 'man up' and take his punishment. I don't wanna hear that he didn't know any better. That bullshit excuse is just as bad as saying "Well maybe the white people of old had no clue slavery was bad....." FOH. They KNEW BETTER AND THIS MOFO DID TOO. And I saw the video. He was in it and participating. Heavy. So there is no 'benefit of the doubt.'. It is time to stop making excuses people. It is time to stop hiding behind misconstrued/rewritten slogans and shit and time to start acting like civilized people. Period.

Second story of the day is that karaoke shit in Connecticut. It also epitomizes why there are age limits on bars, clubs and even some parties even NOW more than ever. Six girls (all under aged at the bar) decided that they didn't like the singing performance of the singer. Do they leave the building? Hell no. They commence to beating her up. Really? For those of you who don't know the story CLICK HERE and come back. Again, I know that on some level this is 'funny'. @ the thought. But if you look at the story again and just PUT YOUR GIRL/YOUR SISTER/YOUR MOTHER/YOUR DAUGHTER or any women that you halfway give a shit about in the equation you might actually see how fucking pathetic this shit really is. Yes, I am cussing 'cause it seems to be the only language some of you understand. This is bullshit behavior too. First off, your ass isn't even SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FUCKING BAR but they let you in. Okay. Not the first time that has happened and won't be the last. Do you sit down and act like you got some sense though? No. You hear some shit you don't like and you and your girls take it upon yourselves to BEAT UP THE SINGER? Who the fuck are you to run around 6 on 1 and beat people up for SINGING? At an event where that is what the person is there to do? Now I hear some of you people saying in your mind "Maybe she was mouthing off to them....". I HIGHLY doubt that she was mouthing off to six girls. She might have asked them 'Who are you talking to?" or some shit but that is HARDLY a reason to beat her down. And if you think it is, the NEXT TIME A COP ASKS YOU A LEGIT QUESTION AND YOU GET SMART AND GET YOUR ASS BEAT, I don't wanna hear it. Same logic applies if it is 'cool' for these chicks to go on her for that. (And I don't like cops...Don't have any reason to fear them but I am not a fan of them in general.) Again with the 'picking and choosing' with certain shit. HERE IS THE KICKER THOUGH. There were six of you. Look at homegirl. Really??? Highly unnecessary on so many levels. People are really bitchmade nowadays. So it is L's all around for your sorry asses too.

People. Do better. Please. I know we all make mistakes but these are not MISTAKES. These are wrong ACTS. People know better. Only when they get caught does it 'become' a mistake or something and THAT IS WRONG.

I am not sure how we change that mentality of 'oops I am sorry but I have done it now and want my 'street' rep to go with it' but we need to fix that shit. Black President or not. Otherwise we are going have those in power giving some quasi Hov quote like this:

I wanna end your existence (career) but you are gonna do it for me....-Hov

We are doing a good fucking job of doing it. Can we stop please? Shit.

Nas weighing in on the Chi situation.

Or maybe you need to hear it from a 'hip hop hero'? Fine.....Here ya go..

People were stunned and saddened after seeing the chilling video of the fatal beating of 16-year old Chicago student, Darrion Albert. A cellphone camera caught footage of the honor student being hit over the head with a 2x4 and then being punched, kicked and stomped to death. The boy's tragic story touched the hearts and minds of millions and apparently made it's mark on the Hip-Hop community as one of the most respected and prolific artists of our time is speaking out about the incident.

Nas penned an open letter to the youth involved in the incident for Global Grind. Young Escobar reflected on his younger days seeing senseless violence and attempted to relate to the children he deems as “young warriors.”

Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the lost of a love one was never cool.
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling, that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, any one. But....
We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, Fila sneakers, and name plate chains. Deaths over "he say, she say"!!!!! "I'm from this block or I'm from that block", or "my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay"!!!
I remember feeling like I was the hardest "n*gga" breathing. And I couldn't wait to prove it. But let's think. What are we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state feels your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.

In one of the realest parts of the letter Nas brings up the plight of racism in our world and the people that “love to see them down.” He also mentions the classic street movies that glamorize and sensationalize violence saying that they “left theaters years ago.”

You have the ability and mindpower to change they way we are looked at. Look who's watching us young warriors, look who's throwing us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Loving to bury us in the ground or in jail where we continue this worthless war on one another.
Young warriors.... We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz this movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, Boys n the Hood , Blood n Blood Out, Belly!

He ends the letter with a question to the youth and a statement that sums up the whole situation, “This shit sucks.”

When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS....and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the almighty. I'm with you young warriors. You're me and I'm you. But trust me! you are fighting the wrong war.
This sh*t sucks !!

Here is a map of what is going on in Chicago alone.,-87.673645&spn=0.358097,0.583649&z=10

Bear in mind this is a HOMICIDE map. Not a 'Who got shot' map. Death. Finality. No reset button. No turning off the game and getting three more lives to work with. No 'oops...' I can fix it. Sorry won't do it. They are gone. FOREVER. Think about that people.

Yt 20something year olds aren't the only ones who..

...need this show. I know some regular 'round the way wanna be rappers/actor/whatever they are that could use an intervention like this. Why does it have to be on SOAPnet tho??? Dammit...Hulu better have this....

Courting Olivia...Women's Wants vs. Needs

Keeping in theme...I could say these things but maybe if it comes from another source the message will be heard.

Her blog is here:

Okay ladies,

Every once in a while you need to hear- from another woman, and not your man- that you’ve got some work to do in the “get real” category. Us womenfolk can sometimes confuse our wants for our needs, so I’m going to try and sort a few of these out- hopefully it’ll make you think and you’ll be able to take it a step further in your own life and identify things that you think you want vs things you probably aren’t aware you need. Doing so, I think, will make you a better woman- it’ll also make you better in your relationship. So here goes:

3. Poetry vs “Real Talk” Many women think they want their man to “talk pretty” to them- say deep, meaningful and poetic things in a way that no other man has before, in a way that makes our hearts flutter, our minds become befuddled and that place between our thighs throb a little bit. Of course it’s nice to hear lovely words from our men- but in reality, we aren’t going to hear that stuff all the time, and we don’t want to, because it’s not realistic. What we as women need is for men to keep it real and honest- that’s it. That’s not to say we want our feelings hurt, of course not, there is a place for tact in all of this- but we need that real talk from our men more than anything. The truth of the matter is we don’t give men enough credit when the do “keep it real” because we’re sensitive beings, our feelings often hurt easily and that causes us to rebuke whatever has been said to us- but that doesn’t help keep the lines of communication between the sexes open either.

So we have to find that balance, and as women, it’s incumbent upon us to do that extra work when our man is giving it to us until we scream his name and speak in tongues real. We have to listen; men are talking, we’re just selective in what we’re allowing ourselves to hear.

2. Know Your Role I can feel some of you getting riled up over this one, but take a breath and be open. I’m not saying you have to be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen all the time, unless of course you want to be- but women do have a role to play when in a relationship- especially with a brotha. We can empower our men or we can make them want to choke the shit outta us belittle them with our biting sarcasm.

Women these days are too hard, I’ll just say it. Men don’t want a woman that acts like a dude, or talks like one for that matter. I certainly am guilty of letting the f-bomb fly, but around my man I only use it when I’m bent over the counter begging him to fuck me harder I’ve burnt dinner.

We are nurturers ladies. Try nurturing your man and see how his appreciation for you grows in leaps and bounds.

1. Making love- or making toes curl Again, ladies, you all have some work to do in this area. It goes hand in hand with number 3 on this list. Too many women think about sex in terms of soap opera love scenes; candles, satin sheets, tender words to your ear before he takes you in his arms and makes love to you all night. *yawn* Let’s get real.

There is a time and place for making love. I truly believe that while men are fully capable of it, they can’t do it all the time- it takes a build up of emotion for a man to make love to a woman- but he can fuck her any time, any day.

Ladies, you need to sharpen your fucking skills. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting this so that you can increase his sexual satisfaction, I’m suggesting it so you can increase your sexual satisfaction. If what you do on the counter on the dryer bent over the couch in the back of the car on the kitchen floor in the shower in bed you learned from the bible- you’re failing your man and yourself.

If all you know is missionary, you’re wasting a perfectly good sex life.

If you don’t give head you should be ashamed of yourself.

If you won’t let him talk dirty to you- best believe he’s feeling cheated out of a full sexual experience.

If sex is controlled- you’re just not doing it right. The best sex happens when you let go of everything rational and grab onto pleasure- follow the pleasure. Only do what feels good.

If you need help, then about 45 minutes before your man comes home, have three shots of whiskey a nice glass of wine and entice yourself. When he walks through the door, pounce.

Role play, dress up, speak with an accent, take control, make sex fun, and make it nasty. It’s ironic, but if you want your man to experience orgasmic pleasure (which is not the same as cumming) then you get on that dick and fuck his brains out- he’ll forget his name instantly and he will look at you like you’re a mythical goddess forever.

I have something in the chamber on this topic but stumbled upon this via one of my followers on Twitter. I tell you, it works in mysterious ways. @ Twitter and Facebook.

Jay-Z on Harpo..(Oprah)

Him teaching her to

PR Parade in NYC revisited.

Just watch. (Not said in "Look at this lovely ish" voice either)

Dear Coach Tomlin: (Open Letter)

If we are going to go back and even have a SHOT at doing what you are doing in that picture below we need to do some things. I know it is only Week 3 so I am willing to cut you some slack. Still and all....

Find out what is up with Jeff Reed:

I don't know. Send him on a bar binge. Get him some more groupies. Let him get in a bar fight. DO SOMETHING THOUGH 'cause Jeff seems to have lost his mojo.

The Red Zone Offense:

I can't even begin to put my finger on what the REAL issue is. Last year, I thought it was the line. No. They are doing their job. I suspect it is play calls/and the lack of a TRUE shortage runner. We had one in training camp but it appears you won't be bringing him back. Fine. Find SOMEONE TO DO THE JOB. 'Cause right now, from the couch, I know the play call, the side, who is getting it and what gaps to fill to stop it. If I know then IMAGINE what opposing DC's know???

That blitzing in the middle of the field shit while playing a soft zone:

Cut that out. We are getting MURDERED on that shit. People know we blitz. We don't hide it. We don't try to confuse it very well. We just come. It might be time to cut that out. We are very predictable on third and long. Blitz up the gut, soft shell on the outside, MIDDLE WIDE OPEN. And it is costing us. A LOT.

Let Mike Wallace get more involved:

Not that I don't love Limas, 'cause I do. He is costing us 'opportunities'. Dropping balls and such on SURE TDS. Unacceptable. I know that you can't kill the man's confidence 'cause we might need him but Mike is BALLIN'.

Keep Troy over there with you 'till he is ready:

Again, it is Week 3. I don't want him hurt long term so I don't want you forcing him back out there if he is not ready. Regardless as to what I am typing here.

Big Ben:

I love his play. I know we are trying not to stifle him. I can dig it. We might need some wrinkles in the plays that allow him to 'adjust on the fly' so he doesn't hold on to the rock too long. Again, the line is playing great in my opinion. So it is not them. It is the playcalling and the holding of the ball. When he holds it and it works, IT IS GREAT. When it doesn't, it is usually the reason why we lose.

I heard you say that you know last season was last season. I respect that. You have to let that carry over in the playing calling though fam. We are getting beat by teams at our own game. The 'hang around and steal it at the end/wear that ass down' game. Lets get back to our type of football please. Thanks.

I am not going to stop being a fan or no shit like that so don't take this that way. I just want us to win like you do. That's all.

What I was waiting for...Lamar to speak on Khloe..

I just wanted to hear it in his words. Not that I didn't believe him but I just wanted to hear him talk about it. That's all. He says a lot. Apparently there is a pre-nup issue...I won't speak on that. I will wait for all of that to come out...@ whether this is all fake and whatnot.

Mashonda's open letter to Alicia Keys...

I have an opinion but I'mma keep MOST of it to myself and let you read it and respond. Three sides to every story, you want your privacy respected/considered and you wrote an OPEN letter for the public to read? Okay....I think it is a stunt. Not in the 'traditional' stuntastic fashion that people pull them for either. It is not about records coming out or nothing like that either. I think it is a way for Mashonda to 'get her side out' so that she looks better. And she MIGHT BE the better the person in the situation. I don't know. I am not in her marriage, I love Alicia Keys music/looks and I am a semi Swizz fan but beyond that, I don't know NONE OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. They all might be assholes and not know how to carry on a relationship for all I know. This HERE SURELY isn't endearing me to Mashonda as a parent and a person involved who knows about her 'legal status' as a married person. If this was for your child I understand the 'feelings' behind it. That doesn't make it right. Sorry.

Over this tweet?

Having a heated debate n the studio. Question is...N love is it better to go 4 the choice that is "SMART" or the choice that has "SPARK"??- A. Keys



On Saturday 26th September 2009, @MashondaLoyal said:


After having a great evening with my son and enjoying some fun twit chat, I decided to sign off and get some work done. However, a few hours later I was advised that I should check @aliciakeys twit page. I've never reached out to her on twitter before. I feel our issues are a lot more serious than a website conversation. Not to mention that I've reached out to her many times in the beginning of this whole thing, as any wife would do. Unfortunately, I never succeeded in getting a response. The 1st time I meet AK, my husband introduced us to each other at an event. ( I have no choice but to call him my husband, until he is not anymore) In the messages that I sent to her (AK), I made it very clear that on the contrary of what she might be hearing, I am still married to my husband, living with him and just had a child. Its been two years and I still have not received a response. What I do receive, is constant displays of selfishness and disconcern to me and my son.

I was a fan of AK's last album, we were both signed to J Records and I always checked up on her projects. I sang her songs and admired her for creating Superwoman and Karma, I would never deny her, her talent. I believed in her until I found out she was possibly sleeping with my husband. The affair was denied by both, until it was finally admitted months later.

Already I can hear some of you saying " why are u blaming her, You cant make someone leave their wife, You cant break something thats broken". Well, my marriage was not broken, as far as I knew we were celebrating our sons birth and getting ready to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary . Call it blind love, whatever. I call it being a devoted wife.. As far as me blaming her and not blaming him, thats false. Me and my husband have worked out our differences. We are in a good place as people and as parents. I accept his choices and I am comfortable enough with myself to move on. I am so very blessed in many ways.

My concern with AK is no longer the fact that she assisted in destroying a family but that she has the audacity to make these selfish comments about love and wanting to be with someone, even after knowing their situation. How is this the same Superwoman that I sang out loud with in my truck? I ask myself sometimes.

If you are reading this Alicia, let me start by saying, you know what you did. You know the role you played and you know how you contributed to the ending of my marriage. You know that I asked you to step back and let me handle my family issues. Issues that you helped to create.
Im not saying everything was perfect all the time but no relationship is perfect. We made a vow to God and I believe you should have respected that, as a woman. I know you owe me or my son nothing but I just wish you would've handled things more carefully. I'm not judging you, I put you and the whole situation in the hands of God, the Higher Power. Just know that as a woman, I expected so much more from you. I never had intentions on reaching out to you this way but after reading your twits tonight, and the constant disregard, you left me no choice. I feel that after 1 and a half years of you hiding this affair and acting like it doesnt exist, that now is the time to confront it, since you talk so openly about it now

This is not a publicity stunt, I dont have a record coming out. I just need to close this chapter in my life and that means confronting our issues. There is a small child involved. His dad loves him to death and he wants to spend more time with him but hes afraid because he knows we don't have a relationship. This is my main concern. My son NEEDS his dad and I NEED to be comfortable with you. For him!

I know many will see my point and many will not be able to look into what's real because they only want to see Alicia Keys the celebrity, not the human. This is not for the "people", this is for you. Like I said I was left no choice but to reach out to you this way. By now, Im sure you want to find a balance in this as well.

I read your tweets tonight and I felt they were very insensitive. You have no idea how much pain I was caused because of this affair. Its baffling to me that you don't understand what I might have gone through with this situation. I dont consider myself a victim anymore, Ive learned alot from this! I just ask you to try and be a bit more realistic and delicate to the situation, at least until my divorce is final. I felt me attending the party would have been a starting point for us, since you shook my hand after I offered it, but I suppose I was wrong.

If its so, that you and my husband are meant to be together, then God bless you both and I hope you never have to deal with what I did. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. If you two being together forever is the case, its more of a reason for us to get along, because I'm not going anywhere. Theres a child to be raised.

To answer your tweet, choose smart over spark. Sparks burn everyone, be smart! Its simple actually, just think of the shoe being on the other foot.

Stay blessed and lets work this thing out with respect and dignity.

Finally. The end of the textbook for school. Maybe..


College students could soon be able to ditch their backpacks and put their textbooks into their shirt pockets thanks to a new program that will let them read their books using iPhones or iPod Touch devices.

CourseSmart of San Mateo, California, already makes more than 7000 college textbooks from 12 publishers available to its subscribers online via their computers, but now the company has added "eTextbooks for the iPhone," allowing students to free themselves from even having to lug around their heavy laptop computers.

There are a couple drawbacks -- you have to be connected to the Internet to view the books you can access with your CourseSmart subscription on your iPhone or iPod Touch, and the first version of the new app doesn't allow users to add notes in the margins.

The app itself is free from Apple. "

Article here..

A school in PA (Drexel University) is using the technology for their students this fall. I hope this does become widespread. Technology finally being used for REAL GOOD. I love it.

Not the idea is exactly 'new' example here in Iowa

Coming soon...New Technology.

Or in this case, it is already here. You just may not know about it if you are not scouring the Net for it. (Elitist, I KNOW YOU KNOW. You have been waiting on

The Beats Audio HP Envy Laptop will be running on a $1699 price tab but it will feature cutting edge sound audio designed by Dr. Dre’s engineers.

There are a set of headphones that are available.

The MSI X-Slim Series X320 borrows unabashedly from the Air’s design. It’s extremely thin, with a maximum thickness of just 3/4 of an inch (1.98cm) and winglike profile that tapers down to a knifelike edge along the front. It weighs just 2.9 pounds (1.3kg) and has a 13-inch widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) display, plus an extra-large touchpad. In short, it’s an Air clone.

But the X320 will cost far less than the Air’s $1,800 starting price: It will cost between $700 and $1,000, depending on options, when it goes on sale this spring, an MSI representative told

Naturally, such cost cutting doesn’t come without compromises. The X320
has an attractive but chintzy-looking plastic housing. It was decidedly difficult to open (long fingernails might help in prying the clamlike halves of the shell apart). And instead of OS X, the X320 is running Windows Vista

For you Pac fans...An Interview...

It appears to be 'lost' so you may or may NOT have seen it. If you have, disregard. If you have not.....


(Audio) @ShizzNitty X Freestyle

Oh boy...Who lit a fire under this cat's ass??? Scorching...As usual. Just listen to it.

Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week: @rosaliiinda aka Rosali(ii)nda

She is a Hov fan so off top YOU KNOW I LIKE HOW SHE GETS DOWN. Manager of a group and all around music head. Want to have a SERIOUS discussion about music? Holla at her here on Twitter...

You can usually find her here...

Peep her on myspace..If you go here and click on the pictures, you will see that she 'loves the kids'! @ the Summer Youth picture.

How do I know? 'Cause that is where she is usually Tweeting from..Follow her here:

The Afro Latino post part 2..I have some more info.

I added a link or two to that post ( at the time I didn't have much information on the background of the documentary, who made it and the like. I do now though...

Here you go..

Just a lil bit of what is inside of that link above:

"New York / Bogota-on September 3, 2009, Executive Producer, Renzo Devia and Writer / Co-Producer Alicia Anabel Santos invite you to the website release for the documentary series Afro Latinos: La Historia Que Nunca Nos Contaron (Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story), join us at and be the first to have a sneak peak of the documentary still in production and due to air in late 2010.

Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story is a documentary television series independently produced by Creador Pictures, LLC. The film will be a seven part series covering segments such as: history, language, religion, food, identity, art, music and social issues.

Who are Afro-Latinos?

Afro-Latinos are the descendents of the enslaved Africans who were forcibly taken from their land and dispersed throughout Latin America.

There are an estimated 200 million Afro-descendants throughout Latin America; yet the majority, have no political or economic power. Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story will take you on a journey to meet Afro-Latinos throughout Spanish and Portuguese speaking nations of Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is the story of a shared history not found in textbooks. This film gives a voice to communities who have been invisible until now.

Be the first to view the official website for Afro-Latino's: La Historia Que Nunca Nos Contaron. This site is the one stop shop for all information on Afro-Latinos in the Caribbean, Central and South America. Viewers will be able to live the producer's journeys through pictures and videos. There you can learn more about the history that was never taught and the people who live in these Afro-Latino communities.

Visit to download free screensavers with images shot during filming. Check out the trailer on the main page for an inside look at the television series. Visitors will also be able to download radio shows containing Afro-Latino tunes, Latin Reggae and African beats that have inspired Latin music. There are links to organizations for each country that inform communities where to go if they are discriminated against, as well as resources to encourage viewers to continue to investigate history and a collection of books the crew picked up during their travels."

About Creador Pictures.LLC

A quote..

"The raw reality of the truth is disgusting. I, more often than not, will lie about reality to keep myself from appearing badly to you. ("Oh, God, I wouldn't want to think x.y.z about me because that would be a.b.c.") The self is a very fragile, delicate being no matter what package it is wrapped in. It has a very sensitive nature that only wants to be appreciated, not questioned or discarded. And, because of all of this, the self will do anything to protect itself in the eyes of those it would like to, ultimately, please. Even lie. -bittersweet"

Foreign Exchange Live at the Roxy in LA..

Yeah. I will not be missing them the next time they fall through here.

Shout out to the boy @phontigallo (Phonte of Little Brother/Foreign Exchange) and to the 'Player whose camera he took to shoot the footage with....

I want to see this. Afro Latinos.

Just watch the trailer people...I think it explains a lot.

This is interesting too...

You can find out more at

More Sanaa Lathan

Like I told her on Twitter, she needs to give a class on the art of taking the self picture.

Rosa Acosta...On Angela Yee, in pictures and well everywhere.

I would HOPE that you are looking at my site on your mobile device/a REALLY SAFE PLACE at your job/at home/or somewhere that you might not get into too much trouble. Why? for situations just like this...

Even still, I am going to try to put up the TAMEST pics of Rosa's new flicks I can find. If you know anything about this Dominican gal it is that she doesn't take 'tame' pics. So...............Yeah if you click on the LINK, you do so at your own risk. Don't go blaming me. (No, she is not nude, I WOULD TELL YOU THAT, but she isn't really 'clothed' either.)

I am sure many of you remember her from this post with the 'now deleted' (Don't click if you wanna see the vids. They are GONE!) vids...

Allow me to reintroduce that video to you...With a working link..

Ghostface, Angela Yee and Rosa BUGGIN THE F#CK OUT!!! Seriously buggin' out. Don't listen to this at work

And one more vid from Angela Yee.

Someone who follows my blog via Facebook asked if her body was 'real'. She kinda answers the question in this video for you...

I-Pod Nano

Great, now people have to worry about people pointing their I-Pod Nanos at them taking video. smh

No seriously this is pretty good news. A good quality video cam, a FM radio and all the other I-Podesque features in a lil package. Starts at $149 and tops out at $179.

Link here:

Self charging cell phone? Sorta..

Hell, they are working on it. Nokia may be on to something. Hopefully they do it and the technology catches on. Imagine not having to charge your phone but using the radio waves around you to do it? Wow.

Here's the link to the article:

A new prototype charging system from the company is able to power itself on nothing more than ambient radiowaves – the weak TV, radio and mobile phone signals that permanently surround us. The power harvested is small but it is almost enough to power a mobile in standby mode indefinitely without ever needing to plug it into the mains, according to Markku Rouvala, one of the researchers who developed the device at the Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge, UK.

This may sound too good to be true but Oyster cards used by London commuters perform a similar trick, powering themselves from radiowaves emitted by the reader devices as they are swiped. And similarly old crystal radio sets and more recently modern radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, increasingly used in shipping and as antitheft devices, are powered purely by radiowaves.

The difference with Nokia's prototype is that instead of harvesting tiny amounts of power (a few microwatts) from dedicated transmitters, Nokia claims it is able to scavenge relatively large amounts of power — around a thousand times as much — from signals coming from miles away. Individually the energy available in each of these signals is miniscule. But by harvesting radiowaves across a wide range of frequencies it all adds up, said Rouvala.

Such wireless transfer of energy was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1893, who was so taken with the idea he attempted to build an intercontinental transmission tower to send power wirelessly across the Atlantic. Nokia's device is somewhat less ambitious and is made possible thanks to a wide-band antenna and two very simple circuits. The antenna and the receiver circuit are designed to pick up a wide range of frequencies — from 500 megahertz to 10 gigahertz — and convert the electromagnetic waves into an electrical current, while the second circuit is designed to feed this current to the battery to recharge it.

The trick here is to ensure that these circuits use less power than is being received, said Rouvala. So far they have been able to harvest up to 5 milliwatts. Their short-term goal is to get in excess of 20 milliwatts, enough power to keep a phone in standby mode indefinitely without having to recharge it. But this would not be enough to actually use the phone to make or receive a call, he says. So ultimately the hope is to be able to get as much as 50 milliwatts which would be sufficient to slowly recharge the battery.

Kim Kardashian bikini pics...

I skipped posting up that one 'oiled up' picture that Kim released to the World but I will post these up. Plus another one of her up with the 'blond hair'....

It is Monday so figured some of you could use some motivation from my favorite 5'2 person. (Yeah, she is that damm short. That's why the youngest one looks so big standing next to her.)

I have a lil collage of Serena that I am trying to get together too. It is just taking a me bit to get them together.

In the meantime though, here is an extra treat from one of my boy's blogs at

RIM BlackBerry Storm 9530 (Verizon) semi review

This review pretty much sums up my experience with my new Storm...

"If you were holding off on buying a Storm because of the phone's massive bugs and poor media syncing, you can now go pick one up with more confidence. RIM has fixed those problems and added the App World store for a solid third-party app experience. If you were holding off because you don't like the Storm's unique and unusual click-touch screen, well, I can't help you there."

I had heard so many bad things about it that I was almost tempted not to get it. I am glad I did not do that. I had tested out the phone and encountered those things too when it first came out but Verizon promised to fix them. And they did. It runs really smooth. The APP World joint is a jewel. I happen to like the click screen..

"A bit of honesty: I hate, hate, hate entering text on the iPhone. I really prefer having some sort of physical feedback to be sure that I've pressed a key. And the Storm gives me that feedback—with a real, solid click. If you're like me, this might be the first touch screen you actually love."

This was my issue with the I-Phone. All five I-Phones that I had a chance to 'play around on' had me SUPER FRUSTRATED WITH THE TEXT ENTERING. I got no confirmation of the keys I was hitting and entered things all wrong. Not so much with my Storm. It is DOES take some getting used to @ the system BUT once you figure out how to do it, it good. You just have to figure out which hand to use to type which letters. There is a half way point on the QWERTY keyboard that you must respect. If you do that, you won't be making many text errors.

"The decidedly sexy 5.5-ounce Storm is a 4.4-by-2.4-by-0.5-inch (HWD) slab dominated by a 3.3-inch, 360-by-480-pixel touch screen, which is capacitive, meaning it detects the electricity from your fingers, and transflective, so it's easy to view outdoors in bright light. Below the display are Pick Up and End call buttons, a Back button, and the familiar BlackBerry menu key. On the sides of the handset, you'll find Camera, Volume, and a programmable multifunction button. Mute and lock buttons are on the top panel. The phone's metal back is home to the speakerphone and the camera."

This is my favorite part. I just love the way the phone looks! It is just a PRETTY phone and real slick. I have mine wrapped up in a Otter Case so it is not as slim as it was when I got it but the case is the bomb too. I can touch the screen without 'touching the screen' if you get what I am saying. It shows up something serious even in bright sunlight. The pics look great, the Web works well, and like all BBs I have all the things I would have if I were on a computer minus FLASH of course. Even those sites that require FLASH usually have some sort of app that allows me to view them so I am good there too!

So far, I am enjoying the fun. We will see what else comes down the pike for the phone even though they have a new one coming out really soon.

RIM BlackBerry Storm 9530 (Verizon)

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Come on Redz!!! Delonte West arrested.

My boy has gotten himself in some ish..Dammit.



Delonte West was arrested on gun charges Thursday night. ASSOCIATED PRESS

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (AP) — Police say Cleveland Cavaliers guard Delonte West was arrested after officers pulled him over for speeding on a motorcycle while carrying two handguns and a shotgun in a guitar case.

Prince George's County police spokeswoman Sgt. Michelle Reedy says the Cleveland Cavaliers player was arrested about 10 p.m. Thursday.

Reedy says West was riding a Can-Am Spyder motorcycle north on the Capital Beltway in Upper Marlboro when he cut off an officer, who pulled him over.

Police say a handgun was found in his pocket, another in his pant leg and a shotgun in a guitar case strapped to his back.

West, 26, who lives in Brandywine, was charged with speeding and weapons counts. He was released on personal recognizance, and online court records did not list an attorney for him.

This just in. Philly Libraries safe for now....

Just minutes ago, the Pennsylvania State senate passed bill 1828 by a vote of 32 to 17. For all of you who have been following the saga over the city's budget crisis, this is indeed the legislation that was needed for the City of Philadelphia to avoid the "Doomsday" Plan C budget scenario, which would have resulted in the layoff of 3,000 city employees and forced the closing of all libraries.

We are enormously grateful to everyone who advocated on our behalf. More than 2,000 letters to state legislators were collected from our libraries, and countless others made calls and sent emails underscoring how important public libraries are to the economic, educational and social life of our city. We also thank our incredible library staff, who despite the threat of imminent layoffs continued to provide excellent service to the thousands of people who use one of the 54 libraries in our system.

Link to Free Library Blog

This is GREAT NEWS. Kids need a damm library. Sorry. Maybe they don't need some of the other stuff but the LIBRARY is a definite must keep.

Twitter Person of the Week- @DomBrady

Another one of my friends from Twitter that I know from another place (?uest, you gonna have to start paying me if I keep mentioning the site brah, just saying...JOKES!!), Dombrady or FIREBRAND as I call him, is one of those well rounded people that you can kick it with about anything.

Wanna talk sports? He can do it. Passionate about his football. Especially SEC football but ANY FOOTBALL will garner outstanding dialogue out of him.

Polltics? Bring your lunch and all your resources. You won't just be able to 'blow your theories' his way and have your way with him. He knows his shit.

Music? C'mon now, he is s friend of MINE. You REALLY THINK that is even a question? Covered. Does that well too.

He is not just limited to these topics though and is a very good Tweeter.

Here are some of the ways to get at him:


Blog: This has links to his podcasts too? Did I mention he does podcasts? Well, he does do them. Well!

Hit him up..I don't think that you will be disappointed.

Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- @KiaJD

My OKP fam knows her well. The rest of you? Not so much probably. So here you go.

UNC graduate. A graduate of Temple LAW and she is working on her second post-grad degree...Big City gal...Fellow music snob. (aka, she KNOWS HER MUSIC.)

she's more sophisticated / highly edumacated / not at all overrated- Her own words.

Please....please...PRETTY PLEASE...Bring your A game when even speaking to her. She will block you if you don't. I am just warning you. As will 99% of the anyone I recommend for you to check out. She is not the exception but the rule.

Her blog:

For my film makers/video cats out there....

Just a lil bit for you or those aspiring to get behind the camera..

PDW-F800 In the Field from Abel Cine Tech on Vimeo.

Peep their channel on Vimeo too!@ the links. Good stuff there.

All Free Library of Philadelphia Branch, Regional and Central Libraries Closing

The Free Library system in the city of Philly is scheduled to close as of October 9, 2009.

Please read this HERE if you wish to try to help avert this tragic situation.

My new favorite thing about J.Cole...

He can keep a secret. You see, he knew (obviously) that he had a chance to be on the Blue Print 3 but said nothing. Matter of fact, he didn't even SPEAK about recording with Hov. He speaks on his new album and is being tight lipped about that as well. Not that he is the only artist that has ever done that but in the age of everything 'getting out of the bag early', it is kinda refreshing.

"Complex: How was your anticipation for people to hear it?

J. Cole: Oh, man, it was huge. And I couldn’t say shit, cause I was like, who am I to start leaking information? So i just kept quiet about it. And people were always asking me like, “Yo, you on The Blueprint? Oh, man, he got X,Y,Z on there and you not on there? That’s fucked up!” I’m just sitting back like, Ahhh. I wanted to tell people so bad, but it made it all worth it in the end. And I knew he was recording so many songs, I wasn’t even sure if my shit was going to make it.

Complex: What’d you do the day you found out you were on the album?

J. Cole: We went and celebrated, dog. We was getting drunk [laughs]. It was like a big celebration, it was almost as big as the celebration for when i got signed, it was just one of those moments. There are very few moments when i just sit back like, Wow. That was one of those “wow” moments. Then the day the song leaked and I got to hear it. You know I didn’t hear the song…

Complex: Word?

J. Cole: The day I left the studio was the last time I heard it until the day it leaked. He gave me the last little drop on the song, if you listen it’s like, “J. Cole…” He was like, “Yeah, that’s your compensation for not bringing this home [laughs]."

Read more of his Complex Interview HERE:

In case you missed it, I spoke on J. Cole earlier in the blog:

Just f#4cing wauw...Not wow but wauw..@ Cracker Barrel

I don't know who was standing around and I understand that it was in Georgia (aka Down South) but still. Someone should have hopped on this fool. I hope that someone does. Yeah I said it. I hope that someone does him in. My heart would pump piss for him if someone got to dumping on his ass. I sincerely hope that all those cats that are 'bout it, make it their business to be 'bout it, in this case.

Jassabella Thomas aspiring (hell she does it) model.

You probably don't know who this person is. Which is fine. I do. So will tell you all about my friend from PA.

She is a plus sized model (who is shrinking on me as we speak.) She has PLENTY OF PICS up at her site of her MODELING during her weight loss HERE. She is pulling this from the muscle too. No help. Her hard work. No one put her on. No one told her to do it. She just up and decided that this is what she wanted and got it popping. On her own.

Right now, she is currently entered in a contest for and has made their Top 10 for the contest! You can go to their site and read about the search and all that it entails. Some quick facts though. The contest started with 4000 contestants and is not just based on voting. Long story short, she has come a LONG WAY and I am proud of her. Just thought I would show her a lil love at my spot. (Shout out to her HUSBAND Justin TOO! I know you are proud fam..) When I first got to know her, she wasn't sure if she was even going to model. It is good to see her get out there!

You can hear a lil bit from her right here.

If this is something that you like to get involved in (there are a lot more women that fall through here than you think and if you like woman as a male this is a no brainer too.), go here and get to voting:

I support my people. Do you?

Twitter Person of the Week Pt. 2: Mica4Life

I would put money on it that this is a future anchor woman/young lady with her own show/politician. She makes me feel shameful about the little bit I know about politics in my area. @ her knowledge and vigor for politics as a whole. Which is hard to do since I worked in government and still have ties. She wants to be involved. She wants to make a difference. She WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I can feel it.

Follow her here and don't be too surprised if one day you are following her at 6,12 or all day on your local news channel or MAJOR News Channel or if you see her entering the political arena herself one day.

Should I change my Twitter profile pic to this (same shirt, o... on Twitpic

Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week: @LatinaNichelle4

This Week's person (she and all the rest of the young ladies posted ARE PEOPLE YOU KNOW) currently resides in the DMV. (DC/Maryland/Virginia area) Yes, her name is LATINA. Yes, that is REALLY her name. (I know, I have been corrected by her enough to know. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE by not referring to her as such.) She is the 2nd half of the punk soul duo Twindency. She is very talented as you can see below. Singer/Songwriter/Arranger/Performer and all around good person. Very funny and honest. Might even help you with your Blackberry if you ask her nicely. Follow her here on Twitter.

Evidently, there is a small army down in her voice box she is hiding in that petite frame of hers...

I am going to pull another blog post from someone

else's blog because I feel like it is THAT IMPORTANT.

Now all you pimps and playas, close your eyes and shit. You won't like this too much. Just go ahead and click on the music posts or something. Unless you have a daughter or two, in which case you might wanna pay SPECIAL ATTENTION to this post or a 'girl' who might HAPPEN to fall up under this category.

This is the DAMM MESSAGE, maybe not as bluntly..wait YES JUST LIKE THIS ACTUALLY, that most of these young girls need to hear. I am going to go out on a limb and say that how things go down in this blog is not an experience limited to this blogger, her race or any of that shit. So without further ado, here we go...

i hear a lot of women and girls in their late teens and early twenties carry on about the number of men they sleep with at a particular time.

how they are always getting it and how everyone just wants them. and how awesome it is. how it’s more than just one person. how they are okay with a poly amorous lifestyle blah blah blah.

now, if you've read any of my blog you know I'm practicing this “don't be so quick to judge what ye have already done and don't do anymore” bullshit and i really am. so i will just call this my advice to young women and girls. hell maybe even some of y'all old heffas too.

you are not leading a new sexual revolution by fucking everything that hits on you. hopping on two, three, four or five magic sticks a week is not you expressing your sexual prowess and oozing self confidence. it’s saying you don't love yourself, you may not even like yourself and you damn sure are far from confident. confidence comes from someplace other than the bedroom, the floor or however it is you score.

At a young age i felt i was doing something different by having MANY different partners and felt like i was something special that i could call up any number of people to come over and do our little thing. I felt this way for quite sometime and now I couldn't tell you how many partners Ive had. I just know that I am VERY lucky I do not have any VD, was only pregnant three times and was only raped once.

Yeah, only raped once. I feel lucky about that. And deep down I carry guilt for even being raped just once. I mean, I allowed the two guys to have sex with me. But when things went further than what i wanted and the one wanted to perform an act i didn't want to have done it was done anyways while the other cheered him on. but that confident woman i was and the sexual revolution i was leading said to me that i kinda asked for it anyways and chalk it up to the game.

I find it hard to believe that we as women are really feeling fulfilled fucking every good looking man that we can.

I wasnt ever happy in my “relationships” where I fucked with so and so one day and someone else the next and him the next night. I had the one person I wanted to be with but he didnt want me like that. And then Id meet the next person who might be it, but he wasnt it either. I just dont think a “good relationship” can be built if youre in “relationships” with other people.

Im sure i sound like a book i wouldve hated reading a few years ago. I sound like a mom. eeew.

and i feel like im rambling a bit. basically, i just think constant sexual talk and constant flaunting of promiscuity is really just a front of confidence. i refuse to believe that we as women need to be a walking, talking xxx ad all the time. it’s gross and im sad i acted that way ever.

August 9, 2009

I am not putting this up for you to judge or ridicule her and I won't be posting wack ass comments. I put it up for people to learn from it and maybe share it with their lil girls. As a learning tool. That's it.

Twitter Person of the Week Pt. 1- @Inkognegro

A Father. An excellent blogger. A Fellow Steeler Fan. A fan of music period. You can need to peep out his blog. Be warned, it is a 'grown up' blog. Meaning he might tell you about yourself without meaning to do so. He is definitely going to speak the truth without holding his words.

Follow him on Twitter here..

We are going with two people this week 'cause....I FEEL LIKE IT. Problem?? Part 2 coming up next!

A changing of the guard that is DIFFERENT than before..

And now that that's that Lets talk about the future
We have just seen the dream as predicted by Martin Luther
Now you could choose to
Sit in front of your computer
Posin' with guns
YouTube up
Or you could come with me to the White House get your suit up
You stuck on being hardcore?
I chuck the deuce up
Peace out Medusa
Welcome to the Blue-ah-Print-ah Tre piece Jay-Z your tutor
Tooter of my own horn Beep beep move-ya
Ras clot when rude boy come through with the roof up
So I could see the sky
Cause everybody talkin' Hov I think we know why 

Remember when he said, "Lyrically, I should be Talib Kweli...."? This is what he meant. He gives you ni##as this and all I HEAR FROM THE CRITICS is 'it is okay'. Talib says this line, Nas says this line, Pac says this line, or (insert your favorite unknown rapper) says it and all I would hear is this bullshit...

"See now if Hov rhymed like this, I might fuck with him...." as you wipe the proverbial residue off your chin.. 

He did it. He is SPITTING REAL TRUTH. AGAIN. Talking directly to the youth. Knowing FULL WELL THAT THE 'hood hood' is gonna frown on that shit. Use it to say he is 'soft', sold out, talking that 'white shit'....Knowing good and FUCKING WELL THEY WERE DANCING IN THE STREETS WHEN THE POTUS got elected. When Jeezy and Hov made the 'hood anthem' for his victory BEFORE HE FUCKING WON. Talking about 'It is time for change..." right along with Barack. I can only hope those same people who thought it was cool that Barack embraced Hov got THE MESSAGE. That they understand that HOV got the message is now trying to relay it back on the ground level. I can only imagine the backpedaling that will spew outta cats mouths all for the sake of keeping it 'real'. @ the reactions to this. If you back pedal now, you are no better than those racists people ya'll love to talk about or 'the man' as we like to call him. You are a hypocrite if you can't at least SEE the good in this message and you are doing no better than the people that have 'oppressed' others for all of these year. I won't speak on whether you SHOULD be strapped or not. I am not here for that. Times, places and situations call for it. I am strictly talking about the blatant 'Ooh I got a gun..." advertisements that seem to be all the rage. Lets just say that a whole lotta people have guns and that it should be on a 'need to know' basis as to whether you have one or not. In case you did not get that outta his verse, THAT IS ALL HOV IS SAYING THERE TOO.

This post started out with this...

Hip Hop is the only genre of music (fans and artists alike to boot) that has this hangup with growing 'old' with all of this backlash. You don't see Fall Out Boy (You can insert ANY OF THESE NEW BANDS IN HERE FOR ALL I CARE, if you don't like my example. They can't see Mick and them) talking that shit. Talking about 'The Rolling Stones/U2/or any of them established groups suck or that they need to sit down and retire. They don't do what we do. They had their run but fuck 'em...." Why? If there is a rivalry like that, they keep that shit behind closed doors so the genre can thrive.

A. They respect the longevity of their run. Their fan base isn't DEAD by any means and they can sell out that big stadium in London or a football stadium in the US. Fall Out Boy might be LUCKY if they can get a third of their fans that download their music to show at their shows. Period. They are POPULAR NOW but they don't have that time in.

B. Just like with rap, them rock and roll dudes are talking the same shit that those other groups talk about. Broads, money, partying and drugs. Only the slang has changed. You think rap hasn't gone in that cycle your ass needs to use Google and see what it is. Same cycle. Nobody is talking about much new that isn't a 'historical event' and even that isn't 'new'. Just the actual 'event' is. @ talking about political issues and stuff. I know many of you think you are 're inventing the wheel' with your talk, slang and the like. Newsflash. Cats been did that. Maybe you didn't hear about it or your peoples didn't know but it has happened. Plenty of guts and glory stories to go around. Plenty of 'teaching' and 'guiding' being done before you and after you. Just like I am not the first person to bring this all to light in print, there were people BEFORE YOU. Probably BADDER THAN YOU. Deal with it. I have come to grips with it. It is okay. It won't kill you to admit it. It is working for 'them'. They are all getting money. Living good. Not getting their entourages shot the fuck up. Getting in petty beefs over REALLY STUPID stuff OR TRYING TO LIVE OUT THEIR past to show they are hard.

C. They DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO IT. They are too busy grinding..Trying to stand out amongst their peers.

D. Those artist REACH OUT and give back to the younger set. The younger set are 'well versed' in classic rock and even if they don't 'listen' to it, they respect it. The respect is returned for the most part. The older set doesn't run away from it. They don't have their heads so far stuck up their asses that they think they are better than those groups 'cause they are established. They give back..........

(Come back to this and read it again...I think you will find out where this fits in all of this and it might make more sense. I

As I was writing this I RAN INTO THIS INTERVIEW...It ALMOST sums it up perfectly. I guess my question is more 'Why can't we though??" or a "Will change so that we can be as successful as Rock N Roll?" I mean, we got 'now' but can we keep it for the long haul and what needs to be done to make sure that happens.

There is a changing of the guard. It is life. It happens. New cats/fans come up all the time. Somebody has to be 'hot' at the time and that always changes. There is no problem with this to me...This time it is different though. The last time we had this happen, the people who 'let hip hop' go had not grown up on it. They weren't dedicated to it unless they were INVOLVED intimately. This time with this generation, that is not the case. We pretty much grew up on it. It is has been the background to our lives since we pretty much have been able to make independent decisions. Hip Hop is still young so we have never had what is about to take place happen on such a wide scale. The 'passing of the guard' by a set that really doesn't have to 'give it up' 'cause they TRULY understand the genre. They ARE THE GENRE in the sense that they lived it from pretty much the beginning. (Waits for someone to take that as to say there would be no hip hop at all without said set..No, that's not what I said. Yet. lol )

Rock and Roll has been AROUND LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM TO HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS CYCLE. Hip hop has NOT. That is the point I am trying to make. Maybe a Jay-Z doesn't need to be on 106 and Park (I don't wanna see Hov/Nas/Etc on there either). That doesn't mean that the whole fan base that they established should be abandoned. Like he said in the interview, making music talking about things you don't do anymore is bullshit. I agree. That doesn't mean you can't make music anymore.

As long as you stay true to yourself, you can make music forever.-Hov

Again, this is not sports or some physical activity. As long as you are mentally sharp, you should be able to do this (hip hop) for a long time.

I think he hit it on the head at the CURRENT mentality of hip hop:

'This is a young man's game..'

If that is the motto we are going move hip hop FORWARD with we might be in a lil trouble. We will pigeonhole it. It probably won't have the longevity of Rock N Roll. You think it is bad now? @ the skinny jeans, backpackers, thugs, and dopeboys. Wait, 'till we OFFICIALLY put an age limit on it. As in, 'You can't rap after age such and such...'Watch how far it gets....

If we do that, rap might not ever be anything but the same stories told from ages 5-29 or age 34 tops. Now, I could see if the LIFE EXPECTANCY of everyone who listened to hip hop was 29 years old but WE ALL KNOW THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Since Hip Hop is so young, we have NEVER had to face the fact that an ENTIRE generation grew up on it. When it started, EVERYONE IN THAT GENERATION was not on board. It was MY GENERATION that FULLY EMBRACED THE MUSIC. It was MY GENERATION that went to the shows. That demanded that Hip Hop be part of homecomings at HBUS. At major arenas at ALL TIMES. While I am sure hip hop will 'survive' without us, I am not sure of how long. Not only that, we shouldn't HAVE TO GIVE IT UP. There is no clear reason to.

Now I am not some bitter old man who does not like today's music. I think my blog CLEARLY states that. I love NEW ARTISTS. (Shoutout to Jadin, Shizz, OT Records as a whole) and I DO Promote them here all the time. I don't require music to sound like it did 'in the 80's/90's' or stifle any of the creativity that goes on now. Do your thang young boys/girls. Even if we already did it, it is okay for YOU TO EXPERIENCE IT. You need to put it in your own words. How you 'did it'. Not trying to fuck that up for you. What I am saying is simple though.....

The music does not belong to just you....Sorry. It just doesn't. MAYBE THE WHOSE HOT RIGHT NOW SHIT DOES, which is fine. Take that and run with it. But not on a whole. Sorry. Maybe that mantra flew when it was the 'calling card' used by lil people everywhere to rebel against their parents or some shit. We are FAR BEYOND THAT. Hip Hop is bigger than a big 'fuck you' to some lower level authorities..At least to me. It is the music that I grew up on. Just like my Pops and them will continue to pump that Smokey, Marvin and stuff (as will I in addition to my hip hop), I will always be putting on that Kool Moe Dee, that Jay-Z, that Drake, that PE, that 'Cube or HELL even you 20 years from now (Lord willing I make it AND YOU DO TOO!) that will be considered ancient or classic.

Again, I will reiterate, I will GLADLY let new dudes shine. That is the purpose of this. To make sure everyone is okay in the end and that they get a turn. I won't dismiss older ones for the SAKE OF IT THOUGH. Nope sorry. Don't expect me to and PLEASE don't come running up on me with that. I give EVERYONE respect.

Rant over. And it was a rant. It is a blog after all..Shit. You thought I wouldn't do it? Ni##a please..I just want you to think about that the next time you say 'So and so should retire.' This shit is chess, not checkers my nig.