I see you over there fam...
I swear if Doc doesn't play this on the radio....Shizz Nitty- I Don't Like Her
Hit the pause button on the music up top and listen to Shizz's new song. It has hit written ALL OVER IT.
I see you over there fam...
I see you over there fam...
Is this how you are gonna keep us interested? @ Birdman
I know somebody out there agrees with him.....(Yawns) Here we go with this shit again. If I like one artist, I can't like another conquer and divide amongst ourselves shit..Yeah, this is JUST WHAT WE NEED.
Twitter Person of the Week- @Phenomentality
Or Vee as I call her. She is from that place where Phil Jackson is known to reside. Open country. Pure Native American (thank you Steph!). (Save the red dot or feather shit. She might give it to you verbally. For real.)
All around good person.
A Mother. (Beautiful babies!) Look at this pic. (Yes it is her. I won't post up the rest of the pics she put up but IT IS HER! Trust me.) I will let you digest that for a second. No celeb trainers. No lipo. Hard work and dedication. I have seen the vids.
A friend.
Deeply entrenched in her roots and it shows.
Loves hip-hop. I mean LOVES it. She hangs out with me from time to time at that uber snobby spot that I reference here OFTEN.
I have seen people use that Maya 'saying' in their name (Phenomenal Woman) over the years, especially over the Internet. She is one of the five that I would actually say 'Yeah, you can call yourself that. You truly are.."
Follow her:
Get to know her and her stunning sense of style here. Lots of pretty pics and stuff.:
(Whispers) She rides a bike. A BAD BIKE..This it here. Don't tell her I told you tho!
All around good person.
A Mother. (Beautiful babies!) Look at this pic. (Yes it is her. I won't post up the rest of the pics she put up but IT IS HER! Trust me.) I will let you digest that for a second. No celeb trainers. No lipo. Hard work and dedication. I have seen the vids.
A friend.
Deeply entrenched in her roots and it shows.
Loves hip-hop. I mean LOVES it. She hangs out with me from time to time at that uber snobby spot that I reference here OFTEN.
I have seen people use that Maya 'saying' in their name (Phenomenal Woman) over the years, especially over the Internet. She is one of the five that I would actually say 'Yeah, you can call yourself that. You truly are.."
Follow her:
Get to know her and her stunning sense of style here. Lots of pretty pics and stuff.:
(Whispers) She rides a bike. A BAD BIKE..This it here. Don't tell her I told you tho!
You stay classy down there in Florida U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
I can see my 'law student/grad/even lawyers' who don't 'like Obama RIGHT NOW. Let the 'interpretation' of the language of the words BEGIN! @ the 'loose interpretations' that will no doubt ensue do to this 'proclamation'. lol This will be GOOD!
I rarely get political here. Not due to lack of knowledge but rather due to lack of patience it takes to discuss politics. I am not really interested in changing anyone's mind like some people seem to be. @ the arguing down.
But this is SILLY. She wants it done as a 'formality'? Who the fuck does she think she is fooling with that shit? Fuck outta here. You don't want him to have it. Just say that shit and stop all the tomfoolery Ginny. Stop insulting our intelligence with this shit. Talk about wasting our time on shit that is not important..
She is citing an Article in the Constitution and the actions of a past President as her reasoning. And even that is bull. @ the last one..
What about what Teddy Roosevelt in 1906? What did he do? How did it come about? Lets find out shall we?
Here is what happened:
Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (not Noble) in 1906 for his work in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. This made him the first American to win a Nobel Prize in any of the categories.
The Prize consisted of:
* a large gold medal,
* a diploma in a fancy case
* and a cash award.
He intended to give away the prize money explaining to his children that to accept it would be like taking money for saving a drowning man.
On January 8, 1907, he wrote to the Nobel Prize Committee:
"The medal and diploma will be prized by me throughout my life, and by my children after my death. I have turned over the money to a committee, including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce and Labor, in trust, to be used as a foundation for promoting the cause of industrial peace in this country. In our modern civilization it is as essential to secure a righteous peace based upon sympathy and fair dealing between the different classes of society as it is to secure such a peace among the nations of the earth; and therefore I have felt that the use I have made of the amount of the Nobel Prize was one peculiarly in accordance with the spirit of the gift."
The Treaty of Portsmouth resolved the Russo-Japanese War and earned Theodore Roosevelt recognition by the Nobel Prize Committee.
Normally the Secretary of State would negotiate such delicate situations as this. But just prior to the negotiations Secretary of State, John Hay, the last cabinet holdover from McKinley's administration, died in July 1905. This single event creates a turning point in Theodore Roosevelt's presidency.
Hay was one of the two secretaries to Abraham Lincoln and a friend of TR's father. As a result Roosevelt couldn't, in good conscience, remove Hay as his Secretary of State. That prevented Roosevelt from pursuing his own diplomatic initiatives. However, when Hay died, Roosevelt took charge.
[Incidentally, John Hay would pay $100 for 6 strands of hair removed from Abraham Lincoln at the autopsy. The strands would be put in a ring and given to Roosevelt. He wore the ring at his inauguration.]
TR did not actually pick up the prize money (or the prize itself) until 1910, when he visited Europe after his African Safari. He did not feel right accepting the prize while he was in office. TR wore an old fashioned suit with a top hat when he went to get the award. He picked up the prize in Christiania, Norway, on May 5, 1910 and part of his speech to the Nobel Prize Committee is as follows:
"I think it eminently just and proper that in most cases the recipient of the prize should keep for his own use the prize in its entirety. But in this case, while I did not act officially as President of the United States, it was nevertheless only because I was President that I was enabled to act at all; and I felt that the money must be considered as having been given me in trust for the United States. I therefore used it as a nucleus for a foundation to forward the cause of industrial peace, as being well within the general purpose of your committee; for in our complex industrial civilization of today the peace of righteousness and justice, the only kind of peace worth having, is at least as necessary in the industrial world as it is among nations. There is at least as much need to curb the cruel greed and arrogance of part of the world of capital, to curb the cruel greed and violence of part of the world of labor, as to check a cruel and unhealthy militarism in international relationships."
TR's idea for an industrial peace foundation never came to be. By 1918 it was clear the the foundation would not go forward. Instead, during World War I, he donated the funds to war relief efforts.
In his book, "The Lion's Pride", Ed Renehan, Jr. writes,
"He made twenty-eight different donations of various amounts. A few of the gifts included $6,900 to the Red Cross; $5,000 to Eleanor for her Y.M.C.A. project; an additional $4,000 to the YMCA National War Work Council; and $1,000 to Edith's sister, Emily Carow, a volunteer with the Italian Red Cross at Porto Maurizo, Italy."
Now this US Rep. in Florida would have you believe that Congress asked him to do it and that he 'complied'. No. It is pretty clear what happened. THIS IS ONE OF THE EVENTS that she is citing as to why Barack should 'ask permission' to accept the award.
I hope that you are smart enough to figure out what is REALLY going on here..It is pretty clear what happened here...
Here is the Article that she is citing as the reason why he should have to ask...
Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution clearly states: 'no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state.
It is the 'foreign state' part.
Here's the article:
Republican Reps. Ron Paul, Ginny Brown-Waite and Cliff Stearns have sent President Barack Obama a letter asking him to consult with Congress before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize he won last month.
Their press release states: "Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution clearly states: 'no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state. I urge President Obama to affirm his devotion to our Constitution and seek the consent of Congress before accepting the award in Oslo, Norway, on Dec. 10.”
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Ron Paul is behind this one. I see you Ron. Keep that good ole disdain up and running! Ole sucker ass mofo...Now your ass wants to 'uphold' the Constitution. Cute.
I rarely get political here. Not due to lack of knowledge but rather due to lack of patience it takes to discuss politics. I am not really interested in changing anyone's mind like some people seem to be. @ the arguing down.
But this is SILLY. She wants it done as a 'formality'? Who the fuck does she think she is fooling with that shit? Fuck outta here. You don't want him to have it. Just say that shit and stop all the tomfoolery Ginny. Stop insulting our intelligence with this shit. Talk about wasting our time on shit that is not important..
She is citing an Article in the Constitution and the actions of a past President as her reasoning. And even that is bull. @ the last one..
What about what Teddy Roosevelt in 1906? What did he do? How did it come about? Lets find out shall we?
Here is what happened:
Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (not Noble) in 1906 for his work in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. This made him the first American to win a Nobel Prize in any of the categories.
The Prize consisted of:
* a large gold medal,
* a diploma in a fancy case
* and a cash award.
He intended to give away the prize money explaining to his children that to accept it would be like taking money for saving a drowning man.
On January 8, 1907, he wrote to the Nobel Prize Committee:
"The medal and diploma will be prized by me throughout my life, and by my children after my death. I have turned over the money to a committee, including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce and Labor, in trust, to be used as a foundation for promoting the cause of industrial peace in this country. In our modern civilization it is as essential to secure a righteous peace based upon sympathy and fair dealing between the different classes of society as it is to secure such a peace among the nations of the earth; and therefore I have felt that the use I have made of the amount of the Nobel Prize was one peculiarly in accordance with the spirit of the gift."
The Treaty of Portsmouth resolved the Russo-Japanese War and earned Theodore Roosevelt recognition by the Nobel Prize Committee.
Normally the Secretary of State would negotiate such delicate situations as this. But just prior to the negotiations Secretary of State, John Hay, the last cabinet holdover from McKinley's administration, died in July 1905. This single event creates a turning point in Theodore Roosevelt's presidency.
Hay was one of the two secretaries to Abraham Lincoln and a friend of TR's father. As a result Roosevelt couldn't, in good conscience, remove Hay as his Secretary of State. That prevented Roosevelt from pursuing his own diplomatic initiatives. However, when Hay died, Roosevelt took charge.
[Incidentally, John Hay would pay $100 for 6 strands of hair removed from Abraham Lincoln at the autopsy. The strands would be put in a ring and given to Roosevelt. He wore the ring at his inauguration.]
TR did not actually pick up the prize money (or the prize itself) until 1910, when he visited Europe after his African Safari. He did not feel right accepting the prize while he was in office. TR wore an old fashioned suit with a top hat when he went to get the award. He picked up the prize in Christiania, Norway, on May 5, 1910 and part of his speech to the Nobel Prize Committee is as follows:
"I think it eminently just and proper that in most cases the recipient of the prize should keep for his own use the prize in its entirety. But in this case, while I did not act officially as President of the United States, it was nevertheless only because I was President that I was enabled to act at all; and I felt that the money must be considered as having been given me in trust for the United States. I therefore used it as a nucleus for a foundation to forward the cause of industrial peace, as being well within the general purpose of your committee; for in our complex industrial civilization of today the peace of righteousness and justice, the only kind of peace worth having, is at least as necessary in the industrial world as it is among nations. There is at least as much need to curb the cruel greed and arrogance of part of the world of capital, to curb the cruel greed and violence of part of the world of labor, as to check a cruel and unhealthy militarism in international relationships."
TR's idea for an industrial peace foundation never came to be. By 1918 it was clear the the foundation would not go forward. Instead, during World War I, he donated the funds to war relief efforts.
In his book, "The Lion's Pride", Ed Renehan, Jr. writes,
"He made twenty-eight different donations of various amounts. A few of the gifts included $6,900 to the Red Cross; $5,000 to Eleanor for her Y.M.C.A. project; an additional $4,000 to the YMCA National War Work Council; and $1,000 to Edith's sister, Emily Carow, a volunteer with the Italian Red Cross at Porto Maurizo, Italy."
Now this US Rep. in Florida would have you believe that Congress asked him to do it and that he 'complied'. No. It is pretty clear what happened. THIS IS ONE OF THE EVENTS that she is citing as to why Barack should 'ask permission' to accept the award.
I hope that you are smart enough to figure out what is REALLY going on here..It is pretty clear what happened here...
Here is the Article that she is citing as the reason why he should have to ask...
Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution clearly states: 'no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state.
It is the 'foreign state' part.
Here's the article:
Republican Reps. Ron Paul, Ginny Brown-Waite and Cliff Stearns have sent President Barack Obama a letter asking him to consult with Congress before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize he won last month.
Their press release states: "Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution clearly states: 'no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state. I urge President Obama to affirm his devotion to our Constitution and seek the consent of Congress before accepting the award in Oslo, Norway, on Dec. 10.”
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Ron Paul is behind this one. I see you Ron. Keep that good ole disdain up and running! Ole sucker ass mofo...Now your ass wants to 'uphold' the Constitution. Cute.
I never seen a man cry 'till I seen a.....-Scarface
Now I know PLENTY OF PEOPLE who love this song. If you don't know the song, go find it. Actually, it is IN THE PLAYLIST UP TOP. Go find it there and play it.
He HAD A MESSAGE. It is about time to revisit said message.
As you were.
He HAD A MESSAGE. It is about time to revisit said message.
As you were.
Shizz Nitty- Del State Homecoming...
The boys over at OT doing their thing!! A little behind the scenes footage and then some live footage.
Performing Rep Your Set, Man Down, and some of his other hits...They bought the boy Sap The Beat Man out to do 'Ten Freaky Girls' as well, his hit with Freeway.
You will probably see more footage from this concert during the week as it 'pops up'..Stay tuned. There may be some more surprises...
Performing Rep Your Set, Man Down, and some of his other hits...They bought the boy Sap The Beat Man out to do 'Ten Freaky Girls' as well, his hit with Freeway.
You will probably see more footage from this concert during the week as it 'pops up'..Stay tuned. There may be some more surprises...
Saudi journalist sentenced to 60 lashes..
I don't even wanna make jokes about this 'cause her situation is all types of beat up. I will say this though. If the law did shit like this HERE when someone truly messed up, mofos might think twice about doing things. Just saying...
(CNN) -- A Saudi court sentenced a female journalist Saturday to 60 lashes for her work on a controversial Arabic-language TV show that aired an episode in which a man bragged about his sex life, two sources told CNN.
The court in Jeddah also imposed a two-year travel ban on Rosanna Al-Yami, according to a Saudi Information Ministry official, who could not be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media. The ban prevents her from traveling outside Saudi Arabia.
This official identified Al-Yami as a fixer, who helps journalists obtain stories, and a coordinator for Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., the network that aired "A Thick Red Line," a popular show on social taboos.
On one episode, a Saudi man, Mazen Abdul Jawad, bragged about sex and got into trouble with Saudi authorities for his boasts. Abdul Jawad was put on trial and sentenced to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes.
Suleiman Al-Jumeii, the attorney who represents Abdul Jawad, also confirmed the sentence against Al-Yami, saying he believes she is the first Saudi journalist ever to be sentenced to lashes.
While the charges include involvement in preparing the program, she was not involved in setting up the episode in which Abdul Jawad appeared, the lawyer said.
Al-Jumeii doesn't represent Al-Yami, but he said he is keeping tabs on all aspects of cases dealing with "A Thick Red Line." The lawyer is attempting to pursue an appeal for his client and get his case heard in a special court that deals only with media matters.
CNN has attempted to get comments from Al-Yami and her attorney.
Abdul Jawad, a 32-year-old airline employee and divorced father of four, spoke openly about his sexual escapades, his love of sex and losing his virginity at age 14 on "A Thick Red Line."
That episode caused an uproar in deeply conservative Saudi Arabia, where Shariah, or Islamic law, is practiced. Premarital sex is illegal, and unrelated men and women are not permitted to mingle.
Saudi authorities shut down the Lebanese network's offices in Jeddah and Riyadh after the interview aired a few months ago. Abdul Jawad was arrested shortly after the program aired and charged with violating Saudi Arabia's crime of publicizing vice.
(CNN) -- A Saudi court sentenced a female journalist Saturday to 60 lashes for her work on a controversial Arabic-language TV show that aired an episode in which a man bragged about his sex life, two sources told CNN.
The court in Jeddah also imposed a two-year travel ban on Rosanna Al-Yami, according to a Saudi Information Ministry official, who could not be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media. The ban prevents her from traveling outside Saudi Arabia.
This official identified Al-Yami as a fixer, who helps journalists obtain stories, and a coordinator for Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., the network that aired "A Thick Red Line," a popular show on social taboos.
On one episode, a Saudi man, Mazen Abdul Jawad, bragged about sex and got into trouble with Saudi authorities for his boasts. Abdul Jawad was put on trial and sentenced to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes.
Suleiman Al-Jumeii, the attorney who represents Abdul Jawad, also confirmed the sentence against Al-Yami, saying he believes she is the first Saudi journalist ever to be sentenced to lashes.
While the charges include involvement in preparing the program, she was not involved in setting up the episode in which Abdul Jawad appeared, the lawyer said.
Al-Jumeii doesn't represent Al-Yami, but he said he is keeping tabs on all aspects of cases dealing with "A Thick Red Line." The lawyer is attempting to pursue an appeal for his client and get his case heard in a special court that deals only with media matters.
CNN has attempted to get comments from Al-Yami and her attorney.
Abdul Jawad, a 32-year-old airline employee and divorced father of four, spoke openly about his sexual escapades, his love of sex and losing his virginity at age 14 on "A Thick Red Line."
That episode caused an uproar in deeply conservative Saudi Arabia, where Shariah, or Islamic law, is practiced. Premarital sex is illegal, and unrelated men and women are not permitted to mingle.
Saudi authorities shut down the Lebanese network's offices in Jeddah and Riyadh after the interview aired a few months ago. Abdul Jawad was arrested shortly after the program aired and charged with violating Saudi Arabia's crime of publicizing vice.
Blackberry Smart Watch???
Oh wow. This looks good!
Some of the things it does..
# It's designed by a new BlackBerry-dedicated accessory company.
# It features an OLED screen for clearly visible text and solid battery life.
# It shows notifications and message previews
Peep the article here:
Some of the things it does..
# It's designed by a new BlackBerry-dedicated accessory company.
# It features an OLED screen for clearly visible text and solid battery life.
# It shows notifications and message previews
Peep the article here:
Delaware State Homecoming 10/24/09-Shizz Nitty
For those of you in the Tri-State area who have been living under a rock, Shizz is performing 10/24 at Del State's homecoming.
Time: 8 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Event: Student Concert - Featuring Trey Songz, Fabolous, Nicki Minaj, Shizz Nitty & TCB
Student After Party – “DSU After Dark”
Location: Gymnasium, Memorial Hall
Ticket Price: General Admission: $50
Note: Tickets for the Student Concert must be purchased at the Ticket Office. They are not available online.
Time: 8 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Event: Student Concert - Featuring Trey Songz, Fabolous, Nicki Minaj, Shizz Nitty & TCB
Student After Party – “DSU After Dark”
Location: Gymnasium, Memorial Hall
Ticket Price: General Admission: $50
Note: Tickets for the Student Concert must be purchased at the Ticket Office. They are not available online.
Rape Victims denied insurance??? Say what?
Oh this just...I mean....Man GTFOH with this mess.
So a woman in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Oh I have your attention now huh?)was basically drugged and taken advantage of by two men. She reported it and was given anti AIDS meds. Insurance took care of it and all of that. So she is cool right? WRONG- Charlie Murphy. Months later, after seeking new health insurance (and subsequently dropping the old coverage or losing it), she faced a whole new set of challenges. They denied her insurance because she had been issued the anti AIDS medicine.
I guess it 'makes sense' but it is REALLY FOUL. I mean, here she was doing her civic duty to report the assault, 'cause that is what you are supposed to do. She is medically cleared (yes, I know that it take up to year or longer to show up. I get that) and WAS INSURED at the time of that she was given medicine for the very disease that had her taking the medicine to begin with. Here's the article. It is a lot more clear and concise than I am being right now. Please excuse me as I am BAFFLED as to how this allowed to happen and just how do the people in charge thinks THIS HELPS.
A piece from the article:
Christina Turner feared that she might have been sexually assaulted after two men slipped her a knockout drug. She thought she was taking proper precautions when her doctor prescribed a month's worth of anti-AIDS medicine.
Only later did she learn that she had made herself all but uninsurable.
Turner had let the men buy her drinks at a bar in Fort Lauderdale. The next thing she knew, she said, she was lying on a roadside with cuts and bruises that indicated she had been raped. She never developed an HIV infection. But months later, when she lost her health insurance and sought new coverage, she ran into a problem.
Turner, 45, who used to be a health insurance underwriter herself, said the insurance companies examined her health records. Even after she explained the assault, the insurers would not sell her a policy because the HIV medication raised too many health questions. They told her they might reconsider in three or more years if she could prove that she was still AIDS-free.
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/21/insurance-companies-rape-_n_328708.html
So a woman in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Oh I have your attention now huh?)was basically drugged and taken advantage of by two men. She reported it and was given anti AIDS meds. Insurance took care of it and all of that. So she is cool right? WRONG- Charlie Murphy. Months later, after seeking new health insurance (and subsequently dropping the old coverage or losing it), she faced a whole new set of challenges. They denied her insurance because she had been issued the anti AIDS medicine.
I guess it 'makes sense' but it is REALLY FOUL. I mean, here she was doing her civic duty to report the assault, 'cause that is what you are supposed to do. She is medically cleared (yes, I know that it take up to year or longer to show up. I get that) and WAS INSURED at the time of that she was given medicine for the very disease that had her taking the medicine to begin with. Here's the article. It is a lot more clear and concise than I am being right now. Please excuse me as I am BAFFLED as to how this allowed to happen and just how do the people in charge thinks THIS HELPS.
A piece from the article:
Christina Turner feared that she might have been sexually assaulted after two men slipped her a knockout drug. She thought she was taking proper precautions when her doctor prescribed a month's worth of anti-AIDS medicine.
Only later did she learn that she had made herself all but uninsurable.
Turner had let the men buy her drinks at a bar in Fort Lauderdale. The next thing she knew, she said, she was lying on a roadside with cuts and bruises that indicated she had been raped. She never developed an HIV infection. But months later, when she lost her health insurance and sought new coverage, she ran into a problem.
Turner, 45, who used to be a health insurance underwriter herself, said the insurance companies examined her health records. Even after she explained the assault, the insurers would not sell her a policy because the HIV medication raised too many health questions. They told her they might reconsider in three or more years if she could prove that she was still AIDS-free.
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/21/insurance-companies-rape-_n_328708.html
Twitter Person of the Week- HumanityCritic
This is a person whose work that you have seen in Vibe and in other publications. I won't say his 'writing' name though. Just follow him on Twitter. If you have ANYTHING meaningful/worthwhile to say, he will respond. Just give him a minute as he is a pretty popular person. Very engaging. He is VERY WELL VERSED in the subjects of politics, sports, music and life in general. Will provide the occasional comedic relief through the lost art of satire, which I like a lot. He is my friend on Twitter so follow him.
Oh, I almost forgot. He has an AWARD WINNING BLOG dating back to 2004. The Nappy Diatribe aka The Daily Throatchop.
Follow him on Twitter HERE:
Oh, I almost forgot. He has an AWARD WINNING BLOG dating back to 2004. The Nappy Diatribe aka The Daily Throatchop.
Follow him on Twitter HERE:
Motorola Droid Phone Review: Google Android 2.0
Link to article below:
Looking to buy this phone here? Here is a mini review for you. I wish everyone would stop saying 'I-Phone' killer every time a phone comes out or that they would let go of their 'hate' for the I-Phone. It is a phone PEOPLE! Shit..You either buy it or you don't. It is that simple. That said...
"The Motorola Droid Phone that will be available on the Verizon network by the end of the month will come with the much talked about Google Android 2.0 OS. BGR has already spent a little time with the phone and thought they would offer a mini review; the in-depth review will come later.
The Droid phone has a slim design, although slightly thicker than the iPhone 3GS. However, we have to remember that the Droid does have a QWERTY-slider, making it the thickest handset of its kind. BGR believe that this is the fastest Android smartphone they have used; this surely has something to do with running on Android 2.0 and its TI OMAP3430 processor.
The capacitive display is a dream to use, BGR admit that it is the best screen that they have seen or used on an Android phone. The unit that they have is not final, so its QWERTY keyboard with soft-touch rubberized keys could change in the final production model.
This is the most impressive Google Android phone to-date; Verizon and Motorola have done a great job. The phone will not hurt iPhone 3GS sales, but Apple will now be looking over its shoulder, wondering what the second generation of this phone will be like."
Looking to buy this phone here? Here is a mini review for you. I wish everyone would stop saying 'I-Phone' killer every time a phone comes out or that they would let go of their 'hate' for the I-Phone. It is a phone PEOPLE! Shit..You either buy it or you don't. It is that simple. That said...
"The Motorola Droid Phone that will be available on the Verizon network by the end of the month will come with the much talked about Google Android 2.0 OS. BGR has already spent a little time with the phone and thought they would offer a mini review; the in-depth review will come later.
The Droid phone has a slim design, although slightly thicker than the iPhone 3GS. However, we have to remember that the Droid does have a QWERTY-slider, making it the thickest handset of its kind. BGR believe that this is the fastest Android smartphone they have used; this surely has something to do with running on Android 2.0 and its TI OMAP3430 processor.
The capacitive display is a dream to use, BGR admit that it is the best screen that they have seen or used on an Android phone. The unit that they have is not final, so its QWERTY keyboard with soft-touch rubberized keys could change in the final production model.
This is the most impressive Google Android phone to-date; Verizon and Motorola have done a great job. The phone will not hurt iPhone 3GS sales, but Apple will now be looking over its shoulder, wondering what the second generation of this phone will be like."
Alecia Moore A.K.A Pink. FHM pics
Twitter Person of the Week: WPDDigital
One of my boys from Philly, he KEEPS me in stitches on Twitter. He is a great follow and we have some of the same 'fam' on Twitter.
As you can see he is a fun dude.
Get at him ya'll.
As you can see he is a fun dude.
Get at him ya'll.
Part 2: Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week: Trish
AKA...Ms.PrettyLilRed From the home of The Jacksons (Gary Indiana) but now lives in Arkansas. Does tweet back but just not to bullshit.
She has a great sense of humor. Go see if she lives up to her myspace name. (It is on her Twitter profile.)
Twitter her here:
See the update of Part 1 here. Her Twitter HAS BEEN ADDED.
I mean I could save my followers/people I am following but I almost have a 1000. Trust me, I have no shortage of people to put here. Believe me! It won't hurt if I put two at a time up. lol Thanks for your concern tho!
She has a great sense of humor. Go see if she lives up to her myspace name. (It is on her Twitter profile.)
Twitter her here:
See the update of Part 1 here. Her Twitter HAS BEEN ADDED.
I mean I could save my followers/people I am following but I almost have a 1000. Trust me, I have no shortage of people to put here. Believe me! It won't hurt if I put two at a time up. lol Thanks for your concern tho!
(Pictures) @AndressaSoares/ @LaLa, @kimkardashian/ Video of @RosaAcosta shoot/ more...
October 18, 2009Andressa Soares, candids, Ciara, Kim Kardashian, LaLa Vazquez, videos, Ware's Faves
No comments
Ciara, Kim Kardashian and LaLa Vazquez
Look for your woman to be rocking this look this winter sometime. Oh you don't give a shit about fashion? One word my nig. Tights. Yeah, thought you cared....FOH.
She is putting in the work. I am not mad at her.
Rosa Acosta. You have been here enough. You know who she is and what she does.
Look for your woman to be rocking this look this winter sometime. Oh you don't give a shit about fashion? One word my nig. Tights. Yeah, thought you cared....FOH.
She is putting in the work. I am not mad at her.
For Hip Hop News & Entertainment at DimeWars.Com
Rosa Acosta. You have been here enough. You know who she is and what she does.
My Top 20 rappers/Just how easy is this ish?
See what you created Bran and Matty? @ this tweet being the source of this post......"Hov, Black Thought, KRS One,Biggie, Rakim, Pac, Big Daddy Kane, Nas, 'Face, and a dude that has crept in..Phonte.about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply "
When I was asked this question the other day I was quickly able to do the Top 5. The rest? Not so much. Not because I didn't have people in mind. I HAD PLENTY. Of course I forgot people which is why this post even exists. (See, I am human and unlike other mofos, I CAN ADMIT IT. I fucked up. Sue me...) I will also tell you now that if you come back and see me in another 10 years, positions may have changed. I will READILY admit that.
Okay first off, EVERYONE has their own Top 10, Top 5 or whatever rappers. This list is in NO WAY set out to discredit, ridicule, or whatever your list. Nor is that I don't respect those rappers on your list for all you SUPER SENSITIVE MOFOS out there. Unless I EXPLICITLY say that. (Yes, I am talking to YOU Papoose/Saigon/MC Some Shit lover) I just wanted to clear that up.
This list came about because I HONESTLY have a hard time with numbers lets say 6-20. Yes, there are THAT MANY MCS that I have liked over the years that could easily fit into those slots. Which is why I ALWAYS have a hard time with a Top 10, never mind a Top 20.
When I was younger, these lists were easy. Less MCs and less of a time period to deal with. I am in my 30's now so the time period has expanded. Despite popular belief, we have had some pretty fucking good hip hop grace our presence. Cats that I thought would ALWAYS be in my Top 10 have dropped down a notch as time went on. Some due to untimely deaths. Others do to 'falling off' and the newer cats having LONGER CAREERS. Wait a minute you say, quantity over quality right? Surely more doesn't mean BETTER? No, it does not. I am not talking about the Nellys of the World. I am speaking specifically to the Hovs and the Black Thoughts. Both have been in the game for a GOOD MINUTE. Quality work. People like that. Scarface. Even Em. So as these people cropped up, the list GREW. There was a time ( a long time ago) when I couldn't name more than 15 MCs that I loved. Not cause I didn't know 10 MCs but because I just didn't like 10 of 'em. I can do that now with my eyes closed and not even have to dip into MCs that came out before say 1998. See the point?
For those of you stuck in a time warp and can't see past your 'era' of music. Good luck with that. The end.
Anyhow, now I have felt the need to at least sit down and TRY to make a list of MCs in my Top 20. I hear you out there. THAT'S EASY. Okay, lets put a time limit on it. I am going to take 10 mins.
1. Jay-Z
2. Black Thought
3. KRS-One
4. Biggie
5. Rakim
6. Em
7. Pac
8. Nas
8b. Phonte
9. Big Daddy Kane
10. 'Face
11. Phife/Q-Tip (I give a slight edge to Phife but since they HE never truly put out a solo joint, we won't know. )
13. Andre 3000
14. LL Cool J
15. Big Pun
16. Ice Cube
17. Slick Rick
18. Heavy D.
19. T.I.
20. Jada....I started to leave this one blank to prove my point......
....BECAUSE I have left off people like Method Man, EPMD, Big L,LAURYN HILL, Cannibus, Queen Latifah, TREACH, Mc Shan, EST, Steady B, Havoc, P, Snoop, Kurupt, The D.O.C and MANY MANY MANY MANY OTHERS. Old and new. Yeah, even YOU forgot about some of those people as you ticked down my list and criticized it, didn't you? I know. It can get REALLY interesting.
So I ask you, who are your Top 20 MCs? You need not use my criteria obviously. I just really want to know.
Note: As many of you know, I am big fans of Jeezy, T.I, 50 and a couple of others. I didn't put them on the list 'cause honestly I would like to see how I am feeling about their music in eight years or so from now. (It is almost that time believe it or not for T.I. and 50.) Actually, it IS TIME FOR T.I! Do the math. That's how he made the list. That is how I run my 'Top (whatever) list'. You may have different criteria. Remember, Em came out in '98 so he fits into the criteria I set for myself. I still have NO CLUE where Jeezy or Fif (and others) will fit on the list. Phonte is included in that list even though I believe the post up top gives a slight heads up as to where he might end up area wise on the list. @ the VERY BEGINNING. Anyway, I did not include them because they are a lil 'newer' even though they have catalogs (With great music might I add!)that are above and beyond those on my lists.
Now watch some disgruntled rapper/fan/friend come through and get mad AT MY LIST. To you I say simply this:
N#gga I am not here to CHANGE YOUR MIND. Do what you do. You have a list? You think you should BE ON THE LIST? Cooool. Post it up. I have no issues with you and your list. This here is MY SHIT THOUGH. Blog and all. I post what I wanna. Deal with it.
*I edited the list because after all of that, I forgot to physically type in Phonte's name...smh
Part 1: Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- Breezy Butterfly
This young lady Duval, Florida has QUITE THE WEBSITE. I mean I am just a bit mad I didn't think of looking for this.
She tweets quite often and is very engaging. She has WAY MORE PICTURES AT HER SPOT. Go visit her site:
Blogger's note:
Her Twitter has changed/or is the process of being changed. When I get it, I will update you. ASAP.
Blogger's Note: I thought I told you @ those who THINK they have this 'series' pegged out as far as what kinda young ladies will be featured....
She tweets quite often and is very engaging. She has WAY MORE PICTURES AT HER SPOT. Go visit her site:
Blogger's note:
Her Twitter has changed/or is the process of being changed. When I get it, I will update you. ASAP.
Blogger's Note: I thought I told you @ those who THINK they have this 'series' pegged out as far as what kinda young ladies will be featured....
Man down..(Holla) Code 10...-Shizzy..K. Durant on Joel Anthony
I mean everyone gets banged on (Yes, Black I know..oh wait, you don't read this so it doesn't matter..lol) but this man shoulda fouled him. I am looking for the Jeff Green bang too 'cause he caught him one good time as well.
...well that didn't take long..Jeff giving him the business.
...well that didn't take long..Jeff giving him the business.
One more GOOD shot of Serena...
I have a small contingent of friends who seem to think that Serena is WAY closer to 200 lbs than 150. Possibly over that..Are you SURE FAM? I mean...are you REALLY SURE?
I mean she isn't for everyone but umm...Yeah..I'mma be doing my best Tuba Gooding Jr. impersonation/Serena's clappinp combo....As she will be on Conan tonight!(Shout out to the King of Zumunda for the clip)
I mean she isn't for everyone but umm...Yeah..I'mma be doing my best Tuba Gooding Jr. impersonation/Serena's clappinp combo....As she will be on Conan tonight!(Shout out to the King of Zumunda for the clip)
Size 4 Model fired for being too fat....
I am sure there was some 'plausible' reason for the firing...smh
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is really 'genderless' but we will start on this side
of things since she spoke on it. Both genders could use this advice though I believe. I truly do.
Been waiting for this joint..N.E.R.D ft. Santigold
In case you missed it. T.I's Behind the Music.
I thought he did a good enough job explaining the situation in song (I hate the price of fame...it costs too much...) . Apparently, a video was needed for some people to 'get' why he did what he did. Okay....So around the 20 minute mark or so you should REALLY BE ABLE TO SEE WHY HE DID WHAT HE DID AND HOW HE COULD POSSIBLY HAVE MADE THE DECISIONS HE MADE. You will also get to see that he really wasn't 'making up shit' in his rhymes. And how he is paying for all of that now...
Eve on Jimmy Fallon. You Got Me Grammy discussion
Just watch. They give the backstory in the video. Lets just say she didn't get a Grammy the 'first time'...
A link for my non American counterparts that hopefully works for you..
[url=http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/videos/id.3957/title.eve-jimmy-fallon-interview]Eve - Jimmy Fallon Interview | Videos > HipHopDX.com[/url]
A link for my non American counterparts that hopefully works for you..
[url=http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/videos/id.3957/title.eve-jimmy-fallon-interview]Eve - Jimmy Fallon Interview | Videos > HipHopDX.com[/url]
(Video) Da Hottest In The City-Meek Mill
Just check it out. Product speaks for itself. Philly bol..
DA HOTTEST IN THE CITY from Dwight Gibson on Vimeo.
DA HOTTEST IN THE CITY from Dwight Gibson on Vimeo.
While he is not perfect...Barack Obama
Lets go over some of the things that he has 'done' while in Office shall we? 'Cause you know the first thing that everyone likes to scream who opposes him is..."Well, what HAS HE DONE?" (Translation: He hasn't done that ONE (OR TWO) THINGS I would like done so he pretty much hasn't done squat...)
Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
Create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners refinance or sell their homes. "The Fund will not help speculators, people who bought vacation homes or people who falsely represented their incomes."
What a difference a year makes. In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama talked about a plan to help homeowners with subprime mortgages refinance loans or sell their homes. About $10 billion should suffice, he said at the time.
The months went by, the economy worsened, and Obama won the election. On Feb. 18, 2009, President Obama unveiled his plan. Price tag: $75 billion.
By providing incentives to both lenders and borrowers, the plan allows some homeowners to refinance loans. It excludes investors, speculators, people who fraudulently obtained loans, and people who purchased homes so beyond their means that even refinancing won't help them.
"The plan I’m announcing focuses on rescuing families who have played by the rules and acted responsibly," Obama said. "It will give millions of families resigned to financial ruin a chance to rebuild. It will prevent the worst consequences of this crisis from wreaking even greater havoc on the economy. And by bringing down the foreclosure rate, it will help to shore up housing prices for everyone."
The plan may end up more expensive than $75 billion because it also provides a guarantee of up to $200 billion in capital for federal mortgage holders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That guarantee may or may not be necessary, said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
A few parts of Obama's overall plan require approval from Congress, but most of the money comes from the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, that Congress approved in 2008, Geithner said.
By putting $75 billion toward the program, Obama exceeded the terms of his campaign promise. Promise Kept.
Establish a credit card bill of rights
The credit card bill of rights would "ban unilateral changes ... apply interest rate increases only to future debt ... prohibit interest on fees ... prohibit 'universal defaults' (whereby a credit card raises its rates because the consumer was late paying a different creditor ... require prompt and fair crediting of cardholder payments."
On the campaign trail, President Barack Obama promised to clean up the credit card industry by establishing a consumers bill of rights. No more "any time, any reason" rate increases, no more confusing contracts, he said.
Once in office, Obama wasted little time weaving that promise into speeches and town hall meetings, saying that "it’s time for reform that is built on transparency, accountability, and mutual responsibility — values fundamental to the new foundation we seek to build for our economy." On April 23, 2009, he told credit card company executives that he was supporting the consumer credit card bill of rights already inching its way through Congress.
The bill passed and Obama signed it on May 22, 2009, despite worries from the banking industry that it would reduce credit availability during the economic crisis. In large part, the law fulfills Obama's campaign pledge: It prevents creditors from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers, it prohibits most rate increases meant to penalize consumers for late payments on unrelated accounts, and it requires companies to post credit agreements on the Internet, among other things.
The bill falls short when it comes to a prohibition of interest on the fees card companies charge consumers if they go over their credit limit or fail to pay their bills on time. But this omission is not considered significant by consumer advocates. They say the measure goes a long way in reforming the credit industry. For example, most people pay more than their minimum payment every month. That extra cash will now go toward paying down card balances associated with the line of credit, said Lauren Saunders who works for the National Consumer Law Center.
Another example: The new law prevents companies from raising interest rates on existing balances unless the bill goes unpaid for more than 60 days.
Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women
"This advisor will ensure that his agenda is coordinated across federal agencies and fully addresses prevention, programs, and the legal aspects of gender based violence."
President Barack Obama named Lynn Rosenthal to be his adviser on violence against women.
Vice President Joe Biden announced the pick on June 26, 2009. As a U.S. senator, Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act of 1994.
Rosenthal most recently served as the executive director of the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She was also the executive director from 2000 to 2006 of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
The White House said Rosenthal's duties would include advising the president and vice president on domestic violence and sexual assault issues; serving as a liaison to groups representing victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; coordinating with the Justice Department's Office of Violence Against Women on implementation of Violence Against Women Act programs; coordinating with the Department of Health and Human Services on implementation of Family Violence Prevention Act services such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline; coordinating with the State Department and USAID on global domestic violence initiatives; and driving the development of new initiatives and policy aimed at combating domestic violence and sexual assault.
There are MANY MANY MANY more here:
While I am sure that some of the promises were kept in a way that may not be 'agreeable' to everyone, the point is, they were kept. I am sure that some of you more politically savvy people will pick these apart like a buzzard does its prey but lest I REMIND YOU he inherited (as does every President) these issues. He will not be able to fix them all in their totality. I know it. You know it. So lets not act like all of the sudden he is Jesus Christ himself. No one over here said that. That's ya'll saying that when things go bad or not his way. smh.
Oh and congratulations Mr. President on the Peace Prize. What? Ya'll don't like that either? Cool. Just curious though, WHO DID YOU HAVE WINNING IT? How about winning it last year? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WITHOUT GOOGLING IT WHO WON LAST YEAR? Yeah...that's what the hell I thought...
Back to the asse....I mean the music and..Oh hell, you KNOW WHAT I MEAN. As you were..
Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
Create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners refinance or sell their homes. "The Fund will not help speculators, people who bought vacation homes or people who falsely represented their incomes."
What a difference a year makes. In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama talked about a plan to help homeowners with subprime mortgages refinance loans or sell their homes. About $10 billion should suffice, he said at the time.
The months went by, the economy worsened, and Obama won the election. On Feb. 18, 2009, President Obama unveiled his plan. Price tag: $75 billion.
By providing incentives to both lenders and borrowers, the plan allows some homeowners to refinance loans. It excludes investors, speculators, people who fraudulently obtained loans, and people who purchased homes so beyond their means that even refinancing won't help them.
"The plan I’m announcing focuses on rescuing families who have played by the rules and acted responsibly," Obama said. "It will give millions of families resigned to financial ruin a chance to rebuild. It will prevent the worst consequences of this crisis from wreaking even greater havoc on the economy. And by bringing down the foreclosure rate, it will help to shore up housing prices for everyone."
The plan may end up more expensive than $75 billion because it also provides a guarantee of up to $200 billion in capital for federal mortgage holders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That guarantee may or may not be necessary, said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
A few parts of Obama's overall plan require approval from Congress, but most of the money comes from the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, that Congress approved in 2008, Geithner said.
By putting $75 billion toward the program, Obama exceeded the terms of his campaign promise. Promise Kept.
Establish a credit card bill of rights
The credit card bill of rights would "ban unilateral changes ... apply interest rate increases only to future debt ... prohibit interest on fees ... prohibit 'universal defaults' (whereby a credit card raises its rates because the consumer was late paying a different creditor ... require prompt and fair crediting of cardholder payments."
On the campaign trail, President Barack Obama promised to clean up the credit card industry by establishing a consumers bill of rights. No more "any time, any reason" rate increases, no more confusing contracts, he said.
Once in office, Obama wasted little time weaving that promise into speeches and town hall meetings, saying that "it’s time for reform that is built on transparency, accountability, and mutual responsibility — values fundamental to the new foundation we seek to build for our economy." On April 23, 2009, he told credit card company executives that he was supporting the consumer credit card bill of rights already inching its way through Congress.
The bill passed and Obama signed it on May 22, 2009, despite worries from the banking industry that it would reduce credit availability during the economic crisis. In large part, the law fulfills Obama's campaign pledge: It prevents creditors from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers, it prohibits most rate increases meant to penalize consumers for late payments on unrelated accounts, and it requires companies to post credit agreements on the Internet, among other things.
The bill falls short when it comes to a prohibition of interest on the fees card companies charge consumers if they go over their credit limit or fail to pay their bills on time. But this omission is not considered significant by consumer advocates. They say the measure goes a long way in reforming the credit industry. For example, most people pay more than their minimum payment every month. That extra cash will now go toward paying down card balances associated with the line of credit, said Lauren Saunders who works for the National Consumer Law Center.
Another example: The new law prevents companies from raising interest rates on existing balances unless the bill goes unpaid for more than 60 days.
Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women
"This advisor will ensure that his agenda is coordinated across federal agencies and fully addresses prevention, programs, and the legal aspects of gender based violence."
President Barack Obama named Lynn Rosenthal to be his adviser on violence against women.
Vice President Joe Biden announced the pick on June 26, 2009. As a U.S. senator, Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act of 1994.
Rosenthal most recently served as the executive director of the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She was also the executive director from 2000 to 2006 of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
The White House said Rosenthal's duties would include advising the president and vice president on domestic violence and sexual assault issues; serving as a liaison to groups representing victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; coordinating with the Justice Department's Office of Violence Against Women on implementation of Violence Against Women Act programs; coordinating with the Department of Health and Human Services on implementation of Family Violence Prevention Act services such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline; coordinating with the State Department and USAID on global domestic violence initiatives; and driving the development of new initiatives and policy aimed at combating domestic violence and sexual assault.
There are MANY MANY MANY more here:
While I am sure that some of the promises were kept in a way that may not be 'agreeable' to everyone, the point is, they were kept. I am sure that some of you more politically savvy people will pick these apart like a buzzard does its prey but lest I REMIND YOU he inherited (as does every President) these issues. He will not be able to fix them all in their totality. I know it. You know it. So lets not act like all of the sudden he is Jesus Christ himself. No one over here said that. That's ya'll saying that when things go bad or not his way. smh.
Oh and congratulations Mr. President on the Peace Prize. What? Ya'll don't like that either? Cool. Just curious though, WHO DID YOU HAVE WINNING IT? How about winning it last year? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WITHOUT GOOGLING IT WHO WON LAST YEAR? Yeah...that's what the hell I thought...
Back to the asse....I mean the music and..Oh hell, you KNOW WHAT I MEAN. As you were..
Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week - @Cleveland_Diva
Twitter Person of the Week- DJ BRAN
This young man right here HAS SOME SERIOUS SKILLS. Anytime your Pops is the DJ at a popular roller skating rink, you know YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO GOOD MUSIC and the art of DJing. DJ BRAN is no exception. Here is a lil excerpt from his bio at DJBRAN.COM
"Throughout high school, Bran was DJ’in his own homecoming and Prom dances. While still at the skating rink, His dad brought Artist and Local radio personalities to hype up the sessions. Bran was then discovered by Pooch man of “The Hot Boys” on Power 99 in 2003 and was invited to be a guest DJ their night show. In 2004 his father told him about a mix contest at 92q, a popular hip hop radio station in Baltimore Maryland. The long drive was worth it to Baltimore and Bran was picked to be interviewed live on the air. Building a name during high school from being interviewed on local radio, He started to DJ the local teen parties in Delaware. Doing many events graduated him to doing clubs, and Bran wasn’t even 21 or old enough to get in. At age 17 he was the youngest in the club and you would have never thought it was a kid on the turntables pleasing crowds of age 21+."
So as you can see, once again, this is a person that is DEFINITELY on the rise. He is also the DJ for OT Records and has a HEAVY HAND (read between the lines people) in the mixtapes that are coming out of that camp. All of his mixtapes feature seamless transitions and 'very minimal talking and yelling'. Which I love.
Follow him on Twitter to find out when and where he will be in your area. Peep his YouTube channel for more of his work and of course his MySpace for his music.
"Throughout high school, Bran was DJ’in his own homecoming and Prom dances. While still at the skating rink, His dad brought Artist and Local radio personalities to hype up the sessions. Bran was then discovered by Pooch man of “The Hot Boys” on Power 99 in 2003 and was invited to be a guest DJ their night show. In 2004 his father told him about a mix contest at 92q, a popular hip hop radio station in Baltimore Maryland. The long drive was worth it to Baltimore and Bran was picked to be interviewed live on the air. Building a name during high school from being interviewed on local radio, He started to DJ the local teen parties in Delaware. Doing many events graduated him to doing clubs, and Bran wasn’t even 21 or old enough to get in. At age 17 he was the youngest in the club and you would have never thought it was a kid on the turntables pleasing crowds of age 21+."
So as you can see, once again, this is a person that is DEFINITELY on the rise. He is also the DJ for OT Records and has a HEAVY HAND (read between the lines people) in the mixtapes that are coming out of that camp. All of his mixtapes feature seamless transitions and 'very minimal talking and yelling'. Which I love.
Follow him on Twitter to find out when and where he will be in your area. Peep his YouTube channel for more of his work and of course his MySpace for his music.
Just a lil J. Cole for those of you who only know..
..the joint with Hov and that is it. I know..I know...he is 'better' than Drake. Right up until everyone starts liking him and then you guys will abandon him TOO! lol
There is another post on him in the blog with the mixtape link...
There is another post on him in the blog with the mixtape link...
Kim Kardashian South African FHM Shoot
Okay so now that she is 'back' with the young boy, looks like she is also back on her grind. Good for her.
Outta curiosity, I wonder why they chose to feature her THERE (South Africa)and not here (United States)? Hmmmmmm....
UPDATE: Looks like someone made a 'doll' in her likeness...
More pics here...
Outta curiosity, I wonder why they chose to feature her THERE (South Africa)and not here (United States)? Hmmmmmm....
UPDATE: Looks like someone made a 'doll' in her likeness...
More pics here...
The grass is usually greener on the other side..
but it still needs to be cut.
Do with that as you will. I just felt moved to share it. Laugh it. Analyze it. Think about it. Put your own spin on it. Whatever you want to do. My Uncle reminded me of this saying the other day on his FB status. Which makes sense 'cause his brother (My Dad taught me this early on.) So I figured it was bought my way for a reason. So I thought I would share it.
As you were...@ looking at the gals, toys, and all the other stuff here.
Do with that as you will. I just felt moved to share it. Laugh it. Analyze it. Think about it. Put your own spin on it. Whatever you want to do. My Uncle reminded me of this saying the other day on his FB status. Which makes sense 'cause his brother (My Dad taught me this early on.) So I figured it was bought my way for a reason. So I thought I would share it.
As you were...@ looking at the gals, toys, and all the other stuff here.
Nokia N900
Oh wow...This thing seems nice. It is touted to being able to bring you the FULL FLASH support. In English, you can use it like you would the regular Internet on your computer. Videos and such. Just watch..
It is a 'tablet' so I am not quite sure if it is a phone. (It probably has some capabilities to use it as a phone or use it with Skype or something though...)
Read the review on it here:
It is a 'tablet' so I am not quite sure if it is a phone. (It probably has some capabilities to use it as a phone or use it with Skype or something though...)
Read the review on it here:
This is WHY they should have not put their relationship..
...on the air.
Tahiry and Joe.
I feel bad too but now they gotta have it aired over the airwaves. I thought it was bad when people get wind of Facebook statuses/arguing messageboards/or have the same friends online and offline. This situation here is just...I don't even know what to say.
Oh wait, I know ya'll think it is fake. Carry on...As you were...
Tahiry and Joe.
I feel bad too but now they gotta have it aired over the airwaves. I thought it was bad when people get wind of Facebook statuses/arguing messageboards/or have the same friends online and offline. This situation here is just...I don't even know what to say.
Oh wait, I know ya'll think it is fake. Carry on...As you were...
(Pictures) @RosaAcosta in DimepieceMagazine/Lavish Lane...
October 07, 2009Dimepiece Magazine, Gloria Velez, Pictures, Rosa Acosta, Twitter, Ware's Faves
1 comment
Does this gal TAKE BAD PICS?
Blogger's update: These STILL might be my favorite pictures of Rosa Acosta... (2/9/12) This first picture was my screen saver FOR A GOOD YEAR...
I will let her speak on the pics...
From her Twitter account:
"in the first pic my @ss looks like a happy face and the 3rd pic i like the way my tatas hang"
Go HERE to see what she is talking about in the third pic...
Lavish photos:
I am going to leave a pic out so that you can go THERE and check it out. Trust me. You wanna go...
A bonus picture:Rosa Acosta and Gloria Velez
Blogger's update: These STILL might be my favorite pictures of Rosa Acosta... (2/9/12) This first picture was my screen saver FOR A GOOD YEAR...
I will let her speak on the pics...
From her Twitter account:
"in the first pic my @ss looks like a happy face and the 3rd pic i like the way my tatas hang"
Go HERE to see what she is talking about in the third pic...
Lavish photos:
I am going to leave a pic out so that you can go THERE and check it out. Trust me. You wanna go...
A bonus picture:Rosa Acosta and Gloria Velez