A piece of a note that I have on Facebook and some other places: Claiming to 'know' folks you haven't seen in 'years'

I think it is time to remind everyone here about a couple of things. I too, love to see what people are up to, how they 'turned' out and all of that nice stuff. What I do not appreciate is the over abundance (that is more than one for the slow people!) of people who are using these little social networks for the 'petty shit'. Yeah, yeah, yeah you knew me when we were eight. I remember you too. Back when we both thought we were cool. Neither one of were though. Yeah, you MIGHT HAVE EVEN GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL WITH ME. But you don't 'know me'. For most of the people that I have gotten 'reaquainted with' online, it has been upwards of FIFTEEN years or longer since we have last seen each other. Think about that. FIFTEEN YEARS. Some of you I have not seen since high school. Middle school (That would make 20 years ago). Do you know how much SHIT TRANSPIRES over a a time period that long? Especially when the last time we saw each other, neither of us were 'full grown'. @ college/high school. No matter what we thought. Cats done got married, divorced and remarried. Lost kids. Lost and had jobs. Had it all and fell from grace AND BOUNCED BACK AGAIN. That and a whole HOST OF LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCES that override any lil 'dorm/apartment antics'/high school stories of whatever/etc that you could 'reminisce' on. Just like I have NO CLUE who you are or what you turned out to be, you don't know about me either. Shits done changed- Biggie.

People change. Their circumstances dictate that they have to. Some people have gotten smarter. Been through some situations. Some good. Some bad. All of it, however happened. Whether you were there to 'witness it' or whether you 'believe it' or not. Not that your perception of who I (or anyone else) was correct any damm way. That was evident by who you fucked with to begin with. Which is probably why I stopped fucking WITH YOU and lost touch. Ever think of that? Probably not. Anyway, dear old lost 'friend', if we had not been in touch for a decade and some change, it is a pretty safe bet that is because I wanted it that way. Sure, it has been nice to see you got married and all of that. See that you may or may not have fulfilled your dreams, etc, etc. However, all that running up on people telling them 'I KNOW THAT DUDE AND EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM' stuff is a fallacy. You know a 'piece of my background'. (And not even all of that. If you know me like you say YOU REALLY KNOW THE REASON WHY MY SCREEN NAME IS WHAT IT IS. I don't have to tell you or explain shit.) There is a certain decorum that goes along with being someone's 'friend' on the Internet when you may 'know of them' offline. I see cats don't know that. I don't have time to teach it. If and when I want someone to know that I know you, I will let it be known and they can 'figure it out'. You won't see me 'volunteering' info on you either. Whatever that person that we 'mutually' know, knows about you is WHAT THEY WILL KNOW. At least on my end. If you can't do that on your end, hit that 'unfriend' button fam. Please. 'Cause I will if I find out that is not the case. The solution is simple. No tough talk. Nothing crazy. I will just delete you and K.I.M. (Keep It Moving) If what I am saying makes you want to 'unfriend' me on here, PLEASE DO. Save me the trouble. For real.

I also see I don't talk to some of ya'll on here. I know some of you don't get on that much. I can dig it. I am NOT TALKING TO YOU. You don't use it so...lol Some of you do though. You got one more time for me to 'say something' and I get no response. The 'unfriend' button will be used. No discussion. No, "Hey fam.." Just gone. I hate feeling like I am bothering someone which is why I don't call people now. Damm if I am gonna do it on the Net too. Especially when I have tons of people to speak to. So yeah, if I delete you, that is probably why. Some of you have upwards of 300 friends anyway so don't act like you will miss me..lol Unless you are just being nosy and if that is the case all the better reason to just end the facade.

This goes for EVERYWHERE. FB. Twitter. Whatever. That is why it is in the blog. Some of you read it so I KNOW YOU WILL GET THE MEMO out to others. lol 

P.S. If you 'knew' me, you would know that I have always been into computers and have been online since AOL CHATS. Which means I am NOT NEW TO CHATTING ON LINE. Which also means, it is no big deal for me to type something like this out. So don't worry about whether I am 'too vested' in it. I am not. It took all of 3 minutes to complete. I am somewhere else right now doing something else fun. No worries from you, aight? You would know that I didn't just jump on here 'cause of Oprah. Or get on here 'cause my friends told me. I probably was already on it LONG BEFORE THE BUZZ. 'Cause I like computers. Always did. That's if you 'knew me' like that. Does that make me special? Naw. It does however give you some more info. That's all.

Now I know you are sitting there like "Wow. That is was deep. Did it really have to go 'there though'? " It did. I am sure if you been on the Internet long enough, you have encountered this too. If you have not, BE THANKFUL. It is a shame that I even have to address this. We are grown. Well, some of us are. Here we go again with the unnecessary things. I see that I am going to have to go back into seclusion. Again. I love people. I just don't like how they act sometimes. Shit.


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