Game 1 Finals, The Roots Picnic,etc, etc...

Well, that was easy. I don't expect the games to be blow outs like that Game 1 was. I do believe a couple of things will happen. Stan Van Gundy will probably see that pulling Rafer out is a mistake so early. I know that Jameer is back (and looked good actually) but the threat that Alston was posing by straight showing Fisher's age on some drives was too good to pass up in my opinion. I mean, he was going RIGHT BY FISH at times. He keeps doing that, then there will be even more open shots. I don't expect the Magic to stay cold either so that should make some type of difference. The Lakers players cannot get complacent and watch Kobe do Kobe either. That was a hellafied game by the young man but they can't count on that every game. They have to all improve on what was a pretty good performance. Look for Dee White (Dwight) Howard to get more touches in game 2, for better spacing and better effort from the Magic in the second game. Not sure if that will equate to a win but it should make for a better game. They got embarrassed that first game. For sure.

Saturday is the 2nd Annual Roots Picnic. I will be in attendance. It sounds like the weather will break JUST IN TIME for us to have a good time. Hopefully, I can get some good pictures. For more info go here..

I may even 'Twitpic' a photo of what I might have on that day and if you see me out and about, YOU WILL KNOW it is me and you can speak. Unfortunately, my 'smartphone' isn't that SMART so I can't do it from my phone. But I may do it from the house before I leave. We will see.

Before I go take these with you. I try my best to live by them.

"Sometimes, you have to give your ears the same chances that you give your mouth."

"Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part..."

These are things that have helped me through many a tough time. Hopefully, they can be of some use to you.


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