I mean, it was 'funny' when I watched it as a kid. I caught it last night, unedited. As you probably have realized by now (those of you who know a little bit), I am a big fan of the State of Florida and its landscape and a bigger fan of Central and South Florida. I thought that film was made in Miami and after a little research, I was correct. I also thought the 'howling girl' who the coach took upstairs looked REALLY FAMILIAR. Who knew that the cheerleader coach who had 'Sex' upstairs would end up 'in the' role of a woman who has said activity in a 'city'(See what I did there? I know, you like that..lol) Kim Cattrall*. I also didn't know at all that the movie, while under 20th Century Fox's umbrella was actually technically a Canadian film. Interesting...Anyway, here are some scenes from the movie. It was a WHOLE lot funnier than I remember.
Yes, THIS KIM CATTRALL...Early pictures and pictures from the movie.
*Hint- These 'clips' might just allow you to see the whole movie if you double click on the videos. I will warn you though about the person's name who uploaded them. His name is a little 'offensive' to some. Not to me 'cause I don't give two shits. I know plenty of 'rednecks' so I won't let that bother me. Some of you might take offense though. Just warning you. Then again, if you know anything about the movie, it actually involves an underlying plot of racism against Jews and the Jew won out. Oh the irony..Anyhow, enjoy the clips.
Let me be clear. I need you to SUPPORT the artist whose music you see/hear in the music player here. Some of them are my FRIENDS!! I want them to make money. So while I may put up a link here or there that they didn't 'endorse', it is only out of the love for their music and the fact that I want you to SUPPORT THEM. So please do. Seek out their music. Some of them are VASTLY UNDERRATED and your FAVORITE MUSICIAN loves them. So it isn't 'talent'. It is exposure. Which is all I am trying to give them here..
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