Cookout Etiquette..(As told by Humanity Critic)

This is so good I might even post this on my wall.....I will give you a piece of it and then you can go to his blog and read the rest...I am sure you know someone who FITS THESE DESCRIPTIONS.

Bring a friend, not a fucking entourage: What was weird about my old man was that for as much of a hard ass he was, he'd routinely let his friends get away with triple homicides in his presence. I can understand being invited to a cookout and bringing a person or two, but it always seemed like these uncouth knuckle-draggers rented a church van, crammed it to the hilt with as many like-minded people with an an agenda of greed that they could find, and headed straight to our place to happily eat us out of house and home. I attended a friend's cookout recently where someone had no problem violating the aforementioned hell-worthy trespass, with reckless abandon I may add. So I took it upon myself to put those crumb-snatchers to work, making them go on beer runs and such, then helping clean up afterwords. They were going to earn their meal that day. Again, bringing a person or two is fine - but any more than that is unacceptable. At


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