Lakers lose four in a row....Oh no they will NEVER win the chip now...Just doing 'em like the Heat are done

I am not serious about that headline...It is a four game losing streak. I think they will be aight. Lets get into why if someone was SERIOUS about they would be legit in doing so using the logic folks are using because of the 'standard' that the Heat set when they came together. Because by the 'logic' used with that line of thinking....

''But..but...the Heat said they would win 6-7 championships so we hold them to a different standard...."- I have heard this from SEVERAL FOLKS.

(Chuckles) That's real cute. Did they hand out a pamphlet that told you all to say that in unison? I have heard that almost to a man (woman) but you are leaving out ONE LITTLE SMALL DETAIL.

(Whispers) They don't give out chips for the 'best record' nor do you win a chip with 'a regular season game'. So that logic is SUPER FLAWED. If that were the case, Lebron would have one already 'cause he has played on a team that led the league in REGULAR season wins with 66. I know I don't have to remind you of what happened with that team. Lets just say they didn't win the chip......

The contradiction by Phil....

"Its too early in the is a long season...we have a long way to go..."- The Zen Master after the loss to Houston .

Ooh yeah girl (Phil) run that game..-Em

 Not what you were singing when you got asked about the Heat. Although you did give them a lil bit of a timeline.

I think that people like my friend Curt (and I along with PLENTY OF OTHERS on Twitter/Facebook) asked the questions about the Lakers not because the SPORTSCENTERS and the NBATV were negligent to the fact they loss four in a row. Oh no. They saw it and reported it.  It is SOME OF the fans who are conveniently ignoring it. Acting nonchalant about it while at the SAME TIME criticizing the Heat read it...these same fans that flood your Facebook timeline with the:

'The Heat will never win anything 'cause they lost two straight.... three straight..."

"Look, they don't play as a team sometimes..."

"Can't turn it on and off when you want to..."

"Such and such dominates the ball and you see what happens...Coulda stayed in to see that..It is a team sport.."

"They lost to (insert sorry team here) told you they suck."

"Even though they won, they didn't blow them out so they still must SUCK.."

"Oh they lost to MEMPHIS? How do you let Memphis beat you? Super team lost again...."

All things that the CHAMPS have done. It would be different if most of you did what quite frankly I do when it comes to the Steelers (Still talk win or lose..hell I am more critical of them than YOU ARE. You just harp on bullshit...Like quarterbacks getting hit in wins...). But you don't. You disappear. Even if I don't WATCH THE LAKERS GAME, I know when ya'll lost. How? CAUSE I DON'T HEAR FROM YOU. Your feed goes silent. lol So that is why the questions are being asked this morning (or hell when you lost two in a row).

(This next paragraph you could EASILY substitute the word Lakers for Celtics and it would apply too but we are talking about Lakers fans today so....Feel free to do so though..@ sub)

Not because it is a 'big deal' because in reality, a four game losing streak won't stop the Lakers from making the tourney. Not because the news isn't covering it either. It is because the majority of you aren't being consistent in your criticisms. That is why. It is just that simple. I give them ALL THE CREDIT IN THE WORLD when they are clicking. I don't hate the Lakers at all. But if they are stinking up the joint, losing to inferior competition and the like, injuries or NOT, I am gonna say something 'cause well....that is the criticisms the Lakers fans give to everyone else. Laker fans don't want to hear that Mike Miller shit. Udonis Haslem shit. So I consequently, don't wanna hear about Bynum or any other Laker injury 'cause the injury thing isn't a good excuse for anyone else. Lakers fans don't care if OJ Mayo didn't even START THE GAME against them. So I don't wanna hear about 80% Kobe. He is out there. OJ got out there eventually. Who won the game? I think there lies the issues. I can't do that? @ look at things like that. Why the fuck can't I? Lakers fans are doing it......Besides, I am doing it in jest.

The Heat are gonna make THE TOURNEY too. It is early. FOR EVERYONE. Hell, Boston lost to CLEVELAND (Who Miami might lose to TONIGHT FOR ALL WE KNOW..). Miami BLEW OUT ORLANDO. They have all take early tumbles. And lets not act like for one all the teams that are 'really supposed to be getting the attention instead of the star studded Heat' haven't slipped up. That's why you don't hear most of the coaches saying a damm thing about the Heat. They can't. They have their own troubles to worry about. This is when I wish Pat Riley would speak up for Spo....'Cause I damm sure would be playing reverse Zen Master with Phil right now with them losing 4 in a row. On some 'Jerry might not let Jeanie see Phil anymore if he doesn't get it together over there....You know..for shits and giggles. Nothing serious. Just a lil light jab back at him. Spo won't do it so that is why I say Riles should.

See I knew that Jeff Van Gundy's wild ass statement would take a life of its own. @ shattering the Bull's record. IT WAS HE WHO SAID THAT and everyone has 'decided' that the Heat players did by lumping that statement in with the 6-7 chips. Or them even saying that it was the goal. Like Kobe is sitting around and saying.."Yeah, I am just gonna play to play this season and see what happens....." FOH. That nigga wants to win and has said as much. Just like ANYONE ELSE IN THE LEAGUE. It is super funny to see SEVERAL OF THE COCKIEST PEOPLE I KNOW act appalled and shocked when someone else shows confidence in themselves. lol Too funny. Fuck was Lebron and them supposed to say? "Oh we just want to go to the beach together more during the season so we decided to play together for six years or so to see what it would be like.."?

Oh and lets not forget the BEST BIG MAN IN THE WORLD TODAY is playing with Bean and a dude who would not only START but STAR on anyone else's team in Lamar Odom plays there too. With the bully. @ Artest. Lets not put this all on Bean or act like Bean is alone. Neither is the case. Lets also keep that in mind when they win too please..'cause you guys like to forget then too. @ it is all Kobe all the time...

I would hope not. So yeah Lakers fans, you gotta hear some 'questions' from some people. It is only right 'cause you pose the same questions about everyone else in the L when you are clicking and they aren't....

You mad?? Don't be. It will probably pass...if you win the chip. But according to your logic, if you don't win EVERY GAME, you can't do that. Funny, I have never heard of a team going undefeated in a season. I'd stop dissecting each Heat game and start dissecting your own team's games..Or at least dissect them with the same aplomb you do every shoulder bump and heated discussion 'cause you look like a hypocrite. Last I checked, your team was going for a three peat and HASN'T BEEN SHY ABOUT SAYING SO. Quit acting like the 'victim' Shits played. @ that 'no one talked about us at the beginning of the season.


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